Should All Classwork Be Internet Based? I believe that textbooks should be used in the classroom and for assignments because not everyone have internet access or a computer. Most people like to have access to the textbook to highlight key points, and write about a topic to get a better understanding on what the textbook is talking about. Some textbooks may be high in cost, but its good to have them. Textbooks are an important device to use for doing classwork and other assignments because if your internet do down that means you can't do any of the work that was assigned. When the work is not done the only thing your professor going to tell you is "there is no excuse of why you didn't do the assignment". Then your grade go down. The internet
Yes! Text books need to be placed into their position they were meant for, supplemental teaching methods. In order to do this, a teacher must understand how valuable and knowledgeable they are in a classroom setting, as well as know their own boundaries. “Textbooks can never do the work for the teacher” (Kauckak & Eggen, 2007). Teachers need to teach and not use textbooks for personal placement over their own unique teaching methods. Mooney and Mausbach stated in their article align the textbook to fit around your teaching methods, don’t lose balance and leadership over the classroom. There are many other methods to textbooks than just hard copies, “a teacher could download a digital copy and use it for interaction on the smartboard” (Klymkowsky, 2007). Textbooks allow teachers to gain fabulous ideas for lesson plans, grade level building, and data consumption. “Teachers need to use their own creativity to format lessons to teach the students, so that all student’s needs are meet” (Klymkowsky
This is one reason that materials in many school libraries today date from the 1960s and early 1970s, before funding was diverted. (p.141-142). the school library not update many new edition textbooks, sometimes we can find many earlier text books with old edition in the school library that not related to the fact that we need in classrooms. Since the new text books are more expensive so the school library budget should be increase to buy more new textbooks because outdated books will give students misinformation. I agree with the source, I think it is important for students to select what to read and what to learn to help them gain the knowledge. If they still learning from the old materials, this causes students to disengagement and impact on student effecting learning. By select of instructional materials that meet the needs of students and fit the constraints of the learning environment, student can be more actively learn. Therefore, encourage students to use the new textbooks can make them ask more questions from the books that require more critical thinking skills. Also, new information can help students develop higher thinking skill related to the fact. For example, students go beyond the textbook to study complex topics based on real-world issues, such as the recent industry in the communities or the health develop... they can
Shopping at the mall and hanging out with friends is much more important than doing homework. Why are students required to do homework anyway? It’s a waste of time so they should not be required to do homework. Homework is causing stress, which is resulting in students spending less quality time with their families as well as with their friends. It is also causing students to feel burned out and to not be engaged with school as they should be. Even though students need to learn how to manage their time more effectively, including budgeting time to complete homework assignments, they should not be required to do homework. Students should not be required to do homework because it stresses out students.
Imagine a day when youngsters would leave for school carrying nothing more than an electronic device weighing less than one pound. The advent and growing popularity of electronic textbooks may make this a reality sooner rather than later. No more students trudging around with 20 pound backpacks strapped to their backs. No more lockers jammed with textbooks and notebooks. The benefits of transitioning to e-textbooks are many and provide advantages for both students and educators.
Do you ever think a teacher gives out homework? Yes, I think that to. Kids should not have that much homework well not even that much none at all. It’s extra harder for middle and high school cause they more than one classes. When kids come from they are ready to play because they spend all day in school doing work. Homework eats up free time. In 11 and 12, it can be difficult to manage homework with independent study. Studying is enough even though we have a test coming up.
While many classes still use textbooks, they havetextbooks become outdated and over the school year get worn down. We as students now have the ability to access the internet and have the ability to learn anything we want. Many schools end up not using this to their advantage; with online activities, learning opportunities, and tons of videos thatey can show us so they can giveet a better understanding of a topic. Education Technology Solutions wrote an article asking questions like, “Why are most examinations not open book? Why cannot students take their computers into a test? In real-world situations, are people rarely so cut off from information that they cannot ask a question on how to do something?” from the paragraph section titled “Teach a Man to Fish…” Google Drive can be used to organize work in simple folders and find it in the
I was sitting in my Algebra 1 class waiting for my teacher to dismiss us. Apparently, my classmates didn’t get the memo since the second the bell rang, everyone dashed towards the door, while I remained seated and casually raised my hand to remind my teacher about passing out the homework. Hearing groans from every corner of the room, I remained sitting, secretly grinning. I only did such act because having no homework in math disturbed the balance and structure of not only the class, but the education system. To many of my peers, homework is treated as a burden, but me, I look on the other side of the coin
Granted that letting teachers choose the book for class, it would be more helpful to let the students choose the book. For instance, students should get to choose books so they not only want to read the class book but will want to read other books outside of class. Everybody has been in a situation where they have to read a book that they really don’t want to read, so they don’t and their grade goes down by letting the students pick the books they will get to read something that they will actually read, and may make them want to read more. Students usually don’t like the book the teacher assigns so they just don’t read or put it off until
Have you ever experienced getting college level homework and be expected to complete it for the next day? Well, high schoolers that are 9th to 10th graders are getting too much homework and college level homework. The problem is that teachers are giving out too much homework and college level homework. But the problem is that 9th and 10th graders are having stress and not feeling good by reason of they don’t understand the college level homework so therefore they are not sleeping and are getting bad grades. It all started with the teachers’ looking at the GPAs at the high school, and they saw the GPAs were little, so they started giving high schoolers college level work. It affects 9th and 10th graders considering they don’t know what to
These resources are very expensive and harming to the environment. Online textbooks however use up no resources but the electricity taken to power them, and are completely green. Another reason is that current textbooks are sold to a county. The county in turn must pay for all of the textbooks. The schools themselves may obtain the textbooks debt-free, but the debt goes straight into America’s National Debt, which grows every single day. If online textbooks were used instead of hardback copies, and if everybody in the school had access to a school login and password to the site that holds the textbook, then it would cost barely anything! Online textbooks are green and cheap, the perfect
As I read the proposal for an online school, I was ecstatic. The thought of finally getting enough sleep in one night is unfathomable. I live in a city where high-school students go to school before their parents go to work. There's days where not getting enough sleep is what the students talk about. I for one, am all for this online schooling program. It gives kids a chance to get more sleep than usual, making them more efficient and awake for school. It also allows the students to learn time-management at a young age, preparing them for today's "real-world".
Teachers are always assigning homework in the textbook and of course every student complains. Not only because they have homework, but because they have to lug home multiple textbooks. Many school districts have been trying to find a way to solve this complaint. What school board officials have come up with is replacing the textbooks with notebook computers or tablets. It is the 21st century, there is technology booming everywhere. However, converting the notebook computers might not be the greatest decision.
I believe that doing something differently than others doesn’t mean that what you are doing is wrong. What the others are doing isn’t always right. I know this seems like a very obvious belief, but sometimes it can get tricky. You’re probably thinking, “how?” Well, I’ve faced this issue of doing my own thing before, and I didn’t realize that what the other people were doing was wrong until recently.
Electronic textbooks are more portable and convenient as they can be accessed by a tablet, downloaded onto a computer or accessed via the internet. The technological benefits available on an electronic textbook are endless. The audio and video capabilities will liven up learning and change the way students understand and retain the material. The emergence of three-dimensional technology may also play a role in the near future. In addition, digital textbooks are much more user friendly. Studying for tests will be more efficient as highlighted notes can be easily transferred into electronic note cards for memorization. The main downside to electronic textbooks is that students will have to purchase a reading device, tablet, laptop or smartphone in order to view digital textbooks away from home or on the go. Most college students have already made this investment prior to starting college.
The instant access to information, offers millions of unknown documents with all sorts of information, therefore, making the student much more intelligent using this tool called the internet. For instance, a student in modern time, most of the time, doesn't need to face the common struggle of flipping pages through an old and reused textbook, for all he or she must do is type a question on any browser that is in favor such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo, and receive countless of files that provide information on the subject being asked for. The Internet is portrayed as a library in modern time, so it provides students with access to nearly any piece of information imaginable. This is an advantage in the classroom as it can enhance and differentiate the information on any educational subject. Although a downside is that sometimes students can come across biased or misleading information online, it is still beneficial in the way of obtaining information on the subject or topic being used. The mobile phone, is replacing old methods like acquiring books from the libraries because in modern day students can use library applications on their mobile phones to access books in the form of electronic books, so they can have some sort of reach for these books at any time which saves time and assists them to read at any time, anywhere. Unlike in the past when learning was limited to a classroom, students and teachers could only