A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. This is the second amendment stating that anyone one is allowed to get a gun license unless proven dangerous. The very fair rules, average deaths by guns each year, death by suicide, being able to carry anywhere, and the latest gun laws in Iowa will be in this essay. Even if you are not legally allowed to have a gun you can still get one illegally. To start off if you have ever been to jail for beating up someone or other serious crimes you can not get a gun license.Which could mean that if someone was dangerous or maybe a murderer they can not legally get a gun. Also, if you are mentally unstable …show more content…
Not all deaths by guns are caused by other people. According to everytownresearch.org nearly 62 percent of deaths by guns are caused by suicide. Most of these deaths are caused by kids who can not even legally own a gun. The gun that they use is their parents and they just happen to find a gun or code to the safe. Next, people being able to carry weapons everywhere can be dangerous to others. If you have a Conceal Carry License you should be able to carry anywhere. If you were going out of town to Minnesota or maybe Utah you can not carry a gun unless you are a resident of that state. If you live in Iowa and you went to Minnesota and saw a mass shooting going on you would not be able to defend yourself and others. That is why you should be able to carry anywhere.
Now you can shoot someone if you do not like them and they are in your house. According to washingtionpost.com less than one month ago Governor Terry Branstad passed the stand your ground law.(house law 517) This law is a law that allows you to kill or harm someone that has broken into your property and is trying to harm you or others. This law also means that if you were walking down the road and someone tried to kidnap you, harm you, are even kill you-you have the right to defend yourself and you will not get into any trouble with the law. You should be able to carry in a government facility, not including a school. Gun-Free
Right now, twenty six state allow you to carry a firearm of any type without a permit for them. You can walk anywhere at anytime with any type of firearm in your own pocket without knowing how to shoot it at all. People nowadays get to carry a firearm and a permit with it because of this amendment and because of the court case District of Columbia v.
For this paper I will discuss Amendment II “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”. There are pros and cons to amendment II but it is a touchy subject especially with the current school massacres across the country. Such senseless deaths have lead many citizens to want more gun control which does not necessarily
Chrystine Archer National Government T&R 12:30 Essay #1 10/03/2017 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution I chose to write about the Second Amendment which is the right for people to keep and bear arms simply because it is one of the most controversial amendments we have. The concern behind it stems from the question “who are we really protecting, the people or the government?” In this essay I plan to explain the history behind it, also how and why is it so important to the US constitution today?
Supporters of these stricter gun laws believe that deaths by guns, be it a homicide, suicide or even accidental, would drastically be reduced. According to Dustin Hawkins, “there are roughly 32,000 deaths per year in the United States caused by guns.” If more in depth background checks were implemented the homicide and suicide rate could lower. These background checks could predict if someone may become a violent offender or be on the verge of suicide. Also, fans of stricter gun laws feel that requiring owners of guns to attend classes and become more educated about gun safety could reduce accidental deaths. Gun death is a leading cause of death in America; but by introducing new laws, the United States can create a safer society.
"Arming the Good Guys: School Zones and the Second Amendment." Brigham Young University Education & Law Journal, no. 2, June 2015, pp. 481-506 p.3) No biases or prejudices should influence any laws or guidelines when it involves firearms. The meaning of the “right to bare arms” is not inclusive of firearms only. It is any object that could harm another person. The question that remains unanswered, however, is whether this right to keep arms for one's personal defense allows restrictions on the condition in which the arms may be kept. (McGovern, Owen., pp. 471-496.)
Did you know you are 4 times more likely to be killed with a knife or other cutting instrument than you are by a rifle or a shotgun? Gun rights and gun control are always hot items during any political discussion, whether it is between peers or politicians. One of the many great advantages to being an American is the ability to choose for one's own self what to believe in. Another advantage, in my opinion, is the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Laws should not restrict gun rights because first, it would infringe the second amendment, second, guns are a part of our culture, and finally, if guns were outlawed, citizens of the U.S. would become vulnerable.
They say guns kill people, technically. People kill people. As if guns were able to walk around and shoot, which in this case they are not. So should guns be illegal, i think not.
A. This world is a considerably dangerous place. Self defense seems to be the only way we as people can survive situations that require skills and intelligence, concealed carry is one of the ways in which we can defend ourselves. It also has proven to be effective if the person posses the mental stability and a good moral compass as well as good marksmanship. B. To get a carry permit there is a minimum age of 21 and the person getting the person must have a clean background, the background check includes fingerprinting the person and law enforcement will conduct an official background check. Law enforcement will then send the person approval/denial in the mail with your license attached if the person is approved. The license will be good
The reason why our nation is allowed to bear a large quantity of firearms is due to the Second Amendment of our constitution, which specifically states, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." (U.S. Const. am. 2) Because of how vague this amendment is when it comes to law interpretation, it is often used by gun advocates to argue for lenient gun laws. Even though the Second Amendment prevents the federal government from completely banning guns in America, there are still restrictions on the distribution and possession of firearms. Each of the states have their own specific gun laws but generally, a person must obtain a license or permit to purchase or possess a firearm. Also, another thing to note is that all states allow some form of concealed carry, which is carrying a concealed firearm in public. Despite the laws that allow the bearing and distribution of guns, society has multiple viewpoints concerning the usage and appropriateness of the freedom of having the "right to bear arms."
On January 1st. Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, signed a bill into law that allows licensed handgun owners to openly display firearms out into the public. Open carry being legal in the majority of the United States is terrible. Getting licensed today would be fairly easy because background checks are horrible. One out of every veterans come back from war with PTSD. A mere sight of a gun would cause them to have a major anxiety attack, and after all, we should be respecting them and not shoving guns to their faces. Plus if you think about it, there is no good convenient reason to show your guns to the outside world.
Campuses across the United States continue to grow vulnerable every day. Since the Columbine Shooting in 1999, the nation has witnessed over two hundred and fifty shootings that were committed on a school campuses (Pearle, 2016). These shootings have been committed on school grounds, starting at the elementary level all the way through post graduate school. With the rise of social media and the internet; campus shootings have grained more attention nationally. In October 1990 Congress implemented the Gun Free School Zone Act (GFSZA); for public federally funded schools to create a barrier around designated school zones, to prevent gun related violence. The GFSZA designates a predetermined distance of 1,000 feet from school’s grounds as a gun free zone. This keeps a law-abiding citizen defenseless when entering a campus premises and allowing any potential criminal a safe-haven to commit a crime. Law abiding citizens should be allowed to concealed carry on school campuses because not only is it a Constitutional right, but it also
The Second Amendment says that "a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." History has shown that it is necessary to keep this Amendment. There are now places where this right is infringed upon. They are called “gun-free zones.” In these gun-free zones, people’s safety is constantly compromised, because shooters know that they can come to these places and attack, without fear of their own lives. There is simply no one to resist the shooters. This has been seen in schools across America. The existence of gun-free zones makes these facilities easy targets for those wanting to commit violent crimes; therefore, people should never be stripped of their right to bear arms, regardless of the place. It 's noteworthy that every mass shooting in the U.S. since 1977, with the exception of the 2011 Tucson shooting that killed six people and severely injured Rep. Gabby Giffords, has happened in a gun-free zone, according to John Lott, Jr., former chief economist for the U.S. Sentencing Commission (Gun-Free Zones).
Concealed carry is a constitutional right to citizens of the U.S. for the right to bear arms. People who support of concealed carry law say that criminals are less likely to attack someone they believe to be armed. It is set in stone that Americans have the right to bear arms. This should not be any different nowadays that violence and crime rates are going through the roof (Henigan).
Owning a gun is legal in the USA. Actually, it’s the second amendment. The USA has the highest civilian gun ownership rate in the world. US civilians own about 270 million guns, compared to about 3 million guns owned by the military and less than 1 million guns owned by the police, also in the USA. In 2009, gun deaths actually outraced motor vehicle deaths in 10 US states. The 20% of gun owners possess 60% of all guns in the USA.
Gun ownership should be banned in order to reduce crime rates and ensure the protection of our nation’s people. Throughout the United States, gun control has become a controversial issue due to gun advocates strongly believing their 2nd Amendment rights guarantee them legal access to guns. Although gun advocates view gun ownership as self defense, the government and gun control supporters have noticed that legal distribution of guns has been linked to school shootings, homicide, and violent crimes. Furthermore, legal distribution of guns increases the risk of harming innocent people while declining the police’s power to establish safety in society. Overall, in order to prevent the destruction of our country, the people must work together to ban gun ownership and ratify the 2nd Amendment rights clarifying its purpose to the public.