Tom was at home getting ready for work when he got a phone call from his daughter, Bailey’s school. “Hello, is this Bailey’s dad?” asked the secretary. “Yes,this is.”Tom replied. “Well your daughter fainted in class and she is in the hospital.”said the secretary. As soon as Tom heard the news, he ran to his car and drove to the hospital breaking the speed limit. When Tom reached the hospital, he demanded to know where his daughter was. He kept yelling at the man at the front desk until he calmed down. The man at the front desk told Tom to wait in the waiting room with everybody else. When Tom got to the waiting room, he called his family and everyone he knew about what happened to Bailey. After he called everyone he knew, he got bored and worried so he fidgeted with his fingers and …show more content…
As he watched Bailey have her MRI test, Tom got more and more worried and thought Bailey was going to die. He tried to think positive thoughts so Bailey won’t be more worried than she already is. After the tests, they went to Bailey’s hospital room. Once the time hit 5:00 p.m., all visitors had to leave. Tom tried to stay, but he was forced to leave. The next morning when Tom was on is way to the hospital, his car broke down. Tom called Bailey and told her that he will be late for the rest of her tests because his car broke down. A tow truck took the car to a repair shop to get it fixed. Once the car repair guy named Tyrone, finished analyzing it, he said it will take two hours to repair. Tom cried because he wouldn’t be able to know what is wrong with Bailey and if she will be okay. When Tyrone heard Tom’s story, he felt sad and let Tom borrow one of the cars for sale to get to Bailey. After 30 minutes of speeding through traffic, Tom finally go to the hospital. When he got there, Dr. Rodgers told Tom Bailey didn’t have a tumor. Tom was so glad to hear the news. He hugged Dr.Rodgers and took Bailey
Ben,Coop, and Lily came over to Sams house, what they called the court four. Then when every one was leaving ben asked sam so they went to shoot some hoops. At first sam didn't want to. But then they went they were shooting sam was running with the ball and didn't see the hole and rolled his ankle. And started to scream. Ben said its
Morrison are supposed to come home on a scheduled time from Vicksburg, but they don’t arrive on that time. Then everyone gets very worried and start panicking as if they could tell something bad was going to happen to the three of them. Then later in the night, the three of them come home, but Papa returns with a broken leg. Mr. Morrison explains that a wagon has rolled over it, but not everyone believes so. Then Cassie manages to talk Stacey out from explaining the whole incident. It started when they were coming home from Vicksburg and the two wheels on the wagon came off, then when Papa wanted to fix the first wheel, someone shot him on the left leg, and the wagon rolled over it, then the three men went to attack Mr. Morrison, but Mr. Morrison vigorously throws one of the three men on the ground, and breaks another man’s arm, injuring them both. Then the third man pulls them onto the truck and leaves. Leaving Papa, Stacey and Mr. Morrison finish fixing the wagon and head home. Now Papa is hurt, the only thing Cassie and her brothers can do are just to wait till next morning, and hope Papa’s leg will recover
The theme that I think the story has presented was the growth of the character Tom. In the first part of this book Tom participated in many pranks and adventures not caring about the consequences that could happen after each prank or adventure. After witnessing a murder with his friend he shows a little bit of growth from the prankster he is. He had done the right thing to testify against Injun Joe. Doing the right thing helped him grow as a person and the reward of becoming more of an adult.” Auntie, I wish I hadn’t done it—but I didn’t think.” Chapter 19, pg.118 When Tom realized he had hurt aunt Polly by not telling her he was still alive. He tells her that he cares about her a lot. Tom had matured enough to take the blame for something he had not done to keep Becky out of trouble. Throughout the story he grew as a
He was standing on the ledge and was frozen, not knowing what to do. He was thinking, thinking about falling. He stood there frightened. His mind was in a whirl, thinking about what he would lose if he fell; his wife, the family that he could have, his life, his friends, his wonderful job, he would lose all of it. Then he thought about falling. Would it be so bad? His adrenaline went up as he thought about this. Tom’s mind went off again thinking about leaving this world, the life he would leave. His mind pushed everything he loved away and just thought about falling, falling, falling. The wind in his face, the weird feeling in his stomach that he loved, and the anticipation of hitting the ground. He
“Tom was not supposed to be killed, he had to be captured, you better hope he doesn't die!” yelled a U.S. police officer. During all the chaos Tom was being lifted into the ambulance, with the paramedics checking for any signs of life. The ambulance takes off speeding to the hospital while blinding onlookers with flashing lights. Tom was rushed to the operating room instantly, the hospital staff worked tirelessly trying to bring him back to life. Unfortunately, the doctor declared that Tom probably died the instant the bullet put an unrepairable hole, the size of a dime, in his heart.
He grabbed the yellow paper and put it in his mouth, holding onto it with his teeth. He got to his window and it was closed, there was no way to open it from the outside. As he struggled to hold on he forgot that he had the sheet in his mouth, he removed it and crushed it into the side of his pocket. Tom had to brainstorm ideas on how he could get in, he realized the only way was to break the window. He tried breaking the window with the palm of his hand, his shoe, and a half dollar. He even tried to signal people with lighting up some paper he had in his pocket and dropping coins, but no one saw him in the dark night. He realized that he had wasted his life on his job, and all the time he has been away from Clare. Clare gave him the strength to keep holding on to the bars and to break the window. He made a fist and yelled “CLARE” as he struck the window. He broke the window and fell on his apartment floor, he got up and left his yellow sheet on his desk with a pencil on top. As he walked out his apartment to catch up with Clare at the movies the yellow sheet slipped out through the window again. Tom laughed and closed the
Tom goes home and tells his wife about the conversation between him and the devil. With her being the type of woman she was she told him to tke the bargain but Tom said no! So Mrs.Walker decided to go and find Old Scratch for herself despite how her husband
Tom was still on the couch, the light from the television illuminating his pale, tear-stained face. He lay on his side, his body pulled into the fetal position with his hands tucked between his thighs and his lackluster eyes staring blankly at the flickering screen. He was the very picture of wretchedness; a lost soul whose life was a litany of physical pain and psychological suffering.
Tom comes by the house one day and sees their old car. Lucynell sees the man and wants him to fix things around the house and marry her daughter. They both use each
Tom Shiftlet has been eyeing the car that has been broken down in the garage and is willing to do almost anything for the car. Eventually they come up with a deal that if Tom was a handyman around the house he could live there. Mrs. Crater then slowly realized she might be able to convince Tom Shiftlet to marry Lucynell. After Tom Shiftlet got the car car to work Mrs. Crater tells him that if he marries her daughter that he can keep the car. Mrs. Crater tells him if he marries Lucynell that he could have the car.
One hot day, everyone but Janie had gone to a baseball game. A young man named Tea Cake walks in to buy cigarettes and flirts and plays checkers with Janie. Days go by and people starts noticing Tea Cake around more and more. Tea Cake and Janie go to a Sunday picnic and this makes people get to talking of how he’s too young and doesn't what nothing but her money. Life in Eatonville became nothing but drama so Tea Cake takes Janie to Jacksonville to get married.
| Tom wants his old life back prior to the accident and he sees the accident as the end of his life as he knew it. He loses his sense of identity and sense of family in particular.Feels guilty and ashamed about the irrevocable consequences his brother’s irresponsibility had for other people and their familiesRetreats into a depressed state which feels empty and black.
As Brian went back to school, he ran into some trouble. He gets in a fight with another student named Carl. Brian almost beat him to death. Someone called the police and an ambulance to take Carl to the hospital. The policemen took Brian to his house to tell his mother. The policemen recommended that he should go to counseling.
Kneeling on the ledge, Tom is dreaming of going into his warm, cozy apartment. Tom then tries to open his window but he couldn’t. His fingers couldn’t fit under the outer sill to push it open. Also, the upper window panel was frozen tight with dry paint. Tom then folds the yellow paper in his pocket and tries to think of ways to get people on the street attention. With many attempts, Tom didn’t get anyone to notice him on the ledge. He decided to wait on the ledge until Clare came home, but checking his watch she was only gone for eight minutes. Then, Tom started to regret not going to the movies with his wife. He now understands that he didn’t need to stay to work on his project. He realizes that working on the yellow wasn’t worth more than spending quality time with his wife. In the story, the text it says, “He wished, then, that he had not allowed his wife to go off by herself tonight-and on similar nights.” He recognizes that he need balance. Tom then muscles up the courage to break his apartment window. With a balled fist and a loud short screaming Clare, Tom was able to break the window. He went into his apartment and placed the yellow paper on the desk weighing it down with a pencil. He went to get his coat from the closet
When Kristina and Brandon got married they decided to open a CrossFit Prevail Gym in McHenry Illinois. Brandon dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast then headed out the door to get to the gym to coach the 5am WOD class at the gym then head to his job afterward. When Brandon left it was 4:45am Kristina lied back down and fell back to sleep. When the second alarm went off at 6:45am Kristina found a little munchkin in bed with her it was Chase. He had snuck into her room to give her morning cuddles. After morning snuggles both Kristina and Chase got up and went to wake the girls for school. Running in and jumping on his sisters Chase finally awoke them and they all headed down stairs for breakfast. While all three children ate their cereal and watch cartoons. Kristina went up to take a quick shower and dress herself to take the kiddos to school. After finishing their cereal, the three children all went upstairs to get dressed. Madison the oldest dressed herself, made herself a lunch and packed her bag for school. As Madison was finishing packing her bag Makenna came down the stairs to pack her bag. After dressing Chase Kristina came down stairs to help her children. Kristina made Makenna a lunch and packed Chase a snack for preschool. “Get your shoes on” Kristina yelled as she turned off the lights and television. By the time that everyone got out of the house and into the car