
Should College Be Free Research Paper

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Should college be free? The first reason it should be free is it would provide every american a chance to improve themselves and help them get more educated. The second reason is it would relieve the stress from the students that were trying to work a job to pay for their bills and study for upcoming exams and other assignments they must finish. The third reason is America would have a better educated population and it would help people get the job they have always wanted and help them make more money. College should be free because it would give every American a good education, we would have a better educated population, and it would help people get the jobs they have always wanted and help them make more money.

Collage should be free because it would provide people with a chance to improve themselves. People improving themselves would lead to people not getting stuck in a dead end. It would also give people a chance to find better jobs so they could make more for themselves. Also it would lead to people going back to school because they have a free chance to improve on their education and help them build better lives for them and their families. …show more content…

If they aren't stressing it would help the relax and not make them rush through their studies. It would give them more time to study instead of having to go to work and take away from their time of learning. Also it would give them time to for extra studying so they can make a better grade on their exams. Having all this extra time they could also get together with their friends and have study sessions together so if one person didn't know something they could help the other

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