
Should Animal Testing Be Used In Scientific Research?

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Animal testing has been a controversial topic for decades. Researchers and scientists find animal testing essential for medical procedures and substances that they hope might be used to help people fight deadly diseases, but most times these experiments are often harmful and ineffective. Over time, scientists have had to choose whether to put ethics over science, ultimately determining the fate of numerous animals. Due to new advancements in science, animal testing can be reduced by using alternative measures. For this project, we set out to discover how effective the alternatives to animal testing are. We pose five specific questions that we hoped this research would help us to answer: (1) Are the failure rates of animal testing higher than the success rates? (2) What are the advantages of using alternative testing in opposed to animal testing? (3) How successful has the use of alternative testing been? (4) Does scientists prefer non-animal alternatives over animal testing? If so, why or why not? (5) Are alternatives more economic when compared to traditional methods of animal testing? These questions deserve to be examined because alternative testing are becoming more popular, and people should know how exactly they will benefit …show more content…

This bibliography contains different kinds of sources: four articles are from popular animal advocate websites; two are scholarly articles; and one is from a scholarly journal. These sources answered most of our initial questions and also added further knowledge to the group. They provided the difference between the success and the failure rates of animal testing and they explained the advantages of alternative testing. The sources that were most valuable to our research was the article by PETA, and the article by the Humane Society of America. They both provided different alternatives, the cost effectiveness of each, and their benefits to today’s

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