Hamstrings #6 Single Leg Deadlifts (with free weights): 1. Hold free weights in each hand and stand on one leg with one knee slightly bent. 2. Slowly extend your other leg back while bending your hips. 3. Your torso should be parallel to the floor. 4. Slowly come back up and switch sides. 5. Repeat (watch your breathing). Glutes #1 Donkey Kicks (with resistance bands): 1. First, get down and start on all fours (on the floor mat). The resistance band should be around the right foot’s center (band should be placed around the arc of the foot so that it will not slip/snap) while both your hands are grabbing the handles. 2. Kick back with your right foot and make sure that your leg is parallel to the floor. 3. Make sure to bring your knee to …show more content…
Then, bring your right knee forward and out to the side. Slide your left leg back (knee straight), lower your torso, and lay elbows against the floor while breathing out. 3. Hold for 15-30 seconds and release while breathing in. 4. Repeat (switch legs). Glutes #5 Shoulder Hold Squats (with body bar): 1. Make sure to bring the body bar up and over your head (behind your head). The body bar should rest on parts of your upper back. 2. When squatting down, bend your knees and make sure that your hips are moved and pushed back. 3. Slowly come back up by pushing through your heels and knees should slightly straighten out after. 4. Repeat (watch your breathing). Glutes #6 Shoulder Hold Lunges (with body bar): 1.Make sure to bring the body bar up and over your head (behind your head). The body bar should rest on parts of your upper back. 2. Feet should be hip-width apart and make sure that one foot is placed forward while the other other foot is back. 3. Slowly bend both knees as you lunge down. The back shin should be perpendicular to the floor mat (heel lifted) while the front thigh is also perpendicular to the mat (knee behind toes. 4. Return back to the starting position (the front foot pushing through the heels and the toetoes of the back foot. 5. Repeat (switch sides and watch your
Brace yourself between the backrests of the two sturdy table, bend your elbows, move your shoulders down, and lift your head. Keep abs tight, take a breath and pull your knees toward your chest. 3 sets of 15 reps is the frequency recommended in a day.
Lie prone on the floor. Stretch your legs back, tops of the feet on the floor. Spread your hands on the floor under your shoulders. Hug the elbows back into your body.
Extend your left / right leg behind you, and bend your front knee slightly. Your heels should be on the floor.
With your hands behind your head, raise your shoulders off the floor until you feel your abdominal muscles engage. After holding that position for a few seconds, lower yourself back down. Don’t allow you your lower back off the
Your elbows should be directly beneath your shoulders, and your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet. Hold the position for 30 seconds then relax. Repeat 3 to 10 times depending on your personal level of strength and fitness goals.
3. When lowering your body, make sure that your hips are moved back and knees are slightly bent.
Both shoulders slightly in front of the barbell at set up 5. Lumbar curve maintained 6. Hips and shoulders rise at the same rate, then hips extend rapidly 7. Heels down until hips and legs extend 8. Shoulders shrug upwards followed by a pull under with the arms 9.
Tap your left leg for balance Draw up the left knee even with the right knee, remember to keep the left leg straight Do not allow your left leg to curl behind the right leg Allow your hips to start to fall Violently extend your left leg towards the toe board, do not lift up with your back Push and then pull your right leg underneath you, it will look like the last part of your body leaving the circle is your right heel Task 3 – Reflection on Performance Criterion D – Reflecting and Improving Performance 1) How did your knowledge of technique help you to improve your individual training and
Breathe out and bend your right knee above the right ankle, making the shin to be vertical to the floor. Bring your right thigh parallel to the floor, producing a ninety degree angle in your knee. Straighten out your left leg and push your left heel out and down
Once you have your balance in single leg standing with the leg wrapped. Then extend both arms straight in front of you, and cross the left arm over the right arm at the elbow crease. 6. Flex/bend the elbows so the fingers are all pointing to the sky and the back of the hands are facing each other. The right hand should be the one closer to the body as you move the right hand to the right and the left hand to the left so the palms are facing each
Slowly bring your knee back so that your thigh is in line with your trunk.
Use your forearm to push your hip up off of the floor. Keep your head and neck aligned with your spine and hold this position for two seconds. Do several repetitions and repeat on the other side of your body. Repeat on both sides ten times and work your way up to at least twenty repetitions per work out session. In addition to your abdominal muscles, this exercise also strengthens your obliques and shoulders.
The first step is to place a bolster along the wall and lie down on your sides while your hips lie on the bolster. The next step is to get the hips close to your chests so that the soles of the feet rest on the wall’s surface and then slowly try to raise the feet onto the wall while trying to roll the hips closed to the wall on the bolster. The last step is to move closer to the wall and raise your legs straight on the wall and stay on for five minutes before release.
Breathe in, while slowly lifting your lower back, middle back and upper back off the floor. Gently roll in your shoulders. Touch your chest to your chin without bringing the chin down. Support your weight with your shoulders, arms and feet. Feel your buttocks firm up in this pose. Both your thighs should be parallel to each other and to the floor.
Place the palms on the back of the hips, so that the part between the thumb and index finger is pointing down.