
Should College Students Be Paid For Colleges?

Satisfactory Essays

After graduating from high school, it’s a time to start fresh and find your personality.There are many choices that we as young adults have to make about how we are going to continue on with our lives, and get to where we want to be. Furthering our education in the long run will help us have happier, successful lives. Going to college, is a big part of many people’s lives, and a choice that many will choose to get to their next goal in life. Although, when one is looking into what route they are going to choose, there are many options to pick from; a public and or private university, a community college, a technical school or even going into the military to help pay for the high tuition. In this paper, I’m going to discuss the tuition, class sizes and what they have to offer. …show more content…

Private universities do not receive state funding, so they rely on the tuition of students and the private donations to fund the school, so they tend to be higher in costs than a public college. At a Private college, in 2016, the average cost to attend for the school year would set you back about $33,480; that would be $16,740 for each semester and that would also depend on the major you choose. Whereas, at a public university, they receive state tuition so that helps the students who have a lower income. At a public university, the in state tuition would only cost you an average of $9,650, and the out of state is still less at a whopping $24,930 a year. Paying for college can be a stressful time, but you can receive grants and scholarships to help make the time a little less

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