Why should animals have to be torture and abused? Is it because they are not human? Is it because they are not capable of stopping us? Animal use for drug experimentation has sparked controversy around the world. So why are animals for harmful testing? Each year millions of animals such as mice, rats, rabbits, and primates suffer through excruciating amounts of physical and mental torture. In recent years, the use of these animals has been has been strictly criticized by numerous animal rights groups. The testing has lead and severe injuries to the animals and even death.
Drug testing on animals came to significance in the 20th century. It began in 1937, when a pharmaceutical company in the United States created a drug that used diethylene glycol, a chemical compound that is highly poisonous to humans. The company was unware of this and they went on to sell their product to the public. “The preparation led to mass poisoning causing deaths of more than a hundred people” (Hajar). The catastrophe resulted in the passing of the 1938 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The act required that all drugs would need to be tested on animals before they could be attainable to the public.
According to CBSNews.com, animal testing has risen 73% in the last fifteen years. It is estimated that by the end of this year, over 100 million animals will have been used for experimentation. While some people believe that use of animals for experimentation is imperative in order for medicine to
For many years, the field of science has used animals in medical experiments worldwide, because of this innocent animals are being killed everyday. They are being tested with new drugs, new treatments, and by many makeup companies. Connecticut recently celebrated the passage of the “Beagle Freedom Law”, a law that requires laboratories to work with charities and rescue groups to find homes for research cats and dogs. Animals are being tested so humans do not have to be but animal tests do not reliably predict results in human beings, although animals are the closest thing to humans. Most experiments involving animals are flawed, wasting the lives of innocent animal subjects. Over 100 million animals suffer a year from testing. Testing animals is a lot more expensive than alternative methods and it is wasting government research dollars. Animal testing is not only a bad idea, but it is also inhuman and it should not be tolerated. The FDA should stop allowing animal testing. An animal does not give out the same results on a test than a human would.
Although some people believe animal testing is beneficial to humans, animals go through torture during the testing progress, and it is unethical. Marjie Lundstrom, a UC Davis researcher explains, “An incident at the University of California, three baby mice were found sealed alive in a plastic baggie and left unattended” (Animaltesting.com). This quote proves animals suffer during the testing progresses, and humans think the pain of the animals is okay. To clarify these baby mice were being abused and they were in an unethical situation. According to Human Society International, an undercover investigation site states, “animals used in experiments are commonly subjected to force feeding, forced inhalation, food and water deprivation, prolonged periods of physical restraint, the infliction of burns and other
According to Humane Society International, “Animals used in experiments are commonly subjected to force feeding, forced inhalation, food and water deprivation, prolonged periods of physical restraint, the infliction of burns and other wounds to study the healing process, the infliction of pain to study its effects and remedies, and ‘killing by carbon dioxide asphyxiation, neck-breaking, decapitation, or other means.’” As you can see theses animals are being treated cruelly and inhumane, just reading that paragraph makes shivers run down my spine. We use animals for testing when according to Should Animals Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing?, “Animal tests are more expensive than alternative methods and are a waste of government research dollars.” Animal tests cost more than alternative methods and as it say in the text a waste of government research dollars. It's crazy to think that this is happening every day since, “Animals can suffer like humans do, so it is speciesism to experiment on them while we refrain from experimenting on humans”(Should Animals Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing?). Even though we don't think of animals as humans because they are not, does not mean that they can not suffer like a human. Another thing that most of the animals being tested on are mice, rats, rabbits, and guinea pigs, When 11 Facts About Animal Testing wrote about these animals and what happens to them they wrote, "Several
Have you ever wondered why animals are used in experimentation? Each year over 100 million are killed due to experiments for biology lessons, medical training, chemical, drug, food, cosmetic testing, and curiosity driven experimentation. The better question is why? Why use animal when there are many alternatives. Animals may not be able to speak up for themselves but humans have a voice for them. Many people have participated in protest, taken surveys, and created organizations to protect animals from the cruelty.
Drug testing using animals became important in the 20th Century. A pharmaceutical company in the USA created a mixture of sulfanilamide, using diethylene glycol (DEG) as a solvent. DEG is poisonous to humans, but the company’s chief pharmacist and chemist were not aware. The preparation led to mass poisoning causing the deaths of more than a hundred people. The public outcry caused by the incident and other disasters led to the passing of the 1938 Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. This required safety testing of drugs on animals before they can be distributed to the public. I chose this article because it gives out examples of what happened without animal testing or testing in
Furthermore, an animal’s biology is different from a human’s biology, therefore, the testing on humans is still going to be dangerous. (Animal testing is bad science). Over the years, we as humans have become more and more callous to the fact that over a million animals (mice, rabbits, frogs, monkeys, fish, guinea pigs, dogs, etc.) are killed every year for our own cosmetic reasons. These animals are forced to go through unbelievably inhumane conditions. Per Peta, before they are murdered, they may have their skulls drilled into, their spines crushed, their skin burned off, or even immobilized for hours. Rabbits are given shots to test for skin irritation levels, leaving them screaming and kicking until they eventually break their back or neck. (America 6) There are some chemicals tested on animals, that cause minimal discomfort of the animals. However, there are a number that will cause extreme, long lasting pain. To make things worse, animals are not given any type of pain relief. (Issues & Controversies) "They're scalded by chemicals on their skin and eyes, shoved into tubes no larger than their bodies and forced to breathe noxious fumes." (Issues & Controversies) It is
According to the article “Animal Testing” by ProCon.org, it is estimated that 26 million animals are used in experiencements yearly to develop medical treatments and to check the safety of medicines
This traumatic behavior directed towards these poor animals can be corroborated by several organizations that oppose these testing on animals. For example, the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has begun to question the reasoning of the “scientific research” in torturing these helpless creatures. This is including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration which estimated that 92% of these horrific animal testings that were successful had failed in human clinical trials. The mistrial of medication had led to thousands of human babies to be stillborn. According to Dr. Aysha Akhtar, “Of every five to 10,000 potential drugs tested in the lab, only about five pass on to clinical trials.” Unfortunately making these tests useless to begin with since most substances that killed the animal doesn’t even harm humans. Think the animal testing saves lives? Think again, none of the medical breakthroughs in history were ever found in the usage of animals. In fact, there is absolutely no evidence of any medical advancements with the animal testing. The usage of
A lot of people all over the world have pets of all kinds. Dogs, cats, mice, rabbits, etc. Have you ever imagined your own pet being tortured with experiments? Alone, scared, in pain. Animal testing is a very real thing and I real problem. Animal testing will eventually lead to the extinction of our own pets. Even with other methods of testing, they would rather inject, burn, and kill these animals. Testing subjects can be any where from a tiny mouse to a big Golden Retriever. These innocent animals go through painful and terrifying procedures every day. Scientist force these animals to feed, force toxic inhalation, deprive them of food and water, inflict burns and pain, even decapitation, neck-breaking, and killing by carbon dioxide asphyxiation.
“Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused in US labs every year.” “Also in Canada, 3.02 million animals were used in experiments in 2013 and 78,294 animals were subjected to severe pain near, at, or above the pain tolerance threshold of unanesthetized conscious animals.” Animal testing is frequently used for developing beauty products and medicines and in a lot more areas. Many people believe that the animal testing is necessary for humans. New vaccines and medicines are being developed continuously as humans are exposed to the pollution and lots of diseases. However, it is hazardous and fearful for people to use a new medicine without knowing its effect. People want to be guaranteed to the least safety and the virtue of the medicine.
Over 26 million animals are tortured and tested on every year, in the United States alone. Most are used for testing medical treatments, which people for animal testing say has saved countless numbers of lives, but how many has it destroyed in the making? Although testing on animals has lead to major scientific breakthroughs, the way in which they reach them is incredibly inhumane. We having the ability, should try our best to stop this wide spread animal testing because the tests are inhumane, the animals are abused during the tests, and the results can be achieved in other ways.
frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, monkeys, fish, and birds, are killed in U.S. laboratories for biology lessons, medical training, curiosity- driven experimentation, and chemical drug, food, and cosmetic testing” (Peta 1). Animals have been used repeatedly throughout the history of biomedical research. Early Greek physician-scientists such as Aristotle and Erasistratus, performed experiments on living animals. Every day, animals all over the world are killed in laboratories for testing. Although there is a rising number of activists fighting against animal testing and abuse, there are still an excessive amount of animals being
Animal testing is extremely inhumane. Believe it or not, animals can feel pain and suffering, just like humans do. So, imagine being held captive your whole life with little to no interaction with others, being used as an experiment, then killed after you've served your duty. In fact, over 100 million animals are burned,
In the medical journal Animal Testing and Medicine, the article outlined an incident in 1937, in which a pharmaceutical company released a drug containing a harmful chemical compound known as “diethylene glycol,” which was marketed to the public (Hajar). The scientist had failed to acknowledge the potential of poisoning by the compound to the public, and upon its release there was mass poisoning. This frivolity of the scientists led to massive public outcry, and in turn lead for the movement of the passing of the “1938 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act requiring the safety testing of drugs on animals before they could be marketed”(Hajar). More incidents following these lead scientists into the belief that animal testing was necessary as a safety net to prevent such tragedies from occurring again in the
Animal testing has evolved over the years, but not for the better. Scientist has so much technology but they cannot figure out ways to solve problems they run into without using helpless animals. This is becoming a hug problem in the scientific community and has raised a lot of questions though out the society. Animal testing is done all over the world and brings a lot of controversy no matter the place. Things are getting worse due to the constant rise in animal testing that is being performed each year. Statistics show that 12,000 animals are being tested on right now, but that is not reality because they only show ten percent of all test done in the lab. So that means there is ninety percent more animals being tested on