
Short Story Of Diablo 2

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Diablo II’s twin suns burned Carlos Nieto’s exposed skin as he concentrated on the job before him. He tried not to gag from the smell of the dead police sniper next to him. Carlos pulled the bloody sniper rifle from under the dead officer’s body and checked the action. He was amused to see it was a locally manufactured copy of an old Earth .50 cal rifle. From his rooftop position on the on the apartment building he had a good view of the surrounding area. Hundreds of protesters advanced towards a line of police officers, protecting a government office. Carlos looked over the other rooftops and didn’t see any other police. He took positioned with the rifle barrel on top of the half wall bordering the roof and took aim. There was surprisingly little recoil as the rifle fired. Carlos watched as the police officer’s neck exploded, effectively decapitating the woman as her helmet fell to the ground with her head still in it. Carlos fired nine more times, while the police line held their position and opened fire on the protesters. That should be enough for today, Carlos thought smugly. He walked to the opposite side of the roof and removed a rope from his satchel then tied it to a pipe before throwing it down the side of the building. He reached into his satchel and dropped a protest pamphlet next to the rope before taking one last look around the roof then retreating to the roof exit. “Cease fire damn it!” Sgt. Kim Mulder shouted into her throat microphone. Before her, the

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