
Short Story Of Jimmy Carroll

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Jimmy Carroll was an amazing musician a beautiful poet and of course the big thing a one time high school basketball star, he sounds like he is at the top of the world there is just one problem he is a heroin addict who is slowly destroying his life. When the movie first starts we already see that there is some sort of drug use between Jim and his friends.
Jimmy’s decision to do drugs was not a sudden decision he started early on when him and his buddy’s went to Staten Island they were sniffing cloths this is just step one of his drug addiction. The scene that showed jimmy and his friend going to the mansion house were the two girls were waiting while there jimmy did cocaine and some sort of syrup and also prescription drugs this shows how much jimmy already depended on drugs. Jimmy’s drug addiction is triggered with emotion when bobby died the first thing he did was go and drink and smoke; this is when the drug addiction really started to get worse.
Jimmy explained his first time doing heroin it was in Pedro’s apartment he went there to sniff a bag but ended up main lining heroin, he …show more content…

The second Reggie left Jimmy went out and worked as a prostitute man for a guy and got money to score some drugs. Jimmy went to his mom to get money but she called the cops on him. Jimmy got 6 months in Riker’s Island for many chargers. Jimmy stopped doing drugs when he went to jail because when he got out he denied drugs from Pedro, which for a drug addict is very hard. Jimmy later on went on a TV show where he told his story. Jimmy doing drug showed the down ward spiral is life was taking we saw him yell and scream at his mother but we also saw him detox with Reggie. Jimmy’s drug addiction was in my opinion emotional he worked as a prostitute just to get money for his drugs this just shows how far you go to get your drugs and how hard it is to stop doing those

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