
Short Story: Bailey's Father

Decent Essays

Tom was at home getting ready for work when he got a phone call from his daughter, Bailey’s school. “Hello, is this Bailey’s dad?” asked the secretary. “Yes,this is.”Tom replied. “Well your daughter fainted in class and she is in the hospital.”said the secretary. As soon as Tom heard the news, he ran to his car and drove to the hospital breaking the speed limit. When Tom reached the hospital, he demanded to know where his daughter was. He kept yelling at the man at the front desk until he calmed down. The man at the front desk told Tom to wait in the waiting room with everybody else. When Tom got to the waiting room, he called his family and everyone he knew about what happened to Bailey. After he called everyone he knew, he got bored and worried so he fidgeted with his fingers and …show more content…

As he watched Bailey have her MRI test, Tom got more and more worried and thought Bailey was going to die. He tried to think positive thoughts so Bailey won’t be more worried than she already is. After the tests, they went to Bailey’s hospital room. Once the time hit 5:00 p.m., all visitors had to leave. Tom tried to stay, but he was forced to leave. The next morning when Tom was on is way to the hospital, his car broke down. Tom called Bailey and told her that he will be late for the rest of her tests because his car broke down. A tow truck took the car to a repair shop to get it fixed. Once the car repair guy named Tyrone, finished analyzing it, he said it will take two hours to repair. Tom cried because he wouldn’t be able to know what is wrong with Bailey and if she will be okay. When Tyrone heard Tom’s story, he felt sad and let Tom borrow one of the cars for sale to get to Bailey. After 30 minutes of speeding through traffic, Tom finally go to the hospital. When he got there, Dr. Rodgers told Tom Bailey didn’t have a tumor. Tom was so glad to hear the news. He hugged Dr.Rodgers and took Bailey

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