Should Jews stop wearing their Kippahs, Well my answer would be no. I say that the Jews should still wear their Kippahs and fight, I know that the Jews are being killed and it's a scary thing but it's also a part of their religion to wear their Kippahs, wearing a Kippah is a Jewish thing that over time has associated with the Jewish and shows respect to God. I don't Know about you but that sounds like something that's important to the Jewish religion, so instead of taking off the Kippah and putting it away until the brutal actions die down, I say that the Jews wear it and show everyone what they stand for. If you look at the article in the fourth paragraph under the heading ¨Tough Decision had to be made¨ ¨Zvi Ammar who is the head
Do you get to wear hats in school? There has been a specific dress code for some time now on if students can wear hats and hoods in school. Students should be able to wear their own personal hats and hoods to school because it lets them express their feelings, the barber may mess up their hair, or it's just a complete outfit for some people.
At the beginning of WWII in 1939 Jews were required to wear the yellow star of David stiched into each article of clothing to ensure easy indentification. Many would be forced into sterilization while many others were sterilized unknowingly as an attempt to stop the procreation and growth of the Jewish
The jews are having a really hard time. How they have to decide to worship Allah [God] by wearing a kippah or keep their life by not wearing their kippahs. In my opinion i think the jews should keep the kippahs and not to worry about getting hurt. The jews wear a kippah as a reminder that God is always with them. They are getting killed for that. They are not safe if they go out with a kippah on top of their heads. They would get attacked if seen with it. The jewish need to watch their backs for anything suspicious. All they need to worry about not going out with it on at night because they could not see anyone coming to try to hurt them or even kill them. A jew by the name of Zvi Ammar called it the hardest decision he had ever made. To keep
Should Jews stop wearing their Kippahs, Well my answer would be yes. What the author is telling us in this article is that Jews are the most targeted people today and because of that the head of israelite consistory Zvi Ammar has asked the Jews not to wear their Kappas and keep it tucked away and hidden until these brutal acts die down. Even though it was a tough decision that had to make it was the safest one.
Jews wear a skull cap, called a kippa, on their head to remind them of God’s presence over them. It is customary for Orthodox Jews to wear their hat all throughout the day, while others only wear it when they enter a synagogue, pray or do a Jewish ritual. However, Jews in France lately are being targeted and attacked because they wear their kippas. For instance, a 15 year-old boy attacked a Jewish teacher with a machete. The teacher survived, but when the boy was arrested and taken in for interrogation, he invoked ISIS. The question is: Should Jews stop wearing their kippas? Zvi Ammar, the head of the Israelite Consistory of Marseille, thinks they should, in order to increase their safety. He believes that if the Jewish refrain from wearing
For the Jews own safety, they should stop wearing kippas. It doesn’t mean they have to stop wearing kippas forever, but out in public. If they stop wearing them out in public they won’t be noticed as being a Jew. This would ensure more safety on Jews. Jews should continue on wearing the kippah while in a synagogue, or praying or performing a Jewish ritual. There will at some point in time that Jew’s will be able to wear their kippah out in public. Jewish men are suppose to wear kippas to remind the wearer of God’s presence over him. There are other ways for these Jews to remember that God is present. Some of these reminders may include, Having a kippah in a common room in the house, or little notes. But, Jews aren’t the only ones having
In fact, the use of a kippah is a great statement, and forces the one who brings it to live up to a certain level of behavior. A person has to think twice before sneaking into the bank row, or reprimanding an incompetent waiter. The use of a kippah makes one an ambassador of the Torah and in him all the Jews reflect. The actions of someone wearing a kippa can lead to Kidush Hashem (sanctification
In France a teenager slashed a Jewish teacher on the street. In response to this event a man named Zvi Ammar, the head of Israelite of Marseille, suggested that Jews do not wear the kippas, to stay safe. My opinion is that Jewish people should have the right to choose. If they decide to wear the kippa, they should have the freedom to show their religion and be proud. Although if they want to be safe, they could decide not to where it. If I was a Jew my decision would be to where the kippa when I am around a group of people. I would do this because I could both stay safe and show my religion. When I would be alone, I wouldn’t wear it. I would not wear this for my safety, and if I was alone, I’m not sure if someone would try to help. Even though
Jews should stop wearing kippas. Jews should stop wearing kippas because in the article, “French Jews struggle with an identity dilemma as violence increases,” it says, “A machete-wielding 15-year-old slashed a Jewish teacher in the street.” This phrase means that, people in the world are against Jews, and are aiming against them. It would be safer for people who believe in the Jewish religion not to wear their kippas for their own safety.
For the Jews own safety, they should stop wearing kippas. However, this doesn’t mean they should have to stop wearing kippas forever, but in the meantime, they should stop wearing them in public. Having them stop wearing them out in public his clearly only for their own safety. If they stop wearing them out in public, they won’t be noticed as being a Jew. Being a Jew is not a horrible thing. Although to some people in Paris, France, if you are a Jew you are horrible, atrocious, dreadful, crummy, and many more awful things. However, this is not true. Jews are just as important as Muslims, who are as important as Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Catholics, etc. So, having Jews stop wearing the kippas or skullcaps in public would ensure more safety
I believe that Jews should keep wearing their kippas. I believe this because it would not be fair to them if they could not still continue some of the practices of their religion. This situation in France relates to the United States because they are both having problems with showing their support to a religion. In the United States it is muslim women who wear their headscarves, and in France the situation is that Jews can not wear their kippas. Anytime either one of these religions wear one of these they get persecuted by somebody. The Jews are persecuted by a hate group called ISIS, and the muslims are persecuted by everyone because ISIS gives muslims a terrible representation. In the Article of the Week it says,”Harassment threats, and vandalism
"I went to a catholic school, and underneath my school uniform, I wore a metal shirt." said George Stroumboulopoulos from Did you know that nineteen percent of schools reported to wearing uniforms in the 2009-2010 school year? Many students are opposed to uniforms. On the other hand, some teachers approve them. I think students should not have to wear uniforms. Uniforms do not let students express themselves, promote conformity over individuality, and do not improve attendance, academic preparedness, or test results.
Do you think that what people wear defines who they are? My answer to this question is no, because my brother, Andrew, gets so torn up when we go somewhere that someone will see him and make fun of him, because he isn't wearing the brands that all the other kids are wearing. My mom tells him that who cares if anyone sees you, that it is their fault to make fun of someone they don't know or someone they do know. I tell myself that there are really cool people out there, but we make fun of them because they ain't wearing what we are wearing. People look at them and say ''there not wearing what we are wearing,'' and go on about their business. Brands don't define people, because there could be a really cool
Have you ever heard a rule at school their are no jackets with pockets in school THAT IS CRAZY! Parents buy their kids jackets for them to wear to school parents partially waste money for nothing. I say we should be allowed to wear jackets with pockets.
Uniforms in schools are a big debate around the world. Should we have uniforms in schools? The answer is yes because uniform help the schools. They bring to table a great deal of help because students are getting bullied, killed, and some may not have as much as other when shopping for clothes. Having uniforms bring safety to schools and what goes on after school.