Should High School Football Be Banned? II.A. Football is the heart of America and it could be going away due to the risk of injuries. Even though there is a risk, high school football should not be banned because of advancements in technology, the effects it has on the community, and the benefits for the players. Technology has had a huge impact on society and it can also been seen on football. The effect on the equipment can clearly be seen. Football equipment has evolved since the game has started to help reduce more and more injuries. Helmets are one of the biggest pieces of equipment doctors are trying to improve, due to the increase of amount of concussions. Due to the alarming concussion rate in high school, football, Riddell came out …show more content…
The most common injury in football is knee injuries. Although there is not a full proof method of getting rid of these injuries, there are many ways of preventing such injuries. Some include stretches, strengthening technique, improving flexibility, and avoiding vulnerable positions. Another big injury in football is concussions. Concussions can be reduced through good technique. Proper tackling involving keeping the head up greatly reduces the force to the head. “MaryBeth Horodyski of the National Athletic Trainers' Association said parents should look for programs that "emphasize things such as keeping the head up during play, seeing what they hit, not using their head as a ramming rod when tackling. "She said everyone needs to be on the same page when it comes to safety. "Make sure officials are actually using the rules to protect the athletes," Horodyski said” (Nadia Kounang). Another method use to help prevent concussions is neck strengthening. "That can make a significant difference in reducing the acceleration the head sees, and in that sense, reducing your chance of having a concussion," Dr. Cantu said.” also “Dr. Cantu said that if done regularly and properly, these exercises can help prevent more concussions than any product on the market, according to the scientific evidence to date.”(NBC
Tanya Golash-Boza illustrates a personal life experience about the video of a baby who was having health issues because his mother was deported, and he kept rejecting the bottle. Surprisingly many comments on the video expressed hate towards the mother for being immigrant, and towards the baby for now being the orphan son of an immigrant. Many Americans have developed hate against immigrants because the government has created a stereotype of them as burdens and deviates. Politics and society focus on how immigrants can affect the economy or the country's security, creating a common feeling of contempt. Focus in the material issues has faded the human side of some members in society. The government forgets that immigrants are humans with rights, friends and family bonds. Any enacted law will affect
The article “New NFL rules designed to limit head injuries” published in 2012, explains the new rules applied by the NFL. I argue that, the league has improved its rules and regulations each year to prevent hits from occurring above the shoulders. According to the article, “The reworded rules prohibit a player from launching himself off the ground and using his helmet to strike a player in a defenseless posture in the head or neck” (“New”). In addition, the article goes on to say, “When a player loses his helmet, the play is immediately whistled dead. And now, during field-goal and extra-point attempts, the defense cannot position any player on the line directly across from the snapper, who's considered to be in a defenseless position” (“New”). The game of football is a very physical sport. Again, it cannot be fully stressed enough just how much physical contact is a crucial part of the game. Contact sports mean that players will be in close proximity to each other. I believe that the NFL is going above and beyond to do the most they can to prevent the occurrence of concussions. Facts and statistics show that the incidences of concussions are decreasing each passing year. The article “NFL reports reduction in concussions, new measures to protect players,” written by Lorenzo Reyes, discussed the decline of concussions by using statistics and facts
New surveys and data reports showing that repeated trauma to the head can cause CTE which seriously affects the brain and human body overall. Symptoms such as dizziness all the way to the most extreme like loss of motor function, dementia, etc. With all of the recent buzz about this phenomenon, The NFL, NCAA and state sports committees such as the WIAA have been trying to prevent the future generations of athletes and sports players suffer from these diseases. Acts such as reducing practice time allowing full contact and also schools buying the best helmet protection available shows how schools are really working to help kids across America. In addition, the NFL has publicly shown responsibility for head to head injuries and the lack of supervision and serious along with them. The organization is actively pushing technology to protect the brain as best as
The NFL is watched all over the United States. There are many injuries during this game such as breaking a leg and arm. They can get their lungs collapsed if someone was to step on them with all force. Concussions though are the most dangerous you can get a concussion and not even know.”The Patriots tight end suffered a helmet-to-helmet blow from Jaguars safety Barry Church in the final minutes of the first half and was immediately taken to the locker room for medical evaluation.’’ Any of these injuries can happen to anyone so we gonna talk about how to try to avoid them and to treat the if they happen to you. So tune in and join us in reading this so you don't end up on the sidelines and are always playing the game that many people love,
Football, ever since it began, has had the constant question of should it be banned. Footballs origins began back in ancient Greece where even then it was known as a very rough and brutal game. When football came to England it was thought to be so rough that kings Henry II and Henry IV both actually banned it. A lot has changed since those times in history. We now have equipment for the game and every year the equipment keeps evolving into a more safety conscious design for the player. Rules for the game also keep changing throughout the years with the player’s safety in mind as well. Because of these changes, it has
Football can be a very dangerous sport. And although those who play the game believe that they are being protected by the helmets that they wear, the truth is that this may not be the case. In a recent study released by the American Academy of Neurology it has been found that “protection against concussion and complications of brain injury is especially important for young players, including elementary and middle school, high school and college athletes, whose still-developing brains are more susceptible to the lasting effects of trauma”(Science Daily, 2014). The study also found that standard football helmets worn by the majority of players on the field today, only reduce the risk of traumatic brain injury by 20 percent compared to not wearing a helmet at all (Science Daily, 2014).
Football is one of the most beloved sports in the United States. It is one of the most violent bone crushing sports, leaving players permanently injured for life in some cases. The most common injury that football players suffer from pee-wee through the NFL is the concussion. A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that changes the way your brain works. The effects of a concussion are usually temporary and can result in a full recovery if its minor and treated correctly. A concussion can lead to brain problems later in life, even after a player has finished playing football. This is why people are studying and trying to understand concussions fully in order to prevent and treat future ones. Concussions are very
Football head injuries are a big concern in the NFL and youth football, due to the contact in football there's damage that is done to the brain that can cause health issues to individuals players as they get older, it leads to long term mental problems caused by concussions which is when your brain crashes into your your skull. There isn't a technology that can prevent a head injury one hundred percent. Football head injuries are more commonly found in high school than in college and NFL. The effects to the brain of a football player with a head injury are long term in the end.
Is it safe for a high school student to play football? Concussions have become a major concern when it comes to football. 33% of concussions occur at practice and one in five high school athletes will unfortunately sustain a sports concussion during the season. Does this mean that parents shouldn't allow their son to play football in high school? Although many parents decide not to let their child play football due to injury concern, the Improvement in equipment, better coaching, and penalties all help to make the game of football safe.
Banning football is like the Prohibition. Just like with the Prohibition, there is much danger and controversy surrounding football. People that think football should be banned make a good case for the ban because of long-term illnesses such as CTE or ALS which could physically disable a person for life. On the other hand, football teaches life skills such as teamwork or trust. 0
Football being one of the most physical sport it is, I grew a love for it in all aspects. I’ve been playing the game of football for 10 plus years and can’t stress enough the importance of technique and player safety. In recent years people have become concerned with the long term effects of head related injuries caused by repeated collisions on the field. Head injuries such as concussions often leave participants of all levels permanently injured for life if the correct treatment isn’t provided. This is why studies around the country are being constructed to keep athletes safe and prevent any further injuries.
Playing football is not like playing other sports. Athletes in all kinds of sports risk injuring themselves, but in football, a lot of the risk comes from other athletes. While there are many ways to be injured playing football, one of the worst is head-to-head targeting. This has been a problem in football since the beginning of the game, especially, when equipment was not very protective. Over the past eight years, the National College Athletic Association (NCAA) has implemented rules and penalties specifically designed to protect players and to hopefully reduce the number of bad head injuries (Marshall). The NCAA is doing the right thing by protecting players from severe injury by calling and enforcing targeting penalties.
The main reason football should be banned is because of the high risk of receiving a concussion. A concussion is known as a brain injury caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head that disrupts the brain’s normal function. When receiving a serious strike to the head, the brain is violently shaken around, continuously bumping the skull. Football is a direct contact sport. The players are all at risk of getting tackled, whether it is during practices or games. Although most coaches and teams have certain regulations against tackling, players continue to go against these rules. According to the Head Case Company, an average of 33% of concussions in football occur during practices. The source also states
High school sports such as football, should be banned because it causes continuous concussions that result in brain damage. A concussion is a brain injury caused by a hit to the head or a rough shaking of the head and body. Concussions in high school sports especially football are very common and the impact injures the brain. The article, High school Concussions, conducted a
The Holocene Epoch is the timescale given to the last 11,700 years of earth’s history, beginning at the end of the last ice age. (BD Smith et al, 2013) Therefore it can be noted as being a relatively warm period in history in comparison to other scales of time from the past. The Early Anthropogenic Hypothesis is an idea put forward by Professor William F Ruddiman from the University of Virginia which states that the effects of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions did not occur simply since the industrial era, but may well have been kick started many thousands of years before this, closer to the start of the Holocene. By which may have prevented the start of an ice age during this timescale.