“Once upon a time there was prince, and from a young-
“Wait, Jack is a prince?!” Chow asked, mouth full of food.
“What? No,” The recruit said, annoyed that he was interrupted from beginning his dramatic tale, “Hold up, what are you even eating? (“It’s chowder, I think.” Chow made a face as he stared down at the oddly colored food in his bowl, as he managed to pick the only gross thing on the menu) Okay, Chowder, just listen to the story,”
“From a young age, he knew he was to inherit the kingdom from his father. The kingdom of being an high ranking Airman. Extremely high ranking. His father was the Vice Commander of his Wing, the father of his father was a Lieutenant General. He had high standards to live up to.
“But the prince
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“If rumors are true, he made Honor Grad of his flight. He probably has like 80 medals already, and he just graduated. And while he was here, like shit, it would’ve been an honor just to watch this guy work out. Color me impressed.
“Anyway, Parse and Zimmermann were best bros. They did everything together. They smoked all the pop quizzes, they would compete to get the highest PT scores, etc. Of course, they both got 1st each time so it didn’t really matter, but you get the gist. They were even scheduled to leave for Basic on the same day.
“Question,” Chowder said, as they were all in line to put their trays away. “If Jack had already been to here, why is he new now?”
“Getting to that,” The storyteller rolled his eyes, he put his finished dishes in the the collect box and then kept talking while they headed back.
“‘Were’ is the key word. You see, as the days got closer for Basic, Jack got more anxious. Which is to be expected, of course, but, you see, Jack had it
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Bitty was excited for this part. For one, because he knew how often they marched at Basic Training, and secondly, he knew a lot of people in the marching band and was especially excited to rub his new military knowledge in Sam’s high school band geek face.
Disappointingly, Bernard stopped him before he could head out the door with the rest of the class.
“Nuh uh,” Bernard shook his head, “You and the other newbies need to go get your military IDs. I don’t want to have to send a day pass to the gate every month.”
That was true. Bitty wasn’t even allowed in the gate without a Military ID. He had to pull off to the side so the security guards could check the system to see if he had a pass. Luckily, everything went over well and he was able to get in, but that experience wasn’t one he wanted to have every single month.
Jack Zimmermann rounded about, faced the Sergeant and repeated, “I already have one, do I have to go?”
“Yes, you do.” Sergeant Bernard said, “You are a newbie, so we are going to treat you like one.”
Jack glared, “What am I supposed to do?”
“You and Parson can teach the new kids how to march while you all wait. You know how long it takes to get new guys
SGT Horton arrives for duty 30 minutes prior to the required report time every day and always gives 100 percent effort until the mission is completed; even if that means staying
ATTENTION: you must complete 5 journal entries. MAKE SURE that you are ANALYZING, not summarizing!!! Your analysis MAY NOT have the word “quote” in it anywhere, nor should you start your analysis with “this shows,” or “here Douglass uses.” Instead, indentify the ACTION that is taking place in terms of language. If you see a biblical allusion, type “Douglass employs biblical allusion to emphasize…” or something similar. You may NOT use first (“I,” “me,” “we,” “us”) or second person (“you”). Also, you should not begin every sentence
The General had some very strong parental guidance while growing up. His parents lived their lives with dignity and respect for all of those around them, these values were adopted and used throughout the Generals career. The parents were working class Jamaican
When asked about the best aspect of his military career he responds with, “Self-confidence, learning to be a good adult ad stay out of trouble… preparedness”
“Not now, Flint. I need to inform Jackary of the plan,” said Calvin, taking a seat next to Jack.
Sergeant Crosby was right. Although Jack loved being in the military, he was just having a hard time at the moment.
Sergeant Major Valliant laughed, “Well sir, let me give you a quick rundown. But before I do that, can you send runners out to your troops not to shoot the poor soldiers that will be dropping out of the sky in the next thirty minutes.”
“I thought this would be a good idea for me. Also I did not want to be drafted.” Before he made this huge decision in his life he worked at a bubblegum factory. When he decided to join the military he was only 18. “I was probably the most nervous person there.” he said. Tom was very brave and Frank his brother was strong. They both went over to Vietnam and they stuck together throughout the war.
Jared tilted his head and pursed his lips together as he considered whether or not the man could possibly be that lacking in self-awareness. “I can’t believe you’re surprised by that information. This isn’t 1964. Female officers have just as much right to their positions as men and don’t deserve the snarky attitude coming you put off constantly. Our team in particular has some of the best talent in the field. You’d do well to drop the attitude towards people who aren’t just like you. It’ll hold you back no matter where you go.”
to keep spaced in case of an ambush. I hoped the new guys would take his orders
¨Some of the guys from our unit will be deploying in June of 2017. We would like you to be a part of it,¨ his sergeant told him.
From the beginning of his life as a warrior to the end as a king, he gains and develops glory, responsibility and courage, all vital to his reign as a successful king.
"Lieutenant Richards!" one of my men saluted, drawing me out of my daydream. "One of the scouts have reported sightings of an abandoned camp. The Vietcong should be nearby."
“Okay, but this is only because the war is on, and you need to focus on other things.”
Over the course of four years in high school, I have realized that I want to make an impact and change the world. Not just something to benefit myself, but to benefit others.