
Short Story Of Adolf Hitler: The Victims Of The Holocaust

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Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi party, believed the Aryan race was the superior race. Nazis created a group of people called asocials that consisted of people they believed to be problematic. Although Jew were the main victims of the Holocaust, they were not the only victims. Physically and mentally disabled people, homosexuals, and Roma were also victims of the Holocaust.
The mass killings first started with the physically in mentally disabled people. The Nazis decided that it was a waste of time and money to support the disabled. (Schwartz) Nazi leaders believed they could keep the killings of the disabled a secret because most were institutionalized and isolated from the rest of the world. Hitler created the “Sterilization Law”, forcing people with certain physical and mental disabilities were to be sterilized. The “Sterilization Law” was followed by the Marriage Law of 1935, which required for all marriages proof that and offspring from the union would not be afflicted with a disabling hereditary disease. (Nazi Euthanasia Program: Persecution of the Mentally & Physically Disabled) The Nazi regime use the term as a euphemism: its aim was to exterminate the mentally ill and the handicapped, thus “cleaning” the “Aryan” race of …show more content…

They passed the Law Against Dangerous Habitual Criminals and Measures for Protection and Recovery. This law gave German judges the power to order compulsory castrations in cases involving…the committing of indecent acts in public including homosexual acts, murder or manslaughter of a victim, if they were committed to arouse or gratify the sex drive, or homosexual acts with boys under 14. (Austin) Nazis viewed homosexuality as a threat to the Aryan racial health because they did not take part in producing children. The punishment for "chronic homosexuals" was incarceration in a concentration camp. (Austin) An estimated 10,000 to 15,000 homosexuals were murdered in Nazi death

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