Should everyone be made smart? I think not everyone should be equally smart because then nobody could learn or teach anyone anything. If everyone knew everything there would be no competition in anything because everyone would know all the strategies to win. If nobody was the smartest would everyone or nobody winn? I don't think everyone should be equally smart because then we will have nobody to teach anything to and nobody to learn anything from either. When it comes to sports or competitions would there be any? Would we be able to win or lose? I don't know but i think it would not take long for everyone to have the same strategies and games and competitions are soon forgotten about. As technology continues to grow it would be more possible
I believe that their should stricter rules on how coaches treat their players. There have been many issues on how coaches treat their players like when coaches yell at their players they may cuss at them instead of explaining to them. When coaches need to talk to one of their players they yank them and pull them and that isn’t really needed.
Would you rather be a hunter who gets hunted or a marshal who must face his dark past? In the story The Most Dangerous Game, by Richard Connell, a world-renowned hunter is trapped on an isolated island and must fight for his life, along the way learning that being the hunted does make you feel one emotion; fear. In the film High Noon, written by Carl Foreman, a newly wedded marshal must make the decision to either fight his past or run away with his future. In both High Noon and The Most Dangerous Game, the conflicts are similar; however, there are many differences between the theme and setting, which affects the plot for both stories
Additionally, Albert Einstein once said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” There are different forms of intelligence that go beyond what our school system measures. Students are not a unit to be measured, and students cannot be assigned a numerical value to identify their intelligence. Students are diverse—they learn at different speeds, and they learn in different ways. Focusing solely on test scores is hurting our students and deviating away from building our society on success and excellence. Critics are slowly realizing the problems associated with standardized tests—they create anxiety, they are extremely biased, and they do not measure the ability to think deeply.
Not to pull a Jaden Smith, but if everyone were smart, wouldn't that just mean that everyone would just be average? To pull evidence from another story- Harrison Bergeron- when everyone was placed on the same baseline of wit, "normal" became pretty moronic from our perspective as the reader. The reader typically living in a society wherein most people seem to have an IQ of over one hundred, at the least. But that's not what we care about, is it? What we care about is if that baseline was to be brought up to brilliant.
What about those individuals that are academically gifted but are unable to care for themselves, are they well educated? To be educated shouldn’t one be both academic and practical. I am not saying that one must possess a college degree because I know for some that this is not possible, and for some this opportunity may not come until later in life. One should possess basic knowledge that we obtain from school. We need to know about the past so that that following generations do not repeat it. We also need to know math and reading so that we can communicate as a society. Science, also important so that we understand how things function as a whole and why. As for practical knowledge, people need to know how to take care of themselves the basic survival needs. It goes back to the survival of the fittest. There are too many young adults being sent into the world unable to fend for themselves. They can’t cook, clean up after themselves or even do their own laundry.
Shopping at the mall and hanging out with friends is much more important than doing homework. Why are students required to do homework anyway? It’s a waste of time so they should not be required to do homework. Homework is causing stress, which is resulting in students spending less quality time with their families as well as with their friends. It is also causing students to feel burned out and to not be engaged with school as they should be. Even though students need to learn how to manage their time more effectively, including budgeting time to complete homework assignments, they should not be required to do homework. Students should not be required to do homework because it stresses out students.
WHY SHOULD WE VOTE?We live in a federalist democracy which means we elect certain individuals to represent us in local, state and federal government. While some people may argue that it’s not worth making the effort to vote either because they do not like the candidates (consider our present predicament in the current presidential 2016 candidate selection), or they don’t trust government no matter who wins an election, I, for one, believe that it is absolutely essential for every eligiblecitizen to vote. Voting is a right, but it is also a personal and social responsibility. Our country was founded upon the principle of free and fair elections. We must protect the right of voting, forif we do not vote then we are not participating in the process our founding fathers fought so
The issue being debated in the article “Hidden Intellectualism” by Gerald Graff is street smarts versus book smarts. Gerald Graff is an English professor at the University of Illinois and has written many books. The author claims that people are better off if they are more street smart than book smart. The authors is very persuasive using real life examples. I although disagree with this claim. I think that you need an equal mix of both street and book smarts.
Some may argue that you must be smart because you can’ t be unintelligent and also be a great leader. This can be proven false. Many great leaders in our world today grew up without an amazing education and still have become very successful. As an example, Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, “grew up working before school with his father who ran a tea shop and his mother at the oil mill” (Werft). Also, in Animal Farm, Clover and Boxer were not very well educated, but if they were given the chance, they could have been better leaders than Napoleon ever was.
Isn’t it ironic that the internet has negative effects on us? Shouldn’t the internet be making us smarter and more intelligent? How the internet affects us depends on the way we use it. There are different ways we use the internet but it is mainly for help on something. There is a cheating kind of help and a research kind of help.
Since the moment we were born, our elders told us that we were all special in our own ways but the education system argues against that statement. When students are tested in the same way, some students out shine others due to the way they learn, while others are left feeling less intelligent. The education system is ruining the confidence in many of our children today, making some feel less important than others. This aspect is one of the many flaws in the system today. We as a nation should make an effort to make the children of the future feel important rather than destroying their self-esteem. We should not make them feel like they cannot accomplish their dreams due to a disability they could not escape. They are the future of this country, the ones to live on and continue to make this country great. Why should students have to study harder than others in order to pass the classes required to progress? This country is all about equal rights
This concept will only lead to social problems among the children and social inequality. I would also get rid of the term “gifted” students. All students have the ability to achieve the same academic satisfaction, no one should have the label as being “gifted.” This label would also lead to disparities, social problems, and bullying amongst students. I also do not like the idea of the I.Q. testing, so if I was a school administrator I would not make this a mandatory test for all second graders, I would stick to standardized tests. I feel that if all students are learning the same material, at the same pace, there will be less racial/ethnic inequality amongst students. If I were a school administrator, I would consider all students as being “gifted” because they all have that ability. Just because someone is a different race than Asian or white doesn’t mean that they aren’t equality as “gifted” as they are. Also, just because someone has a higher I.Q. than someone else doesn’t mean that the so-called, black child with the lower I.Q. can’t score higher than the Asian with the higher I.Q. on a science test. Everyone has their own strengths in certain subjects. I do not believe that I.Q. testing is an accurate way to go about classification on who is “gifted” and who
Do you think you should or should not vote? I'll give you three reasons to vote.The first reason is on Election Day, voters will not only be able to select their representatives in government for the next term, but they also often have the ability to decide on measures like bond issues that grant the government permission to borrow money for construction projects and other developments.Now for the second reason.The second reason is when you vote you are participating in a Democracy. Your voice will be heard and your right to vote will be exercised. And if your candidate is elected into office he/she will think like you so laws you are for will be passed to your liking. Now the third reason.The third reason is for
Learning is always positive because we can learn from our mistakes. Learning from our mistakes can lead to a safer,better, and more enjoyable future.
To make my volunteer hours, I assisted with two different events. The first event that I assisted was at the Baptist church in Calexico Ca. The name of the persons in charge is Lupita and Santiago. The second event that I assisted was at the Buckling Park in El Centro Ca. In both events, I had a really good experience, and I learned different and interesting things.