
Should Celebrities Have Their Right to Privacy?

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Should celebrities have their right to privacy? Before newspapers, television, and the internet, ordinary people were not exposed to endless stories about celebrities. Today however, we are bombarded with information about who is dating whom, where they eat, and what they wear from magazines such as People, Entertainment Weekly, and Star. Also, most ordinary people respect the rights of others to a private life. However, some people are just obsessed to get information out of celebrities. They want to know everything about them and have a desire for more information. Celebrities should have their right to privacy due to historical/practical rights, their invasion of privacy with paparazzi, and their childrens’ rights to privacy. They are …show more content…

The article “The Right to Privacy” became the foundation of privacy tort law in America. For example, there are laws in some states that bar the press from recording private conversations and then the police began wiretapping telephones (“At Issue: Privacy and the Press”). Beginning in 1905, the Georgia Supreme Court in Pavesich v. New England Life Insurance Company became the first court to recognize that a common law right of privacy exists in the state. That has used an unauthorized photograph of the plaintiff Paolo Pavesich and attributed statements to him that he did not make. In 1920 The American Civil Liberties Union is dedicated to protecting First Amendment rights and rights to equal protection under the law, due process, and privacy. The European Convention on Human Rights states that all people have a “right to respect for private and family life, his home and his correspondence in 1950. Also on December 18, 1967, the U.S Supreme Court in Katz v. U.S ruled that wiretaps must have court approval, even in places open to the public, such as a public telephone booth (Right of Privacy Timeline).
Next, Congress passes the Privacy Act of 1974 to protect the privacy of citizens by limiting the government’s authority to collection information. Privacy Journal, a monthly newsletter devoted exclusively to news about privacy, is founded and also the People Magazine is launched. February 22, 1977 acknowledged at least two types of interests regarding

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