
Should Doctors Require Prenatal Testing?

Decent Essays

“Bioethics is concerned with questions about basic human values such as the rights to life and health, and the rightness or wrongness of certain developments in health care institutions, life technology, medicine, the health professions and about society’s responsibility for the life and health of its members.” (du Toit, 2014).
Bioethics leads us to question when humanity makes decisions which could be considered questionable and/or not in the best interest of future generations. Pregnancy is a top near and dear to us all; even when it is not considered so for we all are by products of pregnancy. “Pregnancy and childbirth have become increasingly medicalized in most parts of the world since the early twentieth century.” (Kukla and Wayne, 2011).
With pregnancy being such a crucial topic, questions comes to mind when examining it:
• What should be taken into consideration when examining pregnancy?
• Should doctors be allowed to experiment with treatments which cause pregnancy?
• Should doctors require prenatal testing?
• When does life begin?
• Should women have the right to terminate pregnancies for any reason?
• Should doctors/ parents be allowed to decide to terminate fetuses due to health concerns?
• Is pregnancy a disability?
Let us examine all of these issues from various ethical viewpoints.
The Consequentialist would argue that the answers to the above questions would depend on who was asking the question and what they have to gain by the outcome, or the answer.

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