Should religion, such as Christianity, be taught in public school? Droves of people, theists and atheists alike, ask and answer that question every day, but it is usually met with much scorn and heated arguments. A compromise can be reached, however. Even though Creationism is not scientifically supported, it does need to be taught in public schools, with one major difference; it should be taught only in history classes, owing to the fact that it has contributed to important events in history. Students need that perspective to understand certain historical events and why some people did what they did.
A common argument that quite a few people bring into play when they do not agree with creationists on their stances is that creationism is not able to be proven scientifically. But a counter to that argument is how the theory of evolution is just as much as a theory as the theory of Creationism, so it seems to render that argument as a moot point. However, that is not true. There is a difference between the science use of theory and regular people's use of theory. As the University of California at Berkeley’s Understanding How Science Really Works puts it:
Occasionally, scientific ideas (such as biological evolution) are written off
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Even though there is a large quantity of people that believe that creationism is not able to be proven scientifically, it should have at least a little prevalence in public schools. It should be in history classes. There are far too many historic events to bring up that have had quite a handful to do with creationism, especially with that of Christianity, but here are some of the more important ones: the Crusades, which lasted from 1095 to 1291 (there were multiple crusades). They consisted of European Christian armies taking over various bits of large land, such as Israel. And yes, they were needlessly violent and usually ended up with a ground littered with the corpses of fallen Israel soldiers and
Retired MSG John Landale Ada is the older of two sons and was born in Watertown, N.Y. on February 18, 1967. He graduated from Indian River Central High School in Philadelphia, New York in 1986. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Utica College of Syracuse University in 1991. He joined the Army in 1994 where he met his wife, Brooke, while both were attending Advance Individual Training for Intelligence Analysts at Fort Huachuca.
Thesis: It is patently absurd to argue that creationism and / or intelligent design deserve a place in public school textbooks in the "science" chapter or in any way near to the chapter on evolution. The United States Constitution guarantees freedom of religion and freedom of expression, so all faiths and denominations have the absolute right to worship and believe as they
The question as to whether or not creationism should be taught in public schools is a very emotional and complex question. It can be looked at from several different angles, its validity being one of them. Despite the lack of evidence to support the fundamentalist idea of creationism, that in itself is not enough to warrant its exclusion from the curriculum of public schools in the United States. The question is far more involved and complex.
There is proof of this evolution all around us. Man itself has evolved over thousands and thousands of years in direct relation to the changing environment surrounding them. There are facts and proof to back up the theory of evolution, but that does not mean that it is the only way that explains development of living things.
Our core values are built upon freedom. Freedom from tyranny, freedom from control, freedom to choose. A student should have the option to learn whatever it is they desire, whether it be evolution, or creationism, because it is our right to choose what to believe. There was a true story based on an argument where science was not allowed to be taught, but religion was. It correlates to the novel Inherit the Wind. The plot settles in a trial held between two defendants lawyers battling it out of the science versus Evolution. A school teacher named Cates, who got arrested and went to jail because he taught evolution in a science class. I believe that evolution should be taught in science classes and that school teachers being arrested due to
Dred Scott went through a grueling process walking on the line of being a slave and a free man for almost his entire life. He was a brave man that had a passion for the taste of freedom. Instead of running away, he took advantage of the American legal system and sued for his freedom. He pushed as hard as he could for his freedom in court. Many years of court appeals and reversals eventually put his case in the United States Supreme Court. Dred Scott’s fight for liberty is considered one of the most famous court cases ever.
The theory of creationism versus the theory of evolution is a controversial topic worldwide. The topic delves further into whether creationism should or should not be taught in public schools. While evolution is a theory that says modern plants and animals evolved by a natural process over time, creationism is the belief that the universe and living organisms originated from specific acts of divine creation. Because evolution and creationism are both theories, creationism should be taught with as much validity as the teaching of evolution in public school. Since the early 1990’s creationism has become more and more a plausible theory. The historical events of creationism dates back all the way to the creation of mankind and the universe. Various evidence, such as the universe, point towards an intelligent designer and should therefore be taught in public schools.
Despite great efforts to convince the opposing side, a battle still brews amongst creationists and evolutionists over the beginning of life and the universe, but neither opinions’ palpability can be firmly upheld through scientific manners. Since science can only prove hypotheses that are testable and based on current observations, neither creation nor evolutionary concepts can be proven with irrefutable evidence. However, regardless of the inability to prove either concept, most public school systems promote evolution as a scientific fact. Many students who lack firm beliefs about the origin of life believe what they are taught without giving any personal thought to the matter. Instead of robotically absorbing biased information,
The next debate on why creationism should not be taught in schools is based on The First Amendment. The First Amendment states that the government shall make no laws endorsing or prohibiting any religious believe. Public schools are funded by the government. Requiring the Biblical teachings of creationism to be taught in school promotes the Christian religion. According to the First Amendment, a public organization that is funded by the government can not promote one religion over another. For public schools to be able to comply with the First Amendment, they would have to offer equal time to every religion’s view on the creation of life on Earth, which would be impossible and once again, turn a biology class into a theology class.
In my opinion Evolution should be taught in school but so should Creationism. I think students should be able to choose which theory to learn in school. None of either theory should be forced on students. The argument between teaching each one is that Evolution is a proven historically fact according to the National Academy of Sciences. The majority of those people who desire for creationism to be taught in the public schools cite that it is scientific. They push for the teaching of creation science which is defined as "scientific evidence for creation and the inferences from that evidence" (Tatina 275). The inferences from that evidence are "sudden creation of the universe from nothing, recent formulation of the earth, creation of man and other biological kinds, a worldwide flood", and
Analysis of MMBC’s business model requires the backdrop of the U.S. beer industry. Since 2001, U.S. per
One main reason why intelligent design is not a scientific theory is because it does not have enough evidence to support the claim that an intelligent agency created biotic creatures. On the other hand, evolution has a lot of evidence to support the theory, like the birds discovered on the Galapagos Islands by Charles Darwin, for example. Evolution can be considered scientific since it is “supported by a broad range of
There is plenty of theories to contemplate when it comes to creation, one major standing question in the world is evolution. Reiss, Michael who wrote "The Relationship between Evolutionary Biology and Religion” states that the idea of evolution is that the earth was made “4600 million years ago” and consisted of molecules not living. It is believed that small creatures were made from the inorganic molecules then evolved into specified creatures from one “common ancestor” (5). This is argued as a form of spontaneous creation that cannot be true because something or someone had to make the life somehow. Many Christians and other religious people who believe in evolution see it as a popular idea that are sometimes biased ideas. What can science really hold to this idea with scientific reasoning other than we all came from monkey origins?
In an article published in the New York times, by Laurie Goodstein, she revealed that a poll conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life and the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, revealed that 64 percent said they were open to the idea of teaching creationism in addition to evolution, while 38 percent favored replacing evolution with creationism. It is important to note by this poll that the idea of teaching our children other theories of how this world was created was supported by more than half of the polled population. It needs to be understood that when these teachings are given the opportunity to be introduced in the public school settings, teachers must maintain a very bias approach as to not sway their students into believing one side or the other but, rather let them decide for themselves through research and study what they will believe in.
Public schools are a place to learn proven facts and some very well—known and accepted theories. These schools have been led this way for a long time and show no signs of changing. Many states around the country have rejected the teaching of creationism in public schools, since the subject is so controversial among teachers and parents. In Ohio, a bill to develop new science content standards was not successfully passed. Many creationists were upset when they discovered that the first drafts of the standards were filled with evolutionary content, without any allowance for alternative explanations of life’s origins. In the uproar, the state board held a special meeting to investigate the process that the writing team and advisory committee used to draft the science standards (Matthews, Answering Genesis). This is why learning the facts about evolution should be taught at school. By doing this, there would be much less confrontation between teachers, students, and parents. If one has the desire to learn about creationism or any other beliefs of how the world came to be, one should learn it at a place outside of school, such as church or at home.