Your research provides important implications regarding the apprehension of suspected thieves. The action of detaining customers until police arrive exposes companies to potential lawsuits if probable cause does not exist or ceases to exist. Therefore, one must ask, are the benefits of detaining suspected thieves worth the risk of litigation? Tonglet’s (2002) research provides answers to this question through a survey of shoplifting behavior. Indeed, the research finds that perceptions of low risks of apprehension increases shoplifting behavior. For example, only 15 percent of respondents, who were recent shoplifters, believed there was a significant chance of getting caught shoplifting. The research shows that the economic benefits for shoplifting
Shoplifters use a variety of techniques, such as boosters, blockers, sweepers, walkers, diverters, and wearers.
There is an ethical side to this story because there may be the possibility that the store associate or customer had lied and said that they stole something when they really had not. Sometimes if there is a conflict between two people one person might say something bad in order to get the other person into serious trouble. In a case like this then there would be some serious issues that come into play. The person that is accusing the wrongdoer would get into trouble for false accusations. Then again they may also be correct and that person may be guilty of stealing items in the store. It is helpful when there are cameras involved that can be reviewed so that there is more evidence to suggest whether or not a crime had been committed. It just goes to show that no matter what the situation is the police always need to look at both sides of the situation.
Scarce research is available on active offenders due to their unwillingness to corporate with researchers and past and convicted offenders may have changed their perspectives after being convicted or left their lifestyle of crime. The most reliable data on these offenses and their perpetrators may come from active burglars themselves. Richard T. Wright and Scott Decker’s book, Burglars on the Job seeks to explain the reasons why burglars commit the crimes they do. They have taken their research to another level by gaining the trust of active offenders in the St. Louis area and gaining inside knowledge of these criminals’ daily lives and their crimes. This paper will address
Shoplifting is a major problem in today’s world. I myself was recently caught shoplifting and now I have to face the consequences for the bad mistake I made. The temptation of not paying for something is very big factor in why people steal. The shoplifter thinks he is getting a product for free and doesn't know what he's really doing to himself and the community. Shoplifting affects yourself, your local neighborhood and the world population.
Shoplifting today, is becoming a growing problem in the U.S. and in our community. It has become one of the overall most widespread crimes in the U.S. Shoplifters, while in the act, don’t always realize the effect it has on our economy and daily lives.
”Art isn't only a painting. Art is anything that's creative, passionate, and personal. And great art resonates with the viewer, not only with the creator.” (Seth Godin, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?) In this world, people tend to put authors and artists on two different sides of the overall spectrum, but in reality they are a lot more similar than the world may think, and two people that help to prove this are author Gary Paulsen and artist Vincent van Gogh. Gary Paulsen, a seventy-eight year old American artist has created and published over two-hundred pieces all ranging from different genres. Some of his more popular pieces include the realistic fiction story Hatchet and his famous biography Woodsong. The majority of his stories draw direct inspiration from his life and feature a ton of literary elements. Vincent van Gogh, a eightieth century painter and artist grew in fame after his death and is now one of the most famous artists in the world. With over nine-hundred paintings and a thousand plus drawings, some of his most famous works include The Starry Night, The Potato Eaters, and Bedroom in Arles. Van Gogh's works feature different things in his life, such his bedroom or his visit to France, he also feature many different art techniques. Though both of these people's work may show very different stories, the way the two created them is very similar. Some examples of how both authors and artists are similar is that they both utilize elements of their crafts, they
The rational choice theory gives insight in to why otherwise law abiding citizens would commit crime. Most burglars do not burglarize because they want something specific from the victim's property nor are they saving the cash proceeds for a long-term goal. They burglarize because they need the money right now to pay off bills, buy food and clothes for their family or to purchase alcohol and illegal drugs. Most burglars would turn to making an honest living, but, even that does not meet their immediate desires for cash. Nor would the earned wages support their lifestyles. (Wright & Decker, 1994).
Shoplifting is a major problem in today. The temptation of not paying for something, just hiding it away and saving your own money is a large factor for some people. The culprit just thinks he's getting a product for free and doesn't know what he's actually doing to himself and the community. Shoplifting effects everyone, yourself and the everyone in the local neighborhood.In this essay I'm going to explain some of the circumstances of stealing from local stores, or any store. After I've been caught stealing I found out how wrong it is and how it is a disadvantage to everyone.
When someone decides to steal, they are causing the police to take time out of their day to deal with minor issues. While this happens, there are other important issues occurring where people’s lives could be at risk and police resources are needed. Shoplifters need to think about how they are affecting their community’s safety, not just theirs. Petty crimes like larceny are a burden on police and it is a citizen’s moral duty to understand who they are hurting when they steal. Along with the police being misused, court systems are also using their time and effort for petty things. Millions of people volunteer or are paid to bring justice to those who break the law. Although stealing is extremely wrong and it is an important issue to be addressed, a court’s time and effort would be better spent on dealing with bigger issues. Once again, when someone shoplifts they don’t understand who they are hurting and the burden they are placing on a community. These issues need to be more focused on, and the harms they cause people and the community need to be highlighted.
When a city does not have the resources to deal with a large volume of crime, the justice system can seem like a revolving door for the criminals. If the smaller criminals have to be overlooked because the system is swamped with major crimes, then the threat of jail time for shoplifting looses its power. Time after time we see both Fred do little jail time for his crimes. The first time me meet Fred, he’s accidentally been released from jail after only doing 60 days of a one year sentence. He’s been out of jail for one day and he’s already back to shoplifting. Four months later Fred is arrested for Grand Larceny and Vehicular Homicide. He uses an alias along with a phony I.D. to hide his extensive criminal record and ends up out of jail in just three weeks after plea-bargaining down to minor charges as a “first offender”. Fred was responsible for the death of someone and because of an overwhelmed justice system he is set free. After you get away with something like this how much of a deterrent is the law when it comes to shoplifting? Not much to Fred because just three months later he’s arrested for stealing silverware and end up in jail for six months. Of course each time we see the thieves’ stealing they are always with a friend, an accomplice, someone who thinks and acts the same way they do.
This brought up a lot of “Whaaa... wha... WHY?!?!”s from me. Officer Goodyear explained the criminal and civil tradeoff that business take into consideration when it comes to shoplifting. Yes, you can press criminal charges on them, but first you need to stop them and that's the problem. Normally you need to use physical force to do so, and if you do, you are not only breaking the law by touching and/or hurting them, but they can sue the business as well. That's the trade off they see; let them go, have the cops handle the arrest, and loose under $1000 instead of a $10,000 lawsuit over tackling them on the way out. I can see the benefits of the civil side of law enabling people to claim money over damages that may not inherently be labeled under criminal law, but not as middle finger of a receipt on the way out of the store. I see law as, If you are willing to no longer follow it you are also willing to give up your rights (the degree of which dependent on the situation). If you want to stray from the trail, don’t accuse the guide of your
Beware, for this ride goes at such a fast and superior speed and is only for people with the thrill for fun!!! You will begin at the starting line, which is the tip of the tongue. The tongue will toss you to the back of your mouth, which will lead you down to your esophagus. You will be tipped over and feel a sudden jolt of speed because you will be traveling through the esophagus and into your your stomach. We will be tossed and turned and slime will cover your entire body, for you are being chemically destroyed. Just kidding you will not be destroyed ‘cause then I wouldn't get paid. Last but not least you will take a nice as relaxing bumpy ride through the small and large intestines
To enable the soil to grow good crops the upper layer must be pulverized and weathered.
If my parents had been laid off at work and I had the opportunity to steal a loaf of bread at the bakery, I would not steal the loaf of bread for my famished family. Taken into consideration, these are the three factors that have influenced my decision on why I would not steal the bread. They are also reasons why larceny is unacceptable and why it should be restrained. First off, there is an abounding number of solutions that can be implemented, in order to exterminate the vigorous temptations/needs of stealing. Secondly, the aftermath of larceny has a devastatingly negative fallout on those around you. Furthermore, the results of larceny tend to result in various long term negative effects. Therefore these fundamental reasons are why
From the sinister acts of killing the innocent, to betraying loved ones and best friends, who is to blame for all the constant chaos caused by these despicable acts? The story of Macbeth is about a man whos naive faith in prophecies leads him to selfishness. Not only this, but due to this trait of his, it causes mass destruction and deaths of many. Although there is many people to point fingers to, who is most responsible for determining the course of events throughout Macbeth? Even though Macbeth was the killer, did he alone create his own destiny? While Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were a factor of Macbeth’s downfall, the We’ird sisters take most of the responsibility for the murders.