1. The government shouldn’t close the borders but better secure them.
If the government shuts down all the borders, and people want to get away from danger there would be no where to go and there would be more deaths in certain places caused by closed borders.
2. The government should do a better job at doing a full on background checks.
Some kids and adults that go to different counties are innocent and the government assumes that they are dangerous, so they refuse to let them in.( "Central American Children Heading to U.S. to Escape Danger.")
Instead of not letting kids, and any other people into the country under assumption they should do a whole background check and if the person has a clean record they should be aloud to come in, because they haven't done anything. Therefore, they aren't dangerous. ( "Central American Children Heading to U.S. to Escape Danger.")
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Immigrants should be allowed an education and jobs
At age 14, Benito Vasquez crossed the border and came to the United States. He has never gone to school and couldn’t read or write. ("Some Young Immigrants Face Education Hurdle to Stay in U.S.")
4. immigrants who have been in the US for a certain amount of time should be given an opportunity at citizenship(after background check)
Hillary Clinton says that she will protect immigrants that are getting deported. ("Supreme Court Announces It Will Rule on Controversial Immigration Case.")
There is something called the “Deferred Action” that grants work permits to people who came to the US as children and it also saves them from getting deported for 2 years ("Some Young Immigrants Face Education Hurdle to Stay in U.S.")
5. Not all immigrants are bad or enemies
Donald Trump wants to send all illegal immigrants back to where they came from because he claims that all of them are dangerous but some of them are actually looking to start a new life.( "Candidate Dismisses Criticism of His Plan to Keep Muslims out of
Between 2001 and 2004 the estimated number of central American migrants that reported detained and deported, doubled to more than two thousand a year. Most of the migrants that leave their home in central America and Mexico have a set goal which is to find their mothers. “An estimated 1.7 million children live illegally in the United States, most from Mexico and Central America” (Nazario, Pg. 241). A study featured in the book from a Harvard University showed that “85 percent of all immigrant children who eventually end up in the United States spent at least some time separated from a
Before reading Enrique’s Journey I only knew 3 things about those who immigrated to the US. One, the majority were Mexican families. Two, they only migrate to the US, because they are poor and there are more job opportunities with better pay. Three, they got to the US by being smuggled in a van over the Border. All these things listed are true to an extent, but on a much deeper level. Sonia Nazario, author of Enrique 's Journey and journalist for LA times, has opened my eyes with Enrique 's Journey. Enrique is a young Honduran boy making his seventh attempt to America to reconnect with his mother after 11 years. Many unaccompanied children go on the same quest to America as Enrique to escape gang violence or to find a job to support their families. On this journey children ride on top of train cars, encounter gangs and corrupt officers, witnessed many acts of violence and death, and do their best to blend in and not get caught by officers who will deport them back from where they came. I learned immigration is frowned upon in the US and many agree with presidential candidate Donald Trump’s “build a wall” campaign to block out anyone coming in from Central America. I believe the majority of those who agree with his campaign only believe the stereotypes about immigrants. If those who supported Mr.Trump 's campaign knew the true struggles of immigrants lives and what sacrifices they made and the serious danger they put themselves in to get to America I strongly believe everyone
In the Article “Our Fear of Immigrants” by Jeremy Adam Smith, he introduces us to Rodrigo Guzman, a fourth grader from Berkeley, California. In January 2014, Rodrigo and his family were returning from their family Christmas vacation in Mexico, little did he know that he and his family would not return to their home. Rodrigo and his family was detained in Texas and sent back to Mexico. Rodrigo was only 16 months old when his family came into the US on a tourist visa card which was long expired. I believe Jeremy
In the movie Which Way Home, cameras follow several children and adolescence on their journey from Mexico to the United States in hopes of a better life. This is done by hitchhiking on several freight trains illegally crossing the border. Of the thousands that attempt the feet of crossing the border in this manor are roughly five percent according to this documentary. For these children and adolescences, there is an additional risk for this type of travel, due to their cognitive abilities being underdeveloped. Therefore, these individuals may not make the best choices in this form of travel. Moreover, with border patrol apprehending one hundred thousand children during a year, this is no easy task. Within this documentary, you
Due to so much violence between the gangs it has led to people to get out of the country. Most of them were children. Seeking a safer environment, the parents send their kids to the United States. Some of the kids travel alone while others travel with a parent or relative. More than 70,000 children had come to the United States. The children were from Mexico, and from the Northern Triangle- Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. The majority of the children had come from the Northern Triangle, with about 74% of the children. These children are either trying to reconnect with a parent that left to the United States years ago or help a family in crushing poverty, as well as other reasons. Fifty-eight percent of 400 youths that were interviews had said they had been threatened, fear of serious harm, had suffered, by gangs. Most of the kids that had come from Mexico are taken back while for the others that are coming from the Northern Triangle are placed into a temporary shelter while their deportation proceeding are made. There was a law in 2008 (Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act) that allows the children from Central America to have a court hearing before they are in a position to stay or be deported. The come of many children has been controversial because which was built under the Bush administration to deal with 6,000 to 8,000 children not with 52,000. The shelters that are
Children do not understand what they are doing is wrong, they only know that they will get paid lots of money to do a simple thing as taking a package across the border and return home. They are promised lots of money and once they return they are paid and sent out on another job. The children are recruited because they supply cheap and expendable labor for the drug dealers. The children come from poor, under educated areas; this allows the cartels to make these grand promises to get the children to work for them. The children see it as an opportunity to help their family earn money.
none of subgroups of children fell within category of probable depression when the clinical cut off T-scores (>60) were applied (Kovacs 2003), but children who went back to Mexico when the parent was deported ranked highest in the depression symptoms category, these children were more likely to have emotional problems and negative physical symptoms than children whose undocumented parents were not at risk of being deported or detained. The result also showed that all three groups did fall within the category of probable anxiety disorders. Children whose undocumented parents were not at risk of deportation were more likely to report positive self-concept than children who went back with the parents after being deported. When a parent is detained or deported, the mental health and well-being of the US born child is affected immensely.
No one chooses to cross the border unless there are absolutely no other options. Many Mexicans choose to either downplay the event or not talk about it at all. The act of crossing the border is laden with powerful symbolism – to Americans, it represents a larger willingness of Mexicans to violate the law. However, if people knew the true story, of the risks, and what it takes to cross the border, then they would have a different perspective. For most people, when you cross the border, you have to pay thousands of dollars to the “coyote,” people who specialize in human trafficking and importing immigrants across the U.S.-Mexican border. If you are traveling with a child, there is a high chance that you will not be able to cross with them. Although
The United States should not allow people from other countries to come into our countries illegally because immigration is forcing hard working Americans out of jobs. Jobs that do not require a high school diploma
As a 4 year old child living with my great grandparents in El Salvador, I had not one intention of moving to a new land. I had not one idea of The United States of America, but only that my parents lived there. I was fine living life like I was, even though I was only 4 and did not really know much at all. But my parents plans where much different, they want me to be with them and the felt empty without me in their lives. They did what many Latinos do and paid a coyote to bring me to America. Yes it does seem real risky to give you child to someone you have never met and take them through a journey that many have taken and parish on their way. But to my parents that’s a risk they were willing to take, for them being reunited with them is all they wanted.
Hackers can be tricky to figure out because even though they are incredibly sophisticated people, most use there knowledge for evil. Over the years, the world has been exposed to many hackers that are now infamous. As a matter of fact, here are some hackers that could scare both Chase Bank and Bank of America to death.
“I don't mind having a big beautiful door in a wall so that people can come into this country legally”- Donald Trump. America should end Illegal immigration because of the economics burden, it leads to crime, and to prevent Terrorism. Immigration has been a major issue in the United States and in the world, illegal immigration has come into a big debate recently. Immigration is defined as coming from one country to live in another country permanently.
Few brave immigrants decide to cross the border into a new life, a miniscule amount cause harm or disturbance, Much less, commit murder. The president election is a major headline in worldwide news, and leading candidate Donald trump attracts the public with his appealing words. In return, the public receives the wrong message. The real purpose of why immigrants leave everything behind to come here is completely misunderstood. They are looking to aid and serve as the labor force, not to harm and serve time in
Introduction: The purpose of this experiment was to examine the relationship between heat transfer, temperature, and specific heat capacity of water and a metal. Prior to beginning the experiment, it was known that specific heat is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of a given sample of substance one degree Celsius, and specific heat capacity is amount of heat needed to raise temperature of one kilogram of substance one degree Celsius. The formula to solve for specific heat capacity is: Cp = Q/ (m *ΔT) or Specific heat capacity =
What stopped you from dropping a dime in the coin slot at the corner telephone booth? Did you read the love letter from your girlfriend? The form of writing romantic letters has almost become a thing of the past. The reality, most of us have not visited the U.S. Post office since the price of a stamp was 45¢. The art of casual conversation, a cup of java or tea in the morning has taken a new direction. We are left with little in common between coworkers, friends, and family for lack of talking with one another. Additionally, there may be an increase in worker productivity and a decrease in our ability to speak and write proper English. Very few will enjoy the job of Administrative Assistant to the President because the automated systems will do the work. For example, the access to free online templates and the convenience of pre-filled forms that only require you to fill in your name and signature. Will someone 's job be eliminated because of free online templates? What happened to relationships by socialization at house parties, coffee bars, gatherings at restaurants, and book clubs with people who share a common interest? People held parties to nurture and keep relationships alive, established specific groups such as poker or chess clubs. Technology modifies how we write, speak, and conduct relationships. Socially, it has created numerous outlets for us to communicate with one another, from distant places. Technology has