
Should Flag Desecration Be Allowed

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Protesting is one of the many freedoms of being an American citizen. Although there are freedoms, I believe flag desecration shouldn’t be allowed as a form of protest. Flag desecration should not be allowed because it is very disrespectful toward our veterans and our country, and it shows how you abuse your rights and freedoms as a citizen. Veterans fight and die for the freedoms and rights that the people of the United States have which is why one should never disrespect an American veteran. Veterans fight for that flag everyday of their lives because war sticks with them forever. If you are disrespecting the American flag, then you are disrespecting our veterans. Flag desecration can affect some veterans and hurt them a lot. When they realize they fought for and protected people that don’t give anything back to them but disrespect, it can hurt a lot. Flag desecration not only shows disrespect towards our veterans, but it shows disrespect towards our whole country. …show more content…

Although they are “protesting”, them burning the flag shows a lot of disrespect towards our country as a whole. Our country has gone through a lot of hard times in the past that considered flag burning like the Civil Rights movement or the Vietnam War. I believe that if you are a citizen of the United States and you are given rights and freedoms, then you shouldn’t disrespect the people that allow you to have those freedoms and rights. It also disrespect our country because it makes us look bad as a whole to other countries out there like Russia and middle eastern countries. Abusing your rights and freedoms by burning the American flag should have a punishment whether you’re protesting or

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