Protesting is one of the many freedoms of being an American citizen. Although there are freedoms, I believe flag desecration shouldn’t be allowed as a form of protest. Flag desecration should not be allowed because it is very disrespectful toward our veterans and our country, and it shows how you abuse your rights and freedoms as a citizen. Veterans fight and die for the freedoms and rights that the people of the United States have which is why one should never disrespect an American veteran. Veterans fight for that flag everyday of their lives because war sticks with them forever. If you are disrespecting the American flag, then you are disrespecting our veterans. Flag desecration can affect some veterans and hurt them a lot. When they realize they fought for and protected people that don’t give anything back to them but disrespect, it can hurt a lot. Flag desecration not only shows disrespect towards our veterans, but it shows disrespect towards our whole country. …show more content…
Although they are “protesting”, them burning the flag shows a lot of disrespect towards our country as a whole. Our country has gone through a lot of hard times in the past that considered flag burning like the Civil Rights movement or the Vietnam War. I believe that if you are a citizen of the United States and you are given rights and freedoms, then you shouldn’t disrespect the people that allow you to have those freedoms and rights. It also disrespect our country because it makes us look bad as a whole to other countries out there like Russia and middle eastern countries. Abusing your rights and freedoms by burning the American flag should have a punishment whether you’re protesting or
Quinceanera is one of the most meaningful and beautiful occasions in Mexican culture. It embarks the celebration of girl’s fifteen birthday that is anticipated with much happiness and enjoyment. It is a celebration of womanhood means she is fully ready to take on her responsibilities and is of marriageable age. The ceremony is celebrated with zest and zeal by the parents.
The flag is a symbol of “national unity” and burning it is destruction of that symbol. Even if the flag that is being destroyed is owned privately, the government should be able to regulate the protection due to what the flag stands for. The First Amendment recognizes symbolic speech but an exception should be made for the flag. Not only does it stand for what the United States believes, it honors those who have died defending this country. Flag burning is extremely offensive. It ignites strong feelings and in some cases violence. There must be a line drawn that prohibits the burning of the flag and does not consider it symbolic
It should be illegal for the United States flag to be burned or otherwise destroyed. The Supreme Court’s majority opinion argued that Johnson was protesting a political idea. While Johnson may have been protesting, he was using a symbol that as Chief Justice Rehnquist used in his dissent, “does not represent the views of any particular political party, and it does not represent any particular political philosophy. The flag is not simply another "idea" or "point of view" competing for recognition in the marketplace of ideas.” The flag has a uniqueness to it; it represents freedom, equal opportunity, and the goodwill for other peoples who share in the pride for our country. This unique status should outweigh the concerns of “symbolic speech” and protecting the right of protesters that desecrate the
There are many ways to use the American flag. At school or pep rallies it can be common to see children holding flags and waving them to songs. Americans break flag rules when wearing prints of the flag, coloring the flag different colors, or mix matching the flag to resemble another. If one were to witness these actions taking place it is usually because one is ignorant, trying to stir up controversy, or protest views.
In 1969, the Supreme Court of the United States (U.S. Supreme Court) put forth rules allowing the burning of the flag to be protected under the First Amendment. The U. S. Supreme Court first ruled on flag discretion in 1907 in the Halter v. Nebraska case. Prior to this ruling flag discretion statues strictly prohibited the burning of the American flag , as well as, disrespecting the flag in any way shape or form. In 1968, Congress reacted to the burning of the American flag in New York during a protest against the Vietnam War by passing the Federal Flag Desecration Law. In a few court cases it has been declared that burning the American flag is only illegal if the flag has been stolen. When a flag is worn/torn the proper way of disposing of the flag is to burn it; however, when disposing of a flag by burning it there are steps that should be followed in order to do so honorably. The flag should be folded in its customary manner and then placed on a fire that is fairly large with sufficient intensity to ensure complete burning of the flag. After placing the flag on the fire all individuals should come to attention, salute the flag while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and observing a brief moment of silence. Once the flag has been completely consumed the fire should be safely extinguished and the ashes should be buried. Congress has made seven attempts to overrule the Supreme Court decision regarding the burning of the American flag by passing a constitutional amendment that had an exception to the First Amendment and allowed the government to ban flag desecration. (,
People burn the American Flag or kneel for the National Anthem never have gotten the military experience veterans have. Many people have been disrespecting our American flag to protest. It is an unfair way to protest because many men and women have fought hard, left their loved ones, and risked their lives to protect our country. Many students at Brown University on Veterans
There are schools that loan the flag but it is suppose to be a symbol of peace among the nations . Then you have those that wants to burn the American Flag they call it desecration, but once again there is still prejudice of the flag rather than pride in some cases. Perhaps the public is calling kneeling instead of standing for National Anthem a form of protesting. Protesting for what? Well police brutality is a form of protesting of the Nation Anthem because once again the flag stands for purity, pride, justice, integrity and justice for all so instead of placing their hand resting over their heart people are either taking a knee or sitting out of solidarity and risk public backlash and are being ostracized for peacefully exercising their freedom of speech, the American will always be disrespected as long as there are protesters and racial radical commotion in this mean cruel
Burning, of course, is the only way that a flag can be thrown out (in the trash). If you read the Constitution, nowhere does it talk about/say that burning the flag for any other reason, such as political disagreement, is illegal. The same goes for the Bill of Rights. In today's country-loving climate, there are people who want to see flag-burning prohibited by an (agreeing with, or related to, the Constitution) Change. But many people believe that burning the flag as an example of disagreement is covered by our First Amendment Freedom of Speech.
This was a peaceful reaction I won’t say protest to social changes in our society. Most people think the national anthem represents those who died for our country which is true in fact, but what did they die for? They died for freedom, for the right to either stand or kneel. When we look at the ethical issues about the confederate flag controversy we can look deeper and what some people believe it still stands for. Some southerners see the flag as a symbol of the South’s independence, sign of pride and the brave fight their soldiers died for. When we dig deeper though, the civil war was fought over slavery, a brutal war between states. Choosing what ethical decision to make it is always a good idea to look at social changes. There are always unified alternatives to both sides. The flag can still be represented in museums and homes, but not in public places and government buildings. After all in our Pledge of Allegiance it does say “and justice for
People should be able to express themselves however they want. If they want to burn the flag to express their discontent with the government, then so be it. In 1984, a man named Gregory Lee Johnson burned the American flag to protest Ronald Reagan’s policies. As a result, he was arrested by the police and
The Flag is an honored and venerated symbol of a country. Epic wars were fought for this piece of fabric, such as the American Civil War, or World War Two. However, some people disrespect this, and “Take it too far” such as, physically destroying the flag, or desecrating the flag by burning it down into a pulp. This is currently illegal in several major countries. I believe that desecration of the flag is not permissible, and should stay illegal in the United States.
In photolithography, different chemicals are used during the process, but even in small quantities these chemicals should be handled carefully. In order to clean the surface of the wafer, chemicals such as acetone can be used, but since it is flammable it should not be held near an open flame and should not be inhaled or ingested because it can cause irritation. Methanol is also used during this process but is only toxic when it is absorbed by skin and can cause skin irritation or sickness. Deionized water is used after the chemical cleaning but is not usually hazardous to human health. Chemicals such as 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA) are used for tougher process of cleaning and is less carcinogenic than Trichloroethylene (TCE), which is carcinogenic.
“The US flag is a symbol of great pride” (Hills 2016). Ethan D. Hill from the University of Georgia states this, just as all Americans should know this. The American flag is a representation for the strength and power of this country and all that it has gone through. With that being said, not everyone sees the American flag in this way. Some take it upon themselves to show firsthand disrespect to the flag in desecrating it. Desecration is the act of burning something, in this case it is burning the flag that symbolizes the freedom of this great nation. It is obvious to most that this act should be illegal, seeing as there is no reason good enough to hurt the country in this way; however, some Americans believe otherwise.
Currently in the US, burning the flag is legal, as per the Supreme Court Case Texas v Johnson. In their ruling, the Supreme Court stated that burning the flag was an exercise of the first amendment right to freedom of speech, and therefore could not be banned. This caused much controversy, and several attempts were made by the President and Congress to ban flag during, however, each attempt was overruled by the Supreme Court. Supporters of flag burning say it is a form of expression, and therefore shouldn 't be banned as it doesn 't bring harm or threaten harm to anyone. This that disagree say that since the Flag represents America and its ideals, burning it is a direct attack on all our country holds sacred. Despite the controversy, and attempts to outlaw it, burning the flag is still legal today throughout the country.
The right to protest is a freedom that should be respected. Our First Amendment clearly states no law shall be made regarding the right of the people to assemble peaceably ( This right is known as symbolic speech and is one of the most controversial rights protected by the First Amendment. Activists for gay rights, civil rights, and women’s rights have taken advantage of this freedom in their attempts to promote their cause. However, protesting in a manner that disrespects our country, our flag, or our anthem is not an acceptable method of protest.