Should girls be allowed to play on boy’s sport teams?
Sports. Most people like sports, there fun to many people, but there is topic that needs to be said: should girls be allowed to play on boy’s sport teams?
Many people think that girls should not be allowed to play on boy’s sport teams.
I personally think that girls should be allowed to play and that our gender should not hold us back from what girls would want to do. i think this because number 1 fact: girls and boys have equal rights. Number 2 fact: girls can also help Benefit the team because they learn to work together. And number 3: in 2013 more than 1,500 girls were playing In boy’s football and some of these girls were the best in their team.
While it sometimes might
How would you feel if you were on the leading boys’ soccer team, and all of the sudden you had to let girls, good or bad, on the team? Lately many people have been asking whether or not girls should be allowed on a boys’ sports team. There are many reasons why a person might say yes, but there are also many reasons why a person would, and should, say no. I think girls should not play on boys’ sports teams because of the difference in rules, having to let in all the girls (good or bad), and there is a higher risk of injury.
Throughout history, woman have been fighting for equality with men. This fight isn’t over and doesn’t stop with the right to vote or the right to wear pants. The progressive movements of feminism are starting to creep into younger generations, including, but not limited to young girls wanting to play on predominantly male-dominated sport teams. There are a lot of controversies when looking at this topic, saying there’s a natural strength advantage, it would be uncomfortable for a male to compete alongside females, among other reasons but ultimately, if the drive and effort is present, there are legal rights and no legitimate reason for woman to not be given the opportunity to prove themselves and normalize the incorporation of females to male sports.
Girls shouldn’t be allowed to play on boys soccer teams, because of boys are more
Why girls and boys shouldn’t play sports together Boy and girls shouldn’t play the same sports together for several reasons. First, females might get more injuries than boys because some of them are more fragile. Next girls have some of their own sports like boys. Finally, people might get mad that girl’s are playing in boy’s sports.
Dear,Principal you should let the girls play on the boys soccer team .Girls and boys should be able to play on the same team their is nothing wrong with letting a girl on the boys soccer team.The girl will probably have a friend on the soccer team ,and that’s why the principal should join the boys soccer team.Boys and girls should have the same experience of playing on the same sports with each other and they can get along with each other and get along better and have fun.
Girls shouldn’t play sport because that teams will be unfair. Girls should not play sports team because it will be not fair
Although some people believe that girls should not play boys sports, it may actually be argued that they should play on boys sports team.Some girls like me may want to play stuff like football,baseball,and many more.Some girls may be down if they do not get to play their favorite sports.Like me I would keep asking to play on boys sports team.
Ever since I was able to walk I have participated in sports from cheerleading, soccer, track, and etc. I remember after cheerleading practice, my friend and I would join the boys in a game of football. We were decent in football, but I felt we would have been better if we were part of the team. We wanted to drop cheerleading and join the football team, but there would be controversy within the community. Growing up I always wondered why there was a men’s football team, but never a women’s football team. There are usually a men and women’s team in every sport, except football. Therefor it is only right for women to have their own football team.
Although many people are biased to whether girls should be able to play sports with boys, there are many decisive reasons to make this official. This is a topic that not many people can agree with.
Even though there are many schools that allow their students to play together, I think that it is a bad idea. If a girl is going to play a sport with a boy, she could get hurt. Yes, you can get hurt in any sport, boy/girl, but if a girl plays football, she might get really hurt if she is weak.
Some girls also feel that doing this can help girls by strengthening the girls As stated in sports and athletics they say, “Playing seven years with boys ‘sharpened my skills’” (52). With the evidence provided in above as you can see some people would say there are multiple reasons to why girls should be allowed to play on sports teams it would help us save money Boys and girls playing together on teams would be less expensive, because it would be one coed team instead of two separate
As of twenty-sixteen. Only fourteen thousand girls played on a high school varsity football team according to business insider. The sport is to aggressive. If I was a parent, and I had a daughter. she would not play football. The reason why is because on a varsity team. They pick the biggest and best players on their team. Therefore, I believe girls should not play football. For the reason why, they do not have the same body structurer and we can easily hurt them.
The sports world has been a new area where women are recognized. In previous times women’s sports were almost non-existent. In schools many girl teams did not receive adequate funds for uniforms and equipment. Boys sports were much more popular, such as football or basketball. If a girl wanted to play a guy sport she would be labeled as a
This can be a safety hazard for females in a highly contact sport like football, if society were to allow girls to play on all boy’s teams. Also, Dr. Wallace agrees with this statement, “And in most sports, strength and size make the difference, and these attributes are extremely important to team success. That's why I firmly believe the sexes should be separated in athletics” (
Although many people may think that boys and girls should not be on the same team, it should be a right and privilege. Girls and boys should have the choice whether or not to play on the same teams. Not only is it more entertaining, but it is an act of our freedom to play with whoever they pick.