
Short Story

Better Essays

Neither Living Nor Deceased
It was midnight; I lay awake unable to sleep, thoughts swirling through my mind. Like a crack of a whip I was jolted back into reality by a loud chorus of screams echoing though the silence of the night. I peered out of my window but only saw the moon resting in the jet-black sky. As, I slipped back into my cosy bed I could still hear more screams. I lay as still as a log, scared stiff for what felt like an eternity. Suddenly, I heard our front door creak open, my dog barking to warn us of the intruder. Someone was downstairs and was now climbing up the stairs to what sounded like my parents’ bedroom. I was paralysed with fear unable to move.
An ear-piercing scream followed by the sound of ripping and crunching …show more content…

“Mum? Dad? Lucy?” I asked, my voice shaking. They growled in response.
Soon, all I remember was my family lunging at my small innocent body. I cried out as they tackled me to the floor. I tried with all my might to grab something while lying on the floor about to be ripped to pieces by my family members who were now turned into zombies. I couldn’t reach anything as I was held down by my mum’s and sister’s surprisingly heavy frames. Their teeth snapping just millimetres away from my face. Finally, I managed to grab hold of a lamp placed on a small white table in the hallway. To defend myself, I flung the lamp and it shattered on my mother and sister’s head, the force throwing them off my battered body. I swiftly stood up and realised my mother and Lucy were lying motionless on the floor, blood seeping out of their head. They weren’t breathing. I started crying hysterically, I just killed my own mother and sister! Oh, my loving, beautiful and caring mother and sister gone!
Frantically I remembered my dad was still alive and was raging furiously in preparation to kill me. I managed to rush downstairs into what use to be the living room but then realized how bad my situation truly was. The whole room was full of infected individual zombies, hissing and howling, desperate for a bite of human flesh. I stood there, unable to peel my eyes away from their ghastly towering features. I had never seen something so awful, so ugly and so

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