Jaclyn, although I agree that a code of silence may not be justifiable, it does have its place. For example, during wartime maintaining silence could save a multitude of lives; however; loyalty should never be taken for granted. Loyalty is a pledge of support, an attitude, a mindset, a philosophical way of life; in addition to articulating that support. In policing, The Brotherhood embodies a commitment to protect on another even to the bitter end, leaving no man behind (Donahue, 2011). However, for those embrace the ways of the Lord, loyalty is not condoning criminal behavior and does not include lying on any level (e.g., white lies, spinning the truth). If we truly love one another, we would be open to compassionately counsel our colleagues
“A word is worth one coin, silence is worth two”-the Talmud. When Danny and Reuven we’re friends they had each other to talk to and then in college they had nobody, In the book “The Chosen” by Chaim Potok, It talks about how silence can bring to sides together and hurt and help you.
Once the policy has been executed and training has started, communicating aspects about the code of conduct can have a significant impact on the ethical culture. Many of these communications come through the human resources department, but the voice of the executive management team is critical in these communications.
silence always seems like the main method to use when trying to prove a point that has long needed to be prove, but in the end one component or maybe both components are hurt in the process.peace on the other hand pieces a message that ends with nobody getting hurt.Which one would you rather have ?
No one can truly understand sympathy until they have suffered. In his The Chosen, a postmodern novel, Chaim Potok surveys the meaning of compassion learned through suffering. Danny Saunders, a brilliant Hasidic Jew, lives in Williamsburg, Brooklyn along with his friend, Reuven Malter, in the 1940s. With his photographic memory, Danny aspires to become a psychologist, but he knows that he will have to inherit his father’s position as the rabbi of their community. In addition to this, his father, Reb Saunders, will not speak to him about anything other than the holy book of Talmund. Danny is forced to keep his ideas and experiences to himself, leading to him suffering because of this silence. Chaim Potok’s The Chosen uses Danny’s gradual shift
The phrase “Silence is a Form of Consent” means that if you don’t say anything to protest, then you are saying yes. In A Separate Peace, a young boy named Gene tries to kill, or at least seriously hurt, his best friend Finny because he thinks Finny is trying to pull him away from studying to make himself look better. He justifies this with the fact that he is always out with Finny doing things he doesn’t want to do when he should be working on his homework. However, he never says no to any of these things, and Finny believes that he just enjoys doing these things because he never hears otherwise. This is a very key element in the story, and is the source of most of Gene’s frustrations.
Deliberately adopted mute behavior and language always fail, to build trust and tie with others.
Driving through Charlestown will take you just three minutes. The kids on street corners will stare at your car, while adults will yell out your name and wave. The friendly atmosphere can make you feel welcome if you are a part of the neighborhood. But it vanishes if you are an outsider or a local victim of a crime.
“Silence is violence” is a common phrase used by people nowadays which references people who lack initiative when it comes to speaking out against oppression. The same phrase could be applied to the ideas within Shusaku Endo’s novel, Silence. Endo was clever to name his novel Silence, because the word is a very prominent symbol within the story. In fact, it plays a crucial role to the development of the main character. Although some readers may argue that the role of silence in the book is neutral, I claim that silence plays a negative role for the characters because it is what causes protagonist Rodrigues to renounce his faith. In the story, it represents the silence of God, which induces Rodrigues to question his religion through the torture of innocent Japanese Christians.
* The Law Enforcement Code of Ethics is felt to achieve bringing about self-respect among officers; contributing to feelings of mutual respect among police, and contributing to the professional image of law enforcement.
The late 1960’s and early 1970’s were a time of great change in America. The Vietnam War, the civil rights movement and the sexual revolution were just some of the issues on the evening news in American households. For citizens of the San Francisco Bay area, as well as the rest of California, the late 60’s early 70’represented terror, fear and death. “The bizarre and theatrical and still unresolved serial murders by real-life ghoul who called himself Zodiac, who claimed in letters to have killed 37 people (though police have focused on five homicides and two attempted murders in the greater Bay Area in 1968 and 1969” (Booth,2) have intrigued people for nearly four decades. How has Zodiac remained so elusive? What
Throughout the novel “SEAL TEAM SIX”, the themes of morality and brotherhood come up over and over again. It would seem that the whole book is based around the idea of brotherhood and morality. Howard must constantly work together with his companions to accomplish the goal at hand. When Howard is in the SEALs, he is constantly put into situations in which he has to work together with his men to get the job done, it’s not a one man job.
Situation involves two correction officers breaking the code of silence, within Corcoran Department of Correction; by exposing unethical and illegal practices of other correction officers within the department. According to Cooper, (2012), ethics is a practice of doing what is right and the behaviors are grounded in logic, values, beliefs and principles and are used to defend morality. In the professional arena ethics examines justice, veracity, and develops a code of conduct for the person to follow.
According to my moral vision, I make my own code of conduct. First, don't judge. I shouldn't judge others’ choices because they have their own rights to choose freely. Second, don't do anything that will violate others’ basic rights. Examples are as covering my cough, not making noise when roommates are sleeping, etc. If I choose to do the opposite, it would make no difference to me, but it would put other people’s rights at stake. Third, others have no saying in my decisions. I expect people to respect my rights and not to control or disturb me. Just as the way I respect them, they should respect me.
because of Lemuel Oldham who refused to see Billy Faulkner as a relevant husband to marry to his lovely daughter .Estelle and a young lawyer Cornell Franklin married in 1918 with her mother’s wish.That was the first major influential blow to Billy Faulkner at nineteen.Estelle’s marriage was of course arranged but it is also interesting that why then she accepted and wore a ring that he hhad given her with an F carved in gold.Her disloyalty impressed young Faulkner.He was so demoralized and devastated that he did not attend Estelle’s wedding ,his brother John Faulkner noted in his memoir.Billy from that time began to occupy himself with writing poetry,drawing sketches .He knew that was the high time for him left the town as soon as possible.
I have demonstrated an interest in science through my decisions to continually advance myself. As my application suggests, I have only taken AP Chemistry. I decided to skip Honors Chemistry in the hopes of taking all of the advanced placement science courses offered at my school. I was at a disadvantage due to my lack of exposure to Chemistry and being a sophomore, my mind had not matured to the level of thought possessed by my junior classmates. Even so, I passed the AP Chemistry exam which proved that the decision to advance myself was worthwhile.