Should college be free? The first reason it should be free is it would provide every american a chance to improve themselves and help them get more educated. The second reason is it would relieve the stress from the students that were trying to work a job to pay for their bills and study for upcoming exams and other assignments they must finish. The third reason is America would have a better educated population and it would help people get the job they have always wanted and help them make more money. College should be free because it would give every American a good education, we would have a better educated population, and it would help people get the jobs they have always wanted and help them make more money.
Collage should be free because it would provide people with a chance to improve themselves. People improving themselves would lead to people not getting stuck in a dead end. It would also give people a chance to find better jobs so they could make more for themselves. Also it would lead to people going back to school because they have a free chance to improve on their education and help them build better lives for them and their families.
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If they aren't stressing it would help the relax and not make them rush through their studies. It would give them more time to study instead of having to go to work and take away from their time of learning. Also it would give them time to for extra studying so they can make a better grade on their exams. Having all this extra time they could also get together with their friends and have study sessions together so if one person didn't know something they could help the other
Making College tuition free would over-all result in a more educated society. “We have made K-12 education free because it is good for the individual and for society. The same is true for higher education” (Page).
We have made K-12 education free because it is good for the individual and for society. The same is true for higher education. Proponents of free college education believe that it
In conclusion, there are many different reasons why college shouldn't be free. These reasons include, students not getting a higher education to set themselves apart and everyone's taxes would raise greatly. Students would not take their education seriously, and college would be as crazy as a headless chicken. Students will not be as successful after college if it were free because being in college was too easy. Those are a few reasons why college should not be
The prospect of attending college can be both exciting and disconcerting, particularly given the current cost of tuition. “Free college programs that cover students' tuition are a step toward addressing issues of the cost of higher education, but leave questions of quality unanswered” (Bayer). Which means free tuition for a student that doesn’t have financial aid assisting them. I believe college should be free within the United States. Although there are states with “free”college or some kind of program to assists students in ; I believe all the states should provide free college for students. This being said, college should be free for students; no matter their race, religion, or sex. They would only be responsible for utilities and whatever else they chose to buy. Tution would essentially be paid by taxpayers within the state. Students can’t afford tuition and expenses due to them not making enough money at their part time job while going to school full-time. Even if a student could afford the tuition they still would not have enough to cover their other expenses.
College tuition should not be free in any means necessary. Students would not take college seriously if there was no price. College students would totally take advantage of the opportunity to go to college for free and completely blow it , it would even the playing field for everyone to be equal because college tuition is what keeps everyone else out. College would then be accessible to anyone who wanted to go.
Should college be free? In “The Problem is That Free College Isn't Free,” Andrew P. Kelly argues that free college would cost more for the American taxpayer. On the other hand, in “Tennessee Is Showing How Free Tuition Community College Works,” Celeste Carruthers states having free college will give more incentive for students to go to college. It will also encourage them to try community college first. Although free college sounds great at first, it would be more practical to have programs for people who cannot simply afford it. College tuition shouldn’t be the American taxpayers’ responsibility.
Central idea: Three reasons why college should be free: First, tuition and debt leads to attempted suicides. Second, the student and their family are affected by higher tuition cost. Third, high tuition fees diminish the amount of qualified job seekers in the career market.
I personally don't think that college should be free. Students who pay for their college are more motivated, hard working and independent. Many students would have poor motivation to finish school, because they can always come back. As a matter of fact students with ambitions to get university degree are learning much harder in high school than other, who thinks they don’t need an extra paper. There are many students that are so smart, and they will find the way to get money for school. With extra work and help from family students will be able to afford college tuitions. Students need to depend on themselves; otherwise every taxpayer will have to cover their education expenses. There are several reasons why
Should college be free or is it good the way it is? This is one of the most debatable questions of this generation. Like every other thing it would also have its pros and cons. Many say that it would greatly help a country while others say that nothing is truly free and someone must pay for it. However the growth of a country’s economy over the long run is miles more than the loose in the short term. So in my opinion College should be free for everyone.
One of the main reasons why college should not be free is because of the common conception of free things: free things are not good quality. Nothing that is given out for free is ever good quality, they are usually simple things such as a pen or sunglasses covered in a company's logo—never anything with great use. Many are afraid that if college becomes free the quality of the education will suffer tremendously. If colleges weren't being paid money by the students they will cut professors pay and other education boosting factors that will result in a lesser education. This point is further explained and supported by the website "idebate" stating that nothing is good or worthwhile if it is free, just
Today, I’m going to talk to you all about something that your parents probably have never not brought up with you before—college. Obviously I’m kidding. For a student in high school, not a day goes by where college is not mentioned. With college comes this monster of debt and unless you are some star athlete who has already committed to UCLA by 7th grade or the next Einstein who has cured all forms of cancer by the age of thirteen, you probably won’t be getting an 100% full ride to the dream college of your choice. And so this means that you and/or your parents will be paying for you to earn a degree to achieve a successful future. I believe that college should be free because every student should have the right and ability to attend college and it should be a tool to help set up students for their lives ahead of them.
Many students don’t get the chance to further their academic career after high school. Some aren’t able because child care is too expensive or they have to work to support themselves. Everyone should get money for school if they need it. Some parents can’t afford to help the students pay for college, while others can. Money should be given for need rather than want. But I believe there should be stipulations to getting the free schooling. College should be free to those who want to get a degree and need the funding.
Should the cost of earning a college degree be free? Some students,parents, and educators say that it is morally wrong for a child to spend their entire life going to public school for free and having them to just turn around and pay for college. The students, parents, and educators all would agree that the cost of obtaining a college degree should indeed be free. Those who are against this issue believe that the students themselves or their parents who are financially able should pay for some or all of the expense of attending college after all public school students are given a free ride from elementary to high school. Understanding and considering both sides of the issue, I strongly stand by the decision stating that the cost of attending college should be free.
Free college is a commonly accepted idea, as a crucial part of society's advancement. Education is the foundation for building a strong country, as knowledge is what allows for productivity in all areas of life. However, the cost and accessibility to standard higher education limits many people's availability to a quality schooling. Some may argue that public colleges should continue to charge tuition, as the federal government can not afford the cost nor will creating higher taxes to enable the program solve the crisis. However, ultimately, higher education should be free as it would stimulate economic growth, remove the primary deterrent for not attending college and decrease dependence on government aid.
Higher education should, without a doubt, be free and available for all. Imagine if you were a high school student with good grades and you weren’t able to go to college because of the high expenses; how would you feel? The costs have just gotten out of hand for students. Some kids have had no other choice but to enter the work field making little money. When this happens, people are unable to support themselves and are living paycheck-to-paycheck. To avoid situations like poverty,