
Shopping Mall , the Study of Space Syntax

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The Mall
A shopping centre, shopping mall, or shopping plaza, is the modern adaptation of the historical marketplace. The mall is a collection of independent retail stores, services, and a parking area, which is conceived, constructed, and maintained by a separate management firm as a unit. They may also contain restaurants, banks, theatres, professional offices, service stations etc.
A shopping mall, shopping centre or shopping precinct is one or more buildings forming a complex of shops representing merchandisers, with interconnecting walkways enabling visitors to easily walk from unit to unit, along with a parking area – a modern, indoor version of the traditional market place.

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Secondly, because design training is mostly performed through making and testing design ideas base on a mental process which is a sort of simulation.
The Space Syntax Theory studies how spatial configurations embody social or cultural meanings and how a spatial configuration itself is able to generate or inhibit social interactions in built environments. Its basic concepts can be introduced to novel students as a 'raw material ' for design ideation, as 'ideas to think with ', imaging spaces and understanding how they will really work from the point view of social interactions. Space Syntax is as useful during the design process as for a post evaluation of built spaces (Hillier, 2005) and it has the ability to make the deployment of intuition during the design process more rational and therefore more discursive (Hillier and Hanson, 1997).

The spatial analysis graphic tools used by space syntax are a combination of meaningful drawings including the convex breakup, axial lines the isovist and the justified graph, that are able to embody key ideas about space itself and how people use it.
Space syntax place the space itself and its social logic at the centre of the design process, consequently the introduction of this knowledge in design implies a re-thinking of

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