
Should Huckleberry Finn Be Taught In Schools

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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an American classic written by Samuel Clemens under the pen name mark Twain. The novel is centered around a young boy named Huckleberry Finn and a runaway slave named Jim during the 1800’s. The issue of slavery and the use of the term “nigger’ is the focus point of many critics scrutiny and the reason they cringe when they read the book. They seem to be scared of the past and want to tuck it away instead of addressing it head on and getting it out of the way. Parents and school officials want to keep it away from their kids and not teach it in the classroom. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has so many lessons to be taught it would be a crime not to teach it to young readers.
Throughout the novel Huckleberry …show more content…

Even though Twain uses the term “nigger”, doesn't mean that he nor the book is pro slavery. His use of the term and his writing about slavery is actually his way of going against slavery. His message is just hidden into the book and must be read and studied to get the true meaning out. Those who claim that he is a racist and the book is derogatory are simply too ignorant to understand what is happening. Mark Twain is fighting against what they are saying hes for. He is on their side and they don't even know it. They just read the word and automatically assume he's promoting racism and slavery without first thinking about it. Mark Twain is trying to open the reader's eyes on how the current times were happening. The word was very alive and a regular in many whites vocabulary. Slavery was happening and it was going strong. He never had any intent on insulting anyone or demeaning African Americans, he simply wanted to open the public eye on the …show more content…

The particular author of this article chose to use the argument that a form of entertainment can change someone's viewpoints and their morals. The author also suggests that any content doing so should be done away with if negative. This author should look at other forms of entertainment that have negative connotations even if they are popular and would be fought for. Critics cannot choose what to fight for and against just because it has something included in it that they don't like. Their morals should be kept the same throughout all their judgements and not changed just because things are included that they don't particularly

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