
Short Summary Of Hiroshima By John Hersey

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Hiroshima by John was published in 1946, one year after the atomic bomb was dropped in hiroshima, japan on August 6th, 1945. It discusses the stories of six different survivors of the atomic bomb in which one hundred thousand people were killed and many more were injured. The tremendous damage to the city, the medical personnel struggle to aid, the suffering strangers who lost loved ones and were badly injured, and the devastating aftermath is all told in this book. John Hersey himself interviewed six survivors to get what is was truly like to personally experience such emotional and physical damage and to tell their story of strength, grief, fear, and courage to the people of the world. The book begins on August 6, 1945 with descriptions of what the six main characters were doing the day the atomic bomb was dropped in Hiroshima, Japan. The six main characters, Miss Toshiko Sasaki, Dr. Masakazu Fujii, Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura, Father Wilhelm Kleinsorge, Dr. Terufumi Sasaki, and Reverend Mr. Kiyoshi Tanimoto, are survivors of the the atomic bomb that Hiroshima, Japan suffered from. Miss Toshiko Sasaki was a personnel clerk in the East Asia Tin Works who had sat down in the plant office and was talking with a fellow co-worker. Dr. Masakazu Fujii was sitting in his underwear on the …show more content…

John Hersey essentially took a real life tragedy and six different interviews from actual survivors from the atomic bomb and told their story ina way that emphasized their emotions and images. He basically wrote nonfiction book in a fiction type of way. He told the stories of the six survivors of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima in a way and point of view that was new to the reader or audience. In this book he isn’t a narrator and provides the people wit the perspective, emotion, descriptions, and the thoughts of the six survivor that are mentioned in the

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