Stories cold penetrates his anxiety. When reading the beginning of the story we don’t know what to expect; murder, accident, unpleasant massages. We look forward to calculate risk and return of the shares. When nothing happens, which would spoil the initial order, and the hero returns to the starting point, we are better prepared for the next meeting of dullness and mediocrity, which is still fighting for it, is turning. But it soon just the end of the story, and the last word of the lid firmly on the floor that no longer
Dorothy Allison's “I'm Working on My Charm” is a story of a young sixteen-year-old girl who works as a waitress with her mother. As a young daughter coming to the same field as the mother, the mother becomes a role model here and supports and helps her daughter on becoming a good waitress. She makes sure the environment her daughter is working on is good and that she is aware of the Yankees. Yankees doesn't see waitresses on the same level as they are. So, the mother is worried how her daughter will deal with Yankees and makes sure she knows how to handle different situations. The daughter is taught to use her charm to influence people. Also, Mabel, her mother's friend, teaches her how to bet on tips from customer. This story illustrates how an older person can be a guide for younger ones to be successful and accepted in the society.
The stories “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket”, “The Leap”, and “The Trip” all explore aspects that are drastic for the characters and are thrilling to the audience to read. Common elements can be found in each story. Even though each story is similar, each story has a unique way of hooking the reader that stays true to the theme and plot.
he hesitation or decision-making issue within characters’ mind is regarded as an suspense. In “Just Lather, That’s All ”, the barber struggled in whether or not to kill the enemy who now infront of him. In the end, the barber did not want blood on his hand. Meanwhile, in “The sniper”, two snipers who were from different sides fought against each other in a war. While examining the corpse, the sniper discovered that the enemy was his brother. Also “The Black Cat” narrates the process of the protagonist from normal to committing a crime step-by-step. Internal conflict moves the story’s plot, thought the short stories “Just Lather, That's All”, “The Sniper” and “The Black Cat” respectively.
Have you ever thought that three completely different stories might have something in common? It might seem unlikely, but now you can change what you previously thought! The short stories Contents of a Dead Man’s Pockets by Jack Finney, The Leap by Louise Erdrich, and The Trip by Laila Lalami, all have their similarities and differences on several aspects. This can be demonstrated through the topics of setting, conflict, characters, and theme. These topics help make up the plot of each story. No story is the same, but they can have similar messages or themes meant for the audience. Some can argue that these three short stories are completely different, but other individuals differ. These main elements from each story can be both, depending on one’s point of view.
All stories have that sense of anticipation, or worry that readers feel, the thing that uses them to keep reading. It leaves them wondering what will happen next. This element is suspense. Suspense is a literary device that keeps readers interested in the story. It is a series of event that build up the rising action. In the short story, “The Most Dangerous Game”, the author, Richard Connell, uses suspense to enhance the story.
By the end of the journey, it is obvious the narrative is a tragedy. The author has formed this safety blanket,
There are many ways that a reader can be prepared for the ending of a story, “The Lottery” and “A Rose for Emily” are two very grueling short stories with a long suspense and a similar plot. The narrator’s stance in “A Rose for Emily” was first-person observer, which is defined as a single character point of view in which the narrator was is not involved with the story and the narrator’s stance in “The Lottery” was third-person anonymous which is involves a narrator that does not enter any minds. Both stances conceal the endings and both the stories use imagery and foreshadowing to prepare the reader for the
Suspense is a detail that many horror writer use to catch the attention of many readers and keep them holding on till the end. Just as W.F. Harvey does when creating suspense in his story August Heat. Mr. Harvey used three methods to create his suspense for his story, foreshadowing, withholding information, and reversal. With these three methods he is able to make the reader feel like, “ We may even hold our breath without realizing it as we read on eagerly to find out how the story ends”(Source 1).
He defined and set the standard for entertaining short fiction as he believes that a ready should be hooked within the first hour of reading it. The protagonist’s relationship shenanigans captivated my attention within the first few minutes, as the story spoke to me. Growing up from a divorce family, I always thought it was my fault that my parents got a divorce. Kids often blame themselves for the parents’ failed relationship or lack thereof. Like the protagonist and his first wife, Elida, my parents continued to see each other.
How do authors write stories that make you want to read on? This is called suspense. Authors use different kinds of suspense techniques to keep the reader engaged in the story. The short story, “Lather and Nothing Else,” by Hernando Tellez is about a barber who has a hard time deciding whether or not to kill Captain Torres, the rebel executioner. The barber thinks that killing the Captain will make him a murderer, but a hero at the same time. Hernando Tellez creates suspense by foreshadowing, showing the character’s thoughts, and by using descriptive words.
This can be seen in “Bastogne” the main character narrates the story of how his dad lost one of his legs. As readers already know that his dad got his legs amputated, the focus will be on how it happened and not what happened. The narrator illustrates this in the second paragraph as he says, “His feet eventually froze, and in January my father’s left leg was amputated” (page 1004). The narrator later explains into details how his father’s platoon was attacked unexpectedly by the enemies. This event captivates the readers attention has he will not be wondering what will happened at the end, rather will immerse in the event has it
The narrator though an educator, is not very good at verbalizing his emotions. He tends to be the person who keeps everything inside
Haroun discovers how storytelling brings life to society as it creates character and an identity of one another. His father becomes melancholy creating the “Mist of Misery.” Haroun slowly develops a sense of understanding to storytelling as it can change feelings of others and now he feels guilty for doubting his father’s creativity: “think of the happiest times you can remember… A few moments later that malodorous mist tore apart like the shreds of an old shirt… it wasn’t only a story, after all” (Rushdie 50). Here, Haroun realizes how important his thoughts can be as each and every thought can change the weather of the land. Haroun takes an understanding of the world as he sees how much people really need his father’s stories. His realization to his father’s doings gives Haroun a guilt trip as is makes him better understand “that the real world is full of magic, so magical worlds could easily be real.” Haroun then makes his father happy once again and the mist clears almost instantaneously. This starts to make Haroun value the act of storytelling more. Initially, Haroun had no knowledge or understanding of how storytelling can create feelings of his father and others. Over the process of considering his father’s means, he now takes a realization of how his thoughts can change reality as it changes in Moody Land. Overall, when Haroun
Have you ever thought of deep about the characters feelings while solving any conflict in the story and their thoughts? In the story “A defenseless creature” written by Anton Chekhov it has two characters in the story and each of them try to solve their conflict with each other. The two main characters in the story were Madame Schutkin a poor, old lady and Mr. Kistunov working as a cashier in the bank. They both have a problem which they want to solve but only one person will be able to solve the long and tiring problem will the other will have to suffer from the argument. The story that Anton Chekhov decides to write his whole story in a dialogue form.
“I will give you guys two ostrich eggs, my father’s ostrich has started laying eggs”