It can be tested by Scripture, and this should always be the first test; what does the Bible say? It tells us not to love the world. (I John 2:15) It tells us to flee youthful lust. (II Timothy 2:22) So, anything that causes one to lean in the direction of the world; those things that stir up youthful lust must be avoided.
Then, there is the common sense test. Some things just don’t make good sense. There are people who jump and then think, but after a person jumps, it’s too late to think. Don’t do anything that will embarrass another or yourself. Avoid actions and words that may cause another to say, “That wasn’t like him or she’s just not like that.” Everyone has people that they admire and perhaps if we ask ourselves whether or not they would do a certain thing, we wouldn’t do it. Of course, Jesus is our greatest example; therefore, everyone should ask before doing anything that is doubtful, “What would Jesus do?” (I Peter 2:21)
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Secondly, the Straight Road Policy applies to one’s preparation to meet God. That is the most important thing a person can do in this life and there is not enough temptation in the entire world to destroy one single person who will refuse to be destroyed. (I Corinthians 10: 13).
Therefore, everything except the Word of God should be rejected, because the doctrines and commandments of men are vain. (Matthew 15: 9)
A preacher illustrated the point by imagining that a young woman was expecting and longing for a letter from a young man. On the day that the postman delivered the letter, he tried to persuade her to take a letter from a stranger instead. He had both letters and she could have the one she wanted; however, he encouraged her to take the letter from an unknown person. You can judge which one she
She creates a persona of an earnest and humble individual to appeal to her audience. By sharing likenesses with her intended readers and communicating a true generous Christian tone, she enhances her persuasiveness. Throughout the entire passage, she establishes a friendly voice by using terms that communicate a gentle, friendly feeling. For example, she states that she wrote to the specific audience of Christian women because she felt a "deep and tender interest in your present and eternal welfare." The terms "deep," "tender," and "welfare" emulate the feeling of a caring mother. Through her tone, ethos, and language, she attempted to build trust with the audience from paragraph 1. She took on this position when attempting to lead her fellow Christians.
By explaining why he cannot comply with the woman’s request, Johnson urges her to see his perspective in order to make her understand that, since he knows neither the Archbishop, nor her son, and he has no guarantee of her son’s qualifications, it is not in his best interest to accept her request, which increases the likelihood of the woman accepting Johnson’s choice. However, through expressing his personal sentiment, the woman may gain the impression that Johnson is only concerned with how he will be affected, and does not want to help others. But Johnson immediately expresses his goodwill towards the woman and her son by promising that “if [he] could help [her]... it would give [him] great pleasure”. Through this Johnson is able to make the woman believe that he is not just out for himself, and that he truly would like to help her, if only it was something that he was qualified to do, which makes her more inclined to trust him and accept that he does have the desire to help others in times of need, which increases the chances of her coming to terms with him denying her
This passage shows how Christ set the example for all to follow by giving his life for us and that if these people coming to the world would follow Christ’s pattern, they in turn could be an example to others one day.
Jesus was a prime example to believers today in that He fulfilled the Father’s will to the point of death. Our amazing Father, creator of the universe, illustrated by His own life the need to be under authority. The point is illustrated well when Jesus said, “That the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave Me commandment, even so I do” (John 14:31). Christians can be comforted knowing that there is an example to follow. Paul said, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1; cf Luke 6:40; 1 Pet. 2:21).
To look at Jesus as simply a good man who had a philosophy of doing
It is stated in the bible that “furthermore, it isn’t good to be ignorant, and whoever rushes into things misses the mark” (Proverbs 19:2). Stating that when humans rush a process, that does not need to be rushed, the end product will not be reached. Another statement from the bible adds “may integrity and uprightness preserve me, for I wait for you” (Psalm 25:21). Integrity; doing the right thing when nobody is watching. Indicates that although no other human being might be around it is important to not deceive oneself. The core belief of the Christian worldview is “faith working though love” (Galatians 5:6). Which can be influence this scenario by having love for one another and wanting the best for those around.
“While it is true that we have no right to force out personal opinions on others, we do have a responsibility to encourage fellow believers to be faithful to God’s truths, which are presented in Scripture.”
The Christian Bible, the Hebrew Scripture, The Muslim Koran: Words are Not Important, Our Actions Are
that he must always do what God wants him to do, for there is no limit to what
But is not such line of action in harmony with Christ's injunction to 'keep on the watch'? .. But is it not far preferable to make some mistakes because of overeagerness to see God's purposes accomplished.. ?" {WT Dec 1 1984 17-8}
As college students, our “road” is what major we will choose and this will help decide the outcome of our future. When one decides to follow God a divided path becomes the focus of our lives, do we continue down the path we have been on our whole lives, and is well known but will surely lead to death? On the other hand, do we choose the path God would have us take not only changing our lives, but in the end instead of an eternity spent in the cold grip of death, we find eternal life?
be saved, and that God chooses without any consideration of a man’s good works. If
The bible is a book, used as a guide, and the vital proof of the faith of many
1 Thess. 2:13 ‘And so we too constantly thank God that when you received God’s message that you heard from us, you accepted it not as a
The letter went from a “badge of shame as an adulterer to a “symbol of her calling” as being able to help others in need (111). All of her hard work and determination allowed her to succeed and the townspeople embraced her and spoke good words of her, saying she was “so kind to the poor, so helpful to the sick, [and] so comfortable to the afflicted” (111). Though she committed adultery and went through a great deal of public humiliation, she did not let it destroy her. Instead she embraced her sin and was able to redeem herself through hard work and determination.