
Short Story Summary : Lamb To The Slaughter

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Short Story Summative Essay
Roald Dahl’s story “Lamb to the Slaughter” was over all better short story than O.Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi. In the story “Lamb to the Slaughter” Mary Maloney is patiently waiting for her husband to return home from work, when he returns he is not wanting to talk to her he is just wanting to have his drink that she made for him and not talk for awhile. After sitting for a decent amount of time he breaks some sort of devastating news to her. Which she responds to by asking him what he wants for dinner. After he persistently insists that he does not want her to make him anything and that he is going to go out for dinner. She comes upstairs carrying the leg of lamb and walks over and hits him in the back of the head, knocking him out cold. She continues on to go to the mirror to practice acting normal. After she feels like she has acting normal down she goes to the store to get the rest of the food she needed to make dinner. She gets the food she needs and comes home to see her dead husband, she calls the cops saying that her husband was murdered. The cops come and check out the scene, and they can not seem to figure out how he was murdered or by whom he was murdered by. At the end of the story the cops get hungry and Mary Maloney persistently offers for them to eat the leg of lamb she has been cooking because she can not possibly eat and she doesn’t want it to go to waste. So the cops end up eating the murder weapon itself and never figuring out the Mary Maloney was the one that killed her husband. In the story “The Gift of the Magi” Della is wanting to buy a Christmas present for husband but doesn’t seem to have enough money to get him a gift he would enjoy. So she tries thinking of ways to get money to buy him a gift. Eventually she comes up with the idea to sell her hair even though that is her most prized possession. After getting the money from selling her hair she goes out and buys her husband a gift to go with his watch. She patiently awaits her husband coming home from work to show him, her new haircut and hoping that he will still love her even with her new hair. upon returning home he tells her that even though she cut her hair he still loves her they proceed to give

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