I watched this video in gun safety class, and the kid was shot by his best friend. The both of them were only 16 when this happened. They were hunting together, the both of them were hunting for squirrels it was winter outside when this happened. And the 16 year old bleed out right in front of his best friend before the ambulance could get to there. There are stories happening like this all the time and people are going out there with a weapon to kill for pleasure or to kill for recreational uses and that is simply not right. I believe that hunting should be illegal because. Of tragic accidents and wasted meat.
The first reason why hunting should be illegal is because hunters shoot the animal but most animal go unretrieved. According to the
In America, deer are an animal hunted widely throughout our country. Each winter citizens have mixed emotions about the sport. Some say its barbaric and cruel, while others argue that it’s beneficial and useful. Although people may say hunting is cruel and barbaric, have they ever thought about the upsides to be gained from hunting? While this is a topic that can be argued viciously back and forth, I believe hunters win the argument. Deer hunting keeps the population down, protects farmers’ crops, boosts economic sales, betters a person’s mental health, and teaches lifelong lessons on respect. These are just a few of the amazing benefits that can be gained from hunting.
Many people consider hunting dangerous. This is not necessarily correct. Before any person is legally allowed to hunt in most states, they must undergo a required
The pro gun control debate is sided by the more liberal organizations. Whether they are conspicuously discernible organizations for gun control, or even just more liberal news sources, be sure you ken their political standing afore taking their data as whole truth. Even an organization such as NPR cannot be held as 100% reliable, because of their generally liberal agendas. The gun control debate facts for the anti control side are just as suspect. Again, the NRA and its constituents are perhaps the most vocal in this debate. But generally any Republican or right-wing organization is going to have some remotely investment in keeping gun control down. Any of their facts and information are going to be hyperbolized or skewed in order to make gun
For years now there has been a subject that Americans are extremely controversial about, the right to bear arms. There is many reasons to be for and against this god given right, so here is the question that is hanging out there, is the right to bear arms really a necessary part of the constitution? Well, I hope to help you understand how you feel about the topic. There is a few reasons why people should have a firearm first it is a huge part of the 2nd amendment, second, guns offer protection to all those who know how to use them, they also make it easier to get food, and of course you must learn how to properly handle them before you should even touch them, they help the economy out greatly and they save more than they hurt. Also, another
Once every thirteen seconds an American uses a gun to protect themselves (Harris). Americans having to use their guns that frequently is not the ideal situation, but without having guns once every thirteen seconds a person would die from an act of violence. Gun control should not be stricter in the United States because, guns are an excellent source of protection, guns can lower crime rates, and gun control laws only affects law abiding citizens.
The issue of gun control dates back to the 17th century. There have been debates whether the government of the United States should adopt gun control or not and whether it is good for its citizens or not. As a result, two opposing groups have been formed; one supporting guns control and the other one against. According to statistics a big percentage of crimes committed in the United States are as a result of possession of guns and other firearms among citizens. In surveys carried out since 1999, over 20% of gun owners said that they owned the guns for protection. According to them, they use the guns to protect themselves against the increasing crimes. However, not all gun owners use the guns for protection; some use them to commit crimes thereby bringing in the issue of gun control. The United States government need to formulate laws and regulations to control gun ownership especially pro-guns (Spitzer p34-35).
Gun control is a law that controls how guns are sold and used, and who can own them. Allowing people to possess and use a gun with legal documents in the United States is legal. There have been arguments on whether or not is should be legal to own a gun as some people see it as beneficial and others do not. It is believed that guns are beneficial to have, and they are there because we need to be able to protect ourselves. We should not allow the government to have power over gun control for many reasons including the loss of tradition of hunting, not being able to protect ourselves, and simply because of the second amendment.
Gun law advocates argue that gun control laws diminish the amount of weaponry in the streets, and, by extension, in the hands of criminals. Likewise, gun control will diminish suicide. There were 464,033 total gun deaths between 1999 and 2013: 270,237 suicides (58.2% of total deaths); 174,773 homicides (37.7%); and 9,983 unintentional deaths (2.2%) (CDC, 2014). If perhaps, one of these families had a surviving brother or sister, mother or father, due to the current policies, it is worth enacting change. It is inhuman to allow people to die by firearms when they could simply be banned. In light of the recent mass shootings, families are left with the lingering wonder as to whether these national tragedies could be prevented. Criminals can easily
For many years now, citizens of the United States of America have questioned if restricting the right for Law abiding Americans to own guns will decrease crime, murder, and violence, benefiting the county as a whole. However, there are many logical, and factual reasons as to why doing so may not be beneficial to the people of the great, free nation at all. Guns are a huge part of this extravagant nations creation and history, as without firearms, America may not have ever gained its independence from Great Britain. Violence is at a high in the United States, with and without the use of firearms, and Washington’s politicians are only striving on
In conclusion, I don’t agree with big game hunting because statistics show that non lethal nature viewing benefits more than simply killing animals for money. Not only that, but they kill the animal, only taking the parts they want and leaving the rest to rot. To kill an innocent creature for bragging rights is simple
It is early in the morning; the majestic Elk bugles in the distance. The sun is kissing the tops of the peaks with the most beautiful gold, and painting the clouds rose red. The men and women who enjoy the outdoors whether it is hunting or just hiking help make these types of moments possible. Hunting and the ecosystem is tied closely to conservation of land and animals. The articles of “Hunting and the ecosystem” written by the South Dakota Game Fish and Parks Department (SDGFP), and “Facts and statistics on wildlife conservation” written by Roger Holmes, director of the Fish and Wildlife, touch on how hunting is important in the environment to keep a good balance in the ecosystem. They also point out how hunters do more than any other
Hunting is the practice of pursuing wildlife in order to kill it. Individuals who hunt do so for a variety of reasons while wildlife activists oppose hunters’ views and practices. Many people in rural areas of the United States hunt in order to harvest lean, organic, healthy meat for personal consumption. Some individuals hunt because it is tradition and a significant part of their heritage. Others choose to hunt as a means to escape the ins and outs of a chaotic society while taking in the serenity of the great outdoors in a therapeutic manner. Some hunters enjoy hunting for the thrill and the challenge of the chase. Other reasons people hunt include trophy hunting, travel to exotic locations, spending quality time with family and friends, and wildlife conservation. Individuals who are against hunting typically argue that hunting is inhumane and is considered cruelty to animals. Due to the benefits of properly managed ethical hunting, hunting should be legal within the United States.
When a Minnesota dentist killed a prized African lion named "Cecil" he received an onslaught of criticism and reignited the debate concerning hunting. I hunt. I have hunted for years and I don't see anything wrong with it. The reasons I hunt are for the meat, I think it tastes better than store-bought meat and it doesn't have any additives in it, and for the time I get to spend out in the mountains. However, there are some people who are against hunting.
In a civilized and cultivated country, wild animals only continue to exist at all when preserved by sportsmen”("MARC FOLCO: Some hunting, fishing quotes to live by"). Hunters are the leading source for all conservation programs. Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most passionate hunters. People put down hunting like it’s a bad thing. Many hunters contribute billions of dollars the the economy. Hunting should not be banned because of the positive impacts it has on society.
The right to bear arms is a wonderful thing. The law is great for multiple reasons and should not be taken away by Obama. Reason one for the right to bear arms is to be used as self defense in case of an attack by another person. Reason two for the right to bear arms helps citizens to save their own life and live a safe life. Reason three, in order to get a gun the person must go under a background check. Reason four, people are excluded if they have a criminal act against someone. Reason five, this law does not carelessly let a person own a firearm.