
Short Story: Darth Vader Masks

Decent Essays

One Halloween night, three friends and there dog were getting ready to go trick or exploring. You may ask isn’t it trick or treating? Well that’s not the way they do it………. Alexis, Luigi and Obi-wan Kenobi were at River Bluff Alexis’s house. “So where are we going this year boys” She asked curiously. Let’s go to don’t go down there you’ll die street” said Leo Alexis’s dog. Luigi Stayed quiet the whole time, everyone looked and him and wondered what he was thinking. Everyone got they’re costume ready and headed towards the base mate to get Obi-Wan Kenobi “Where’s your costume?” Everyone asked simultaneously. He put on a Darth Vader mask. “I’m ready!” said Obi with pure happiness. We all looked at him and shook our heads and headed to the castle.

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