
Short Story Essay: Not The Betta Fish

Decent Essays

Once upon a time, there was a fish with the name Billy. He was a goldfish, of course. He swam effortlessly around the plastic bag that was labeled his home. Trapped, he felt. Because trapped is all that he ever was. He waited. And waited. And waited some more, for the lucky winner of fish bowl at the hamilton carnival in Ontario, to choose him. Not the Betta fish two bags down. Him. Billy grew depressed. He watched hundreds of people walk past him each day. He saw hundreds of fishes around him get taken away. He wished to find a new home just like all the others did. What was wrong with him? He thought. Why didn’t anybody want him? Was he too simple? He asked himself those questions over and until they stopped sounding like words. He always thought he stood out from all the …show more content…

Bored. Lonely. And he sat with the scary thought that he wasn’t born special. That he didn’t stand out in a pool full of fishes. That he was just Billy, nothing more. But the thing is, he wasn’t just billy. No fish, is just a fish. Billy got so used to telling himself that he was ordinary that he didn’t know what to do when 6 year-old Leanna marched up to the fishbowl game, and played. She played with passion. Like it was the first carnival game she ever got her hands on. She lifted her hand into the air, and threw the ball into the last fish bowl. She won. Any fish was hers. She got to choose out hundred fishes. She snooped around the entire stand, and came upon Billy. She reached forward, and picked him up carefully. She looked at him. And she looked at him for a split second. She made her decision. Billy never would have thought that she would ever pick him. He never thought anybody would for that matter. She kept shouting, “I want him mom, him!”, “he’s special, he’s not like all the other fishes.” Those last 7 words, those strong, powerful, last 7 words, are the exact words that changed Billy’s life, forever. She chose him. Not the Betta fish from two bags down.

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