BIG FAT KIDNAPPER ON THE LOOSE! Yesterday evening, a large white male was reported to have attempted to kidnap a local girl on Main street. The girl, 12 year old Mary Smith, was allegedly grabbed on the shoulder by a man as she was walking down the street. “His grubby hands shook up my body,” says Smith. Instinctively, Smith screamed and scared the suspect away. Local butcher Joe Reid came out to investigate when he heard the scream. “I just took my knife and ran out at him,” says Reid, “…That retard was lucky to escape from me!” Smith’s parents were not surprised that their child was targeted for a kidnapping. Her father stated, “Her beauty is just too intense. If you were a kidnapper, wouldn’t you be tempted? There’s no stopping it. ” Although
On June 26, 2015, Mr. Steve Gerecke, an Albuquerque, New Mexico resident, confronted six youths allegedly attempting to burglarize his home after gaining access through the garage with a remote control removed from his wife’s car. The group of youth appeared to have been the same roving mob reported earlier to the police. Witnesses and police reports complained of burglarized homes and cars with the removal credit cards, cellphone, keys, and other valuables. In addition to the burglaries, the group allegedly committed grand the auto. Upon the confrontation of Mr. Gerecke and the youth, an escalation of bravado ensued. At this time, one of the youth armed with pistol, shot Mr. Gerecke multiple times killing him in the driveway of his home. Well
On April 18, 2016, at 1744 hours, I responded to Froggie’s Discount Liquor Store located at 1009 White Horse Pike for a report of a customer harassing other customers. I was further advised that the white male left the store on foot, traveling north on the White Horse Pike wearing a green jacket, blue jeans and carrying a white bag.
On July 29, 1984 Jennifer Thompson, a white woman was brutally raped by a black male with a knife to her throat. The black male broke into her apartment while she was asleep. Jennifer Thompson woke up to the stranger when he had begun to attack her. When she first saw her attacker, she offered to give him her car and money, but he declined that’s when she realized he wasn’t there to rob her but to rape her. During the time Jennifer Thompson was being raped, she tried to remember the characteristics of the black male so that later she could identify him to the police. Jennifer Thompson was able to escape out of the back the door of her apartment and she ran to her neighbors home which they called the police. That same night the black male raped
My first victim was a woman – white, well dressed, probably in her early twenties. I came upon her late one evening on a deserted street in Hyde Park, a relatively affluent neighborhood in an otherwise mean, impoverished section of Chicago. As I swung onto the avenue behind her, there seemed to be a discreet, uninflammatory distance between us. Not so. She cast back a worried glance. To her, the youngish black man – a broad six feet two inches with a bear and billowing hair, both hands shoved into the pockets of a bulky military jacket – seemed menacingly close. After a few more quick glimpses, she picked up her pace and was soon running in earnest.
Emmett Till, a name you might not remember, but a face you’ll never forget. He was just fourteen years old when he was kidnapped and beaten beyond recognition by two white males . This was supposedly due to his “harsh” behavior towards a woman working at a shop named Carol Bryant. Although there is no actual proof of what really went down inside the store, however, whatever it was couldn’t possible justify the beating Till faced (biography).
Three black males were reported to have robbed a gun store in Strawberry. A single pearl handled pistol and a box of money was stolen. One boy was caught, his name is T.J Avery, and he is currently in jail. The convict tried to blame local citizens R.W and Melvin. He claimed,”They the ones got me in it”. His friend Cassie Logan’s thoughts on this are,”They wouldn’t do that to ole T.J!” His trial has not yet been held.
In Decmeber 2015, four young, African American adults kidnapped and tortured an 18-year old mentally disabled, white male for five hours while broadcasting the attack on Facebook Live. The victim was tied up and his mouth was stuffed with a sock, which was sealed by tape. The attackers shouted “F-Donald Trump” and “F-white people,” while kicking, punching, and eventually cutting his forehead with a knife. The offenders also forced the victim to drink toilet water and kiss the floor. One of the attackers demanded $300 from the victim’s mother as a ransom before returning her child. The offenders were charged with a hate crime based on the victim’s mental disabilities and race, felony aggravated kidnapping, aggravated unlawful restraint and aggravated
Brent Staples, author of “Just Walk on By: Black Man in Public Space.” discusses when the white woman he comes across one day late at night was constantly turning back as if she feared him for the way he looked. Brent highlights racism that has occurred to him during the 1970s. This encounter happened in an impoverished part of Chicago; he describes himself as a “youngish black man--a broad six feet two inches with a beard and billowing hair, both hands shoved into the pockets of a bulky military jacket” as he was walking late at night he did not understand why this woman was acting strange as if she feared him, and she
Even the senior officers on the scene did not do much to help as they stood next to the body of Stephen Lawrence with their hands on their hips looking confused with what they should be doing. The Police put cameras in the killer’s houses 20 months after the murder to try and find some evidence, “Neil Acourt and Luke Knight were filmed making racist remarks in the video” (Nick McDermott: 2012, ‘If you want to cut someone just put that bit in there face’ chilling words caught on camera in Dobson’s flat, 4th January, viewed on 20th November 2014) know as nutters with knives this video proves the horrific extent of the gangs racism, only a relatively small number of short clips from this video was shown to the jury during the trial, again another failure by the government that could of helped put the killers in prison. After Stephen Lawrence was murdered the Police did not inform his parents, a family friend passing on the bus noticed Stephen Lawrence lay on the side of the road and told his parents. “A failure of the first investigation team as to recognise and accept racism and race relation as central features of
The article “Don’t let feral fools trash our good name” by Rita Panahi, published in the Herald Sun on the 18th of April 2013, scathingly draws the reader’s attention to the lack of “decisive police action” in response to recent racist incidents on public transport. These “isolated incidents of commuter rage” are juxtaposed with “Australia’s reputation as a friendly and sophisticated country”. She denigrates the opposition, using sharp sarcasm and detailed name calling to affirm the reader’s position with her own, and finishes with a subtle but effective call for action. This opinion piece is topped with a photograph of two of the most recent attackers, complete with venomous expressions, which serves as a visual representation of this logical
The Roosevelt name itself, which immediately associated FDR with his remote cousin, President Theodore Roosevelt. This allowed Franklin to be more recognized and have a better influence being related to one of the greatest presidents in U.S history. FDR's actions to fight the effects of the depression in his own state strengthened his place as one of the leading Democratic contenders. Under the guidance of his political advisers James Farley and Louis Howe, FDR gathered support from Democrats around the country, especially in the West and the South. Roosevelt consulted a group of college professors, called the "Brains Trust" for policy advice. The Democratic party was split on two key
June 7, 1998, 49 year old James Byrd Jr. was murdered in the most notorious and gruesome, stomach turning, hate crimes in recorded history. Late one summer night, as he was walking home from a friend’s house after a party, John William King, along with Lawrence Russell Brewer and Shawn Allen Berry pulled up in a pickup truck offered Mr. Byrd a ride home. He jumped into the bed of their truck and was driven to an isolated wooded area, severely beaten, urinated on, and chained to the back of a truck by his ankles and dragged for over three miles on a bumpy road before the men, later identified as white supremacists, threw what was left of his body- a shredded torso- into a cemetery. Byrd’s severed head, neck and right arm were found nearly a mile away from the cemetery. Police reports indicate that that there was a trail of blood, body parts and personal effects that stretched for more than two miles and that Brewer spray-painted Mr. Byrd’s face with black paint before he was killed.
The potential for white men to violently express attitudes of racism is studied to determine if the white male finds the Black male sexually threatening and, if so, does this threat incite the proclivity for the white male to act violently. Shulman studied 84 white, male, freshman and sophomore students at UC Santa Barbara. According to the study, “The subjects are young, educated, white men from stable homes with no mental instability, whose values lean towards a liberal ideology. This experiment considers Koval’s psychoanalytic interpretation of white racism, based largely on the Oedipus complex and Skolnick’s belief that the conflict that fosters violent racism is a feeling of powerlessness and insecurity in whites. Schulman’s focus is to prove that a much larger population is inclined to violent expressions of racism, and that this inclination is partially based on the perceived sexual threat of the Black male. The experiment contrives a conflict requiring the subjects to choose between cheating on a given task, which prevents the victims from being shocked, or not cheating, thus shocking the victim The victims in the test conditions are a white male, a white male known to be sexually involved with a Black female, a
In our society, we tend to solely rely on the knowledge that experts express and religiously follow them. It is quite evident as we tend to categorize these individuals, for example a person who is a historian will not be asked the question "why is the sky blue" nor would we think it is appropriate to ask him. Looking at the prescribed title, the terms access, facts and experts are too ambiguous in their nature. To define them, access indicates the experts’ ability to use such as the Internet for answers, fact are ideas that are considered indisputable which everyone agrees upon, disagreement is when two or more interpretations clash against each other and experts are people who have conducted research to gain more insight in their
Imagine being 6 or 7 years old and being ripped from your mothers grip as some stranger takes you to a different unfamilar place. There are two major types of kidnapping stranger and parental. Today every 40 seconds in the