In America today, a series of poor choices has left our country in a very deep trench resulting in an issue of seventeen trillion dollars in national debt. Politicians running for president have been proposing new ideas to start hacking away at this debt. One idea in particular that is very interesting is the portion of this debt brought upon by student loans, which at this point is about 1.2 trillion dollars spread across 40 million people. One solution that has been proposed is to make college free for those individuals seeking a college education and to forgive existing student debt. Burrnie sanders, a current polition, said “We live in a highly competitive global economy. If our economy is to be strong, we need the best educated work force in the world. That will not happen if every year hundreds of thousands of bright young people cannot afford to go to college and if millions more leave school deeply in debt.” At first the idea sounds great until one starts to think about how such a proposition would affect everyone not just themselves. In opposition to forgiving student loans and making college free, alternatives need to be considered to bring about change before things get worse for Americans.
Free college truly does have a nice ring to it and in retrospect everyone would really like to see it happen. What many Americans fail to realize is that free by no means actually means free. Free in this context more closely means something like this “Hey, I’m going to
"Should policymakers make college free or better support institutions?" by Matthew M. Chingos is an article based on the endless debate about college prices. In the article, Chingos is explaining very clearly the Democratic Party platform, the alternatives, the impact of the increased spending or reducing tuition and what would be the result if any of these platforms would pass.
He makes a strong effort, aimed at creating a sentiment towards government, colleges, and student loans that will solicit change to the system in use today. Whether or not his endeavor worked is still yet to be seen 4 years later, as students today still struggle with the same problem featured in the article: vast amounts of student loan debt. Proposals of “free community college” by former President Obama, and “debt free public college” by Secretary Clinton, but America voted against such ideas. The question lingers whether or not the current administration will take
College debt has risen significantly since “The Great Recession” in 2009. Due to the high college fees, students are faced with lifelong debt. If the rise continues, only the rich will be able to obtain a higher education, resulting in American education to take several steps backwards instead of improving. Although many have tried to fix college debt problem, it has mostly gone unnoticed. Specifically targeting the nation’s youth, college debt is destroying the chances of the lasting effects on the economy from fully recovering.
State colleges in the United States should be tuition-free for everybody. Everyone deserves a chance to have a higher education than high school. Many other countries in the world already use this method. Germany and Norway both have tuition-free public colleges and it’s working fine for them. Even some states in America use the free community college program. Giving people a chance to go to college tuition-free will help everyone in our country.
After reading about the historic court case of Robert Murphy, an unemployed 65-year-old man fighting to have over $200,000 in student loan debt dismissed through bankruptcy, I began to think “Have I been lied to about my investment in a college education”? Well, the answer is yes; we have all been lied to! Student loan debt is an invisible phantom that follows millions of Americans through their lives. We are told, however, that this invaluable investment is well worth the risk of living in financial destitution for the rest our lives. The truth is it creates even more hardships on Americans in the form of debt. I and millions of others are tired of the lies! If college is going to continuously be America’s golden standard for economic advancement, our next leader needs to fix the affordability of the higher education system and the debt that burdens Americans once and for all.
It is 2017, and the amount of the student debt in the United States is spiraling out of control. 1.4 trillion dollars, those mountains of money are currently owed by 44 million Americans in the federal student loan debt. Moreover, this type of debt looms large all over the auto debt, even more than all the credit card debt, according to the press release of Consumer Federation of America. That is a number that helps to imagine how huge it is. Consequently, many Americans are heavily in debt in their twenties because they strive to achieve a higher education, which leads to many downside effects on the whole country; however, an effective solution to solve this problem would be for the government to give free college to help people be debt-free.
To Carruthers, college should be free: “the price of college is a critical piece of information for students who are unsure about going, and yet, it is a mystery until after admission and financial aid decisions are in, often late in their senior year (if they applied at all).” Many students and their families cannot simply afford college, making the idea of going unrealistic. Carruthers believes that programs like Tennessee Promise will give students who didn't have the opportunity before a chance to go to college. She states, “Tennessee Promise eliminates that uncertainty with a blunt and simple message: Free tuition for high school graduates of any income and any amplitude.” Free college programs will change the way we think about the academic system. More and more students will be allowed to continue their academic careers without having to worry about costs. On the other
How could it possibly be squeezed into the government’s budget? Do they have a secret fund for things like this, or would taxes increase to cover the costs? Free college is now brought up as a debate whether or not students should receive free college tuition while attending college. Some individuals would like this idea, but I am definite the taxpayers would not like it or support it. If the government cannot afford what they are in debt with now, I am quiet uncertain how adding free college would help the debt go down. I am sure that the government would find some way to get their money back from allowing free tuition, or twice the amount the payed by increasing taxes on everything from taxpayers to sales tax. Although it would be extremely pleasant to have free tuition, the tax increase would most likely hurt the taxpayers worse than paying college tuition. I am very much so against providing free college to everyone that graduates high school. Free college would be setting the government up to continue in recession. My biggest concern about offering free college, is how the students who already have student loans be forgiven for the loan amount and have free tuition and debt free as everyone else would be. While more people would have reliable jobs, college should not be free to society because the government budget could not stretch to allow it, more people would take advantage of college because it is free, and taxes would raise on the population.
College is FREE!! What...Wouldn’t it be grand if college was free to citizens in the United States. College should be free to all who want to go. That way everyone could graduate debt free and start making the economy stronger. Many more would go to college if it was free and that would mean many Americans would be more educated. Many educated people tend to make smart decisions and this world could use many educated people.
With the upcoming elections, third-party candidate Bernie Sanders has been one of the most talked about candidates because of his belief that tuition and cost of living at public colleges and universities should be free. Free college has become one of the most talked about policy proposals on the campaign trail, but questions surround the policy, such as how it would work, how much it would cost and how it would affect students (Rhatican).
An education is one of the most important tools a person can acquire. It gives them the skills and abilities to obtain a job, earn a wage, and then use that wage to better their lives and the lives of their loved ones. However, due to the seemingly exponential increase in the costs of obtaining a college degree, students are either being driven away entirely from earning a degree or taking out student loans which cripple their financial prospects well after graduation. Without question, the increasing national student loan debt is one of the most pressing economic issues the United States is dealing with, as students who are debt ridden are not able to consume and invest in the economy. Therefore, many politicians and students are calling
The recent presidential election brought about a new round of discussion concerning the possibility of free state college tuition. Since Barack Obama first mentioned the idea in 2015, conflicts of interest have arisen surrounding the debate. Many people think that free state college education would enable more Americans to receive and then use an education at a higher level than in years past. Other argue that there will be many disadvantages to free state college education that would far outweigh the benefits. Providing free state college education to all American citizens would not only lend to the enormous debt of our nation, but would offer assistance to families without real need of financial assistance, and would contribute to the laziness and lack of motivation of the future generation of United States Citizens.
Many of the protesters occupying Wall Street and other places say they are upset about the rising price of going to college. There is little dispute today that the number of students who have debt has increased, and that the amount of money they have borrowed has gone up (Billitteri). Many students incur large amounts of debt that will never pay dividends in higher wages or greater job satisfaction, and they graduate into a world with weak employment prospects. It 's a betrayal of the American social contract that says if you work hard and invest in yourself through education, you 'll be able to build a better life. The current system is badly in need of an overhaul, and this paper will present several ways to bring about this needed
As many young millennials rally behind Bernie Sanders and his outlandish claims of free public college for all, others sigh and shake their heads in disapproval. Are these college students really entitled to free higher education? Is it every American’s unalienable right to have a college education? Despite the recent push for free college in the United States, the economic burden and drop in personal responsibility it would create proves that colleges should maintain their current tuitions.
We pay a price for everything we get or take in this world. Although ambitions are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won. Every day is an opportunity to make your life the way you want it to be. Anything is possible when you work towards it one day at a time. Skip a day and you lose momentum. Try to do it all at once and you will burn out. Work steadily and consistently to make every day count and you will reach your goals. Soon, with consistent effort, those little bits add up to major accomplishments. Is there something you want to change? Today is the day to start changing. Is there a new customer you want to land? Today is the day to start making it happen. You control today and you can control your