
Should Football Be Banned Research Paper

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Should High School Football Be Banned? II.A. Football is the heart of America and it could be going away due to the risk of injuries. Even though there is a risk, high school football should not be banned because of advancements in technology, the effects it has on the community, and the benefits for the players. Technology has had a huge impact on society and it can also been seen on football. The effect on the equipment can clearly be seen. Football equipment has evolved since the game has started to help reduce more and more injuries. Helmets are one of the biggest pieces of equipment doctors are trying to improve, due to the increase of amount of concussions. Due to the alarming concussion rate in high school, football, Riddell came out …show more content…

The most common injury in football is knee injuries. Although there is not a full proof method of getting rid of these injuries, there are many ways of preventing such injuries. Some include stretches, strengthening technique, improving flexibility, and avoiding vulnerable positions. Another big injury in football is concussions. Concussions can be reduced through good technique. Proper tackling involving keeping the head up greatly reduces the force to the head. “MaryBeth Horodyski of the National Athletic Trainers' Association said parents should look for programs that "emphasize things such as keeping the head up during play, seeing what they hit, not using their head as a ramming rod when tackling. "She said everyone needs to be on the same page when it comes to safety. "Make sure officials are actually using the rules to protect the athletes," Horodyski said” (Nadia Kounang). Another method use to help prevent concussions is neck strengthening. "That can make a significant difference in reducing the acceleration the head sees, and in that sense, reducing your chance of having a concussion," Dr. Cantu said.” also “Dr. Cantu said that if done regularly and properly, these exercises can help prevent more concussions than any product on the market, according to the scientific evidence to date.”(NBC

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