Should freedom of speech ever be regulated? This is the question that I have chosen to discuss. The simple answer is yes; up to a certain point. There are three different reasons that I would like to share with you on both why and why not freedom of speech should be limited. First is what could the world be like if there was no freedom of speech, then what the world would be like if freedom of speech was never regulated. And finally, to what extent the law can regulate freedom of speech. The one thing we Americans take for granted, the most without even realizing it, is right in the First Amendment of the Constitution, the right to freedom of speech. What would our world be like without freedom of speech? Let's take a country like North Korea unarguably the most anti-free country in the world. If you even try to say something that the dictator of North Korea doesn’t like, yet alone find even the slightest bit …show more content…
However, I have a very different theory, the world would chaos, almost as bad as North Korea, except with an apocalyptic scenery. Let me explain. Here in the United States, yes we may have freedom of speech, but it is still restricted. For example, ABC will never say anything negative about Disney, the reason being is that Disney owns ABC. What if one day everyone in the whole company of ABC started bashing on Disney one day. That wouldn't go over well, and the whole company would be fired, or discontinued. If Disney got a whole new staff for ABC, and they did the same thing, ABC as a whole would just be discontinued. Then what would happen if all the companies turned on there owner companies, then eventually the companies would turn on themselves and crumble. Then there would be no businesses, and no order, because then no one would be making any money, because no one has a
Throughout many years, people have protested and rioted against many things such as gay rights and immigration. To many people, this is considered what is called hate speech. Hate speech is speech that attacks people based on race, sexual orientation, gender, or any other personal attributes. For many years, people have had debates about if hate speech should or should not be protected by the First Amendment. This debate could cause the leaders of the United States to form new laws.
With all the freedom that we have, we must remember that Freedom of Speech is not absolute. The United States Supreme Court ruled that the United States government has the right to limit speech. The question then becomes, “Where do we cross the line with free speech?” What type of speech is “impermissible”? According to government of the United States, offensive speech such as libel, obscenity, and fighting words that may incite violence should be limited or banned.
The freedom of speech is one of the most precious rights that the United States citizens have. Unlike many other countries, the United States citizens have the freedom to speak their minds and to give their opinions on anything as long as it is done in a peaceful manner without having any fear of governmental retaliation. “The First Amendment guarantees our right to free expression and free association, which means that the government does not have the right to forbid us from saying what we like and writing what we like.” This does not mean that a person can say whatever he or she wants to say, but rather that a person’s right to say something is protected within certain limits.
Neil Gaiman once said, “The current total of countries in the world with First Amendments is one. You have guaranteed the freedom of speech. Other countries don’t have that.” At the time of the amendments’ creation, a vast majority of operating countries had not yet granted their people such freedoms. Granting every citizen of the United States this right seemed to have been an important landmark in this nation’s history. Along with others, this right is declared to the people in the first amendment of the constitution. The first amendment is the most important because it grants people freedom of speech, prohibits prior restraint, and declares the right to peaceable assembly.
Did you know that 43% of kids have been bullied online? Many students are very negatively affected by being bullied online. Many people believe that schools should limit students under the age of eighteens online free speech, but others think that they should, not because it would be a violation of the first amendment.
How much we value the right of free speech is put to its severest test when the speaker is someone we disagree with most. Speech that deeply offends our morality or is hostile to our way of life warrants the same constitutional protection as other speech because the right of free speech is indivisible. However, in recent years, the right to free speech is one of legal and moral ambiguity-What separates offensive free speech from dangerous or threatening (and presumably illegal) hate speech? Under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, every American citizen should be entitled to the right of free expression, thought, and speech. While free speech, including racial, sexist, or otherwise prejudiced remarks, must protected no matter
Freedom of expression has always been a heated and heavily debated topic throughout our society, more so in recent times due to the increasing amount of freedoms that we gain. However, it is only natural that free speech be something of extreme amounts of conflict since this right is expressed in the very first amendment of the Constitution. But, how loosely should such an important document within our history be interpreted? This has been a question for years, and it is obvious that this particular amendment presents itself through our day-to-day activities. The real issue with freedom of speech is that, even though it is presented to us, there are obviously people who would abuse it to invoke emotional distress, or even to invoke acts of
Free speech is the backbone that holds democracy together. Without a free speech, ideas would not be challenged, governments would not be kept in check, and citizens would not be free. John Stuart Mill said once that, “If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person then he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”( Roleff, 21). The right to free speech is essential to “egalitarian democracy,”(Tsesis) however, this right is not absolute and must be limited in certain situations.
The First Amendment of the constitution is the most significant political statement in the history of the United States. The ability to speak freely is a value that is cherished by most American citizens. In many countries around the world, people are sent to prison, or even executed, for expressing opinions not shared by the government. In the United States, any government official, no matter how powerful, must abide by the opinions of the people, even when those opinions are brutal, or even unfair. Free speech is probably the best known and most revered of our constitutional rights in the U.S., but it not always easy to define what exactly is speech. As humans, we have many ways of expressing our thoughts, opinions, and beliefs. Especially, since we are part of an innovative society that is constantly evolving.
The ability to have freedom of speech is one of the many things that makes America the great country that it is
The First Amendment states that a person has the right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of press. Although these things are clearly stated in the constitution, these rights are beginning to be compromised, and taken from the American people. Many people in America are not able to say their views in fear of offending someone else with the comments. This is a problem that many people are facing especially on the right side of the political spectrum. Some people believe that people should not be able to speak their minds in public places, but that is wrong because the constitution states that any person has the right to say what they want to.
“Some people’s idea of free speech is that they are free to say what they like , but if anyone says anything back , that is an outrage”, according to Sir Winston Churchill. America, the so called place of opportunity and land of freedom purports to be free, but is it really free? In the 1969 court case , Tinker v. Des moines school district , kids were wearing black armbands in protest of the vietnam war. In response ,the school district didn’t allow it and immediately went to court. The court ruled in favor of the children because they were exercising their right of freedom of speech in a nonviolent manner . Freedom of speech is something that is highly debated and refuted. Freedom of speech is something that gives the people a voice and a right to express their concerns and beliefs that help make America a better place. The right of Freedom of speech should not be limited because the people are entitled to their voice,criticisms and opinions should be expressed freely, and rebelling anyone's rights are
This year’s election alone has brought about many emotions and deep rooted feelings that have not come out in years. Hate speech and actions carried out because of hate speech has cause a deep division in American culture. Groups like “Black Lives Matter”, “All Lives Matter”, and “Alt-Right” are all under fire for things that have been said or done in the names of these groups. There has been terrorist attacks in the names of religious groups whom believe that a newspaper or group has insulted their religion, beliefs, and gods. Not to mention our own President Elect of the United States, Donald Trump, has been accused of fueling much of the hate speech we see today. This begs the question, should freedom of speech have any restrictions or be limited in any way, or is that unconstitutional? To look at this we must first identify what “Freedom of Speech” is as defined in the constitution and how it relates to current issues in the world and in America, then I will talk about some situations where regulation is already put in place in America, lastly we will look at some situations where I believe freedom of speech could use some clarification or restriction.
Topic: Do you believe that free speech as proscribed under the first amendment of the constitution should be limited?
Is Freedom Of Speech a true thing? You might want to think again. Over the past couple of centuries it has changed. You used to be able to say anything and everything you wanted. Now you say something and you are immediately thrown in jail. Like what happened to Bradley Manning over the past year and a half. He released documents about military killing innocent people and what does our government do? They threw him in jail. The military did not comment on the situation because they knew it was true. He wanted people knowing what they did was wrong and he got in trouble for it. I do not see that they should have thrown him in jail. What my concern is do we actually have Freedom Of Speech? Are we allowed