The Shadowy Beasts were starting to annoy Kyle. They should've died 4 days ago when he dropped the Car on them at the Trash yard. They should've died 3 days ago when he ran over them in the Tow truck in Arizona. They Definitely should've died this morning when he lit them on fire. No matter how many times Kyle killed then and watch the dissipate into smoke , they just keep reforming like large evil puffs death. He couldn't even outrun them. He raced to the top of the hill and caught his breath. How long since he'd last killed them? Maybe 3 hours. They never seemed to stay dead longer than that. The past few days, he'd hardly slept. He'd eaten whatever he could scrounge- vending machine candy, old muffins, even a Mcjack Burger, which was a new personal low. His clothes were torn, burned and Splattered with monster slime. He'd only survived this long because the shadow creatures only seemed to be able to appear in the dark. Which allowed him to rest during the day and run at night. But Kyle couldn't keep going much longer. Soon he'd collapse from exhaustion, and as vulnerable as the creatures were to light, they would find him eventually. Where to run? He Scanned his surroundings. Under different circumstances, he might've enjoyed the view. To his left, goldon hills rolled inland, dotted with lakes, woods, and a few herds of cows. To his right, flatland marched west- a vast checkerboard of neighborhoods, with several million
Jason glanced through the car window as his father pulled into the driveway of their new house, dirty and plain. Their family had moved from Texas into a house in the misty woods with the nearest city, Flora, half a mile away. I don’t like this place thought Jason.
Sited in the northeast corner of Nocatee, the Twenty Mile neighborhoods contain the largest lots, the most natural views and the (mostly) undisturbed settings of any Nocatee neighborhoods. Your skyline won’t be broken by surrounding power poles, other homes jammed side-by-side or the noise of nearby commercial corridors. Although you will spot neighbors’ roofs or yards — hey, it’s a neighborhood, right? — your primary views will be blue Sunshine State skies, the cool canopy of old live oaks and the shimmering surfaces of ponds and lakes.
As mentioned above, Wanderer’s personality contributes to the reason why she is still alive. She has a “never give up” mindset which demonstrates endless bravery which allows her to shock Kyle with her mentality. Kyle loses the fight due to his enormous underestimation he has of Wanderer’s capabilities. She wins again, because of her great composure and confidence she has to continue the
When Chris finally realized that he was a mortal man, he came to a conclusion. He decided that “I have a guardian angel and I;m a SEAl and I’m lucky and whatever the hell it is: I cannot die” (385). The emphasis on “I cannot die” helps the reader better understand the fact that Chris Kyle believed he had a mission: to stay alive and defend his faith, family, and country – and nothing on Earth was going to stop him – not even Death
The author utilizes words such as “flyover region that one must endure,” “easy inclines,” “square states”, and “farmable plains.” Marquart’s description characterizes the landscape as plain and dull. At the same time her diction recapitulates a landscape which is calm and serene. The upper Midwest has “easy inclines” and “farmable plains.” It is a place that is eye-catching to those who are farming, like her grandparents, who received an portion of land.
“The gentle green hills which on either hand enclosed the village, tufted here and there with magnificent trees, the village itself, straggling and wide, each cottage being far apart from its neighbors and each ornamented with flower beds and shrubberies; these with a lovely stream which would through the valley, formed, as far as my memory may be trusted, one of the most exquisite panoramas, on which it has ever been my good fortune to
“There were orchards, heavy leafed in their prime, and vineyards with the long green crawlers carpeting the ground between the rows. There were melon patches and grain fields. White houses stood in the greenery, roses growing over them. And the sun was gold and warm.
In the end of the book, it tells how Chris Kyle loses his life, the movie does not make this scene. Chris and his friend Chad Littlefield were shot by a fellow veteran, Eddie Routh, suffering from PTSD at a shooting range in Texas. Eddie would take Chris’s truck and flee, eventually to be found and put in
In the essay, The Loss of the Creature, written by Walter Percy, he discusses multiple stories relating to an unknown “creature” in our lives. Life is about our experiences. It is important to explore the world whenever we get the opportunity, but we must look at the world through a new perspective in order to truly see it. Walter Percy indirectly tells us, the most worthwhile kinds of experiences are not the ones we plan, but the ones we don’t quite expect to happen. My mother planned a vacation for my family and I looking for that once in a lifetime experience. She decided that experience would take place in Hawaii, the Aloha State. Unfortunately, that once and a live time experience she was searching for, would not be the highlight of our vacation. It would be something simple, yet surprisingly beautiful and euphoric. It was my “true experience”, my “creature”.
The American west, was at one point a vast landscape untainted and undisturbed by the heavy footprint of American growth and development. Her rolling his, deep valleys and fields
In the essay, The Loss of the Creature, written by Walter Percy, he discusses multiple stories relating to an unknown “creature” in our lives. Life is about our experiences. It is important to explore the world whenever we get the opportunity, but we must look at the world through a new perspective in order to truly see it. Walter Percy indirectly tells us, the most worthwhile kinds of experiences are not the ones we plan, but the ones we don’t quite expect to happen. My mother planned a vacation for my family and I looking for that once in a lifetime experience. She decided that the experience would take place in Hawaii, the Aloha State. Unfortunately, that once and a life time experience she was searching for, would not be the highlight
Brodie thought about everything they were saying. They were right, his friends had been there for each other through thick and thin. So why couldn’t he count on them to help him overcome his fear of the dark?
Putting everything into a metaphorical big picture, the town, his life, it all looked like a small pond, still, serene, and shimmering. It was ungrateful, he knew, but he couldn't help but yearn for the pebble that would someday shatter the calm and cause chaos with the ripples it created.
By then, there was nothing left to do, let alone lessen the pain. She’d done all she could: bath him, and try to feed him solid foods, but he barely kept fluids down. More so, a sickly odor arose and lingered as the days went by with his condition worsening.
In the short story “The Thing in the Forest” by A.S Byatt, the author introduces the thing as dark, ominous and has a very putrid smell that is almost like a representation of death. The thing in the forest lurks and wanders around the forest next to a house filled with children that have been sent there because they have been evacuated from their town. I believe that the thing represents or would symbolize many things, and also considering the time frame the story was written in pre-world war era I would say that the story probably represent the death or the decay of the men that fought in the war. Also I believe that the thing symbolizes something literal like an injured soldier that tried to get the attention of the girls that wandered the forest. Lastly, In parts of the story I gives you some indication of the thing and it makes the thing sound like it might be any army closing in on a country or city cause the thing came in “waves”. So the thing might be a wave of scary putrid smelling soldiers that sound and looks like death.