The debate regarding marijuana for medical usage has become more evident in recent years. There has been a controversy in both the public and healthcare arena. The debate on legalization of marijuana has some advocators emphasizing the benefits of using medical marijuana such as relieving chronic pain, nausea and vomiting while the opponents are emphasizing the ability to become addicted to of this drug and the lack of research done to know the side effects (Porche, 2013). Overall the real question is should marijuana be a medical option? The earliest use of medical marijuana came from ancient China. In 2737 BC, the Chinese emperor, Shennog, wrote a book that included cannabis (marijuana) as a treatment for many conditions. He thought cannabis was helpful for constipation, gout and rheumatism. In the same way, researchers found a second century ancient Egyptian text called the Fayyum Medical Papyrus that is believed to contain the earliest record of using cannabis as a treatment for tumors. Lastly, the ancient Greeks used cannabis to dress wounds and sores on their horses after battle. They also gave it to humans for ear pain and inflammation. The use of cannabis as medicine dispersed throughout Asia, the eastern coast of Africa, Middle east and finally to America. In the late 1800’s, an Irish doctor by the name of William Brooke O’Shaughnessy introduced cannabis to England and America. He first observed the use of medical marijuana during a trip to India. After studying
Cannabis has been used as an agent for achieving enlightenment throughout all of time. It is described in an Oriental medical compendium traditionally considered to date form 2737 B.C. It has a long history of being used as a medicinal herb. Its origins spread from China to India and then over into North Africa and could be found in Europe as early as 500 A.D. It was a major crop in the colonial North America. It was extensively grown during WWII.
“The oldest known written record on cannabis use comes from the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung in 2727 B.C. Ancient Greeks and Romans were also familiar with cannabis, while in the Middle East, use spread throughout the Islamic empire to North Africa. In 1545 cannabis spread to the western hemisphere where Spaniards imported it to Chile for its use as fiber. In North America cannabis, in the form of hemp, was grown on many plantations for use in rope, clothing and paper” (Cannabis + Coca). Marijuana used to be listed in the United States Pharmacopeia from 1850 until 1942 and was prescribed for numerous conditions such as labor pains, nausea, and rheumatism. Increased use of pot as an
Marijuana or better known as Cannabis is one of the planes oldest known agricultural plants. So it has a great presence in the long history of the world, Researchers uncovered Woven Fabrics which were discovered and are believed to have been made with Hemp fibers (Cannabis) from a period as far back as 8000 to 7000 B.C. Some of the very first uses of Hemp were in china during 4500 B.C. Its usages were for making nets, Ropes and Fabrics/Clothe weaving, Also china was known for using it for its psychoactive properties. Even in India there was documented usage of marijuana or as they like to call it “bhang”, a lot of their religious books called “The Four Vedas” during the times of 1400 and 1000 B.C. The books consider marijuana to be one of the “Five Kingdom of Herbs which transcend and releases the human body from anxiety, Stress, and pain”.
Do you know what number of individuals have passed away from weed? None, however, you know about individuals passing on from tobacco and liquor practically consistently. Why is liquor and tobacco lawful while weed is not? Humorously, cannabis is far less risky than both. I might want to convince you on why pot ought to be lawful. It has numerous awesome reasons for existing, it 's a hurtful medication, and how the economy would be a ton better if marijuana was lawful. Today we will discuss why weed needs to be legal for medical and recreational use, how weed is a harmless medication and not addicting, and how lives would be better if weed was lawful and how the economy would be better if weed was legitimate.
The origins of The Cannabis use began in the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung in 2727 B.C. While in the Middle East, the use of cannabis spread throughout the Islamic Empire to North America. In 1545, the cannabis spread through the county; Chile began to use the drug as a fiber. Consequently, cannabis grows throughout tropical and humid parts of the world. The seeds have been used as animal food, fiber for hemp rope and oil as a vehicle for paint ("Cannabis, Coca, and Poppy").
The first known marijuana user dates all the way back to 2737 B.C. when Chinese Emperor Shen Nung wrote of the incredible euphoria he feels, and what he experiences after smoking marijuana (Guither). It caught on during the 1920’s. Some say this was because of the prohibition of alcohol, while others think that the jazz music culture brought it into the spotlight (Guither). Marijuana was distributed by pharmacies from 1850 to 1942, prescribed to patients for pain,
Marijuana was first used in ancient China by a Chinese Emperor by the name of Shen Nung. Even Queen Victoria used it. Shen Nung the Chinese Emperor was the first recorded person who used marijuana. He would use it as a pain killer during operations. In ancient India marijuana was holy. A Hindu god by the name of Shiva gave hemp as a gift to all humanity. It was inexpensive and available to almost everyone. It was known as “The Poor Man’s Heaven”. Cannabis leaves were commonly brewed, and they would add milk and sugar to make a drink. In ancient Rome there was a physician named Galen. He recommended the use of marijuana to reduce pain in operations, or for just everyday pains.
Picture this, a woman mid 50’s, stage three terminal cancer. The doctors’ have concluded that the cancer is incurable. To make matters worse, she is going through common symptoms of the chemotherapy like pain, depression, nausea, and loss of appetite. It’s not enough that she is dying, but her final moments will be in extreme discomfort. Medical marijuana has proven to succor these symptoms, so the patients last moments in this world are pleasant. The plant, marijuana, derived from the Indian hemp plant, it contains an active ingredient THC. Its classification described as a psychogenic, narcotic, and a hallucinogen. Under federal law, marijuana is a schedule 1 controlled substance with no established medical uses. The extensive benefits pertaining to medical marijuana have shown to relieve chronic pain, severe nausea, and aid in the increase of appetite for anorexic patients. Pharmacists and doctors are aware of the potential benefits in prescribing medical marijuana, but lack the extensive knowledge necessary to accurately prescribe it. The federal legalization has rarely confronted until this presidential campaign, a few candidates have kindled the flame for medicinal advocates, which is leading to the awareness of the cause. Their has also been constant controversy over the past decades about the advantages and disadvantages of legalizing for medical gain. The arguments continuously sway back and forth between the positive and negative sides...The
The first recorded reference to a cannabis product and its psychoactive effects dates from 2737 BC, in the writings of the Chinese emperor Shen Nung who was considered to be the father of Chinese medicine. It is unclear exactly how Cannabis got to the New World, some believe it was the Spaniards around the 16th century while others speculate that it was as late as the 18th century.
Unless you 've been living under a rock, you have probably at some point in the last few years had a conversation with a friend or family member regarding medical marijuana. Although it is considered a controversial topic, in recent months it has been gaining approval by the public. But it does not come without opposition and arguments. Medical marijuana is a complex subject and still requires more education for the public, the medical community, and the government.
Researchers suggest that marijuana’s active components are potentially effective in treating pain, nausea, and vomiting. Anti-emetics are also effective against vomiting and nausea; doctors can also prescribe painkillers to treat pain if necessary. Why should the United States need to legalize marijuana? Chronic use of marijuana can have negative effects. Prolonged use of marijuana can cause lung damage, mental health issues, impair cognitive abilities, there is a high potential for abuse and it is illegal. Medical marijuana should not be used for medical purposes because it does more harm than good.
Marijuana have been used for a long time as medical benefit way back in the 2737 BC. The plant has been use way back by ancient Chinese. Ancient Chinese used it to treat “constipation, gout, rheumatism, and absent-mindedness”. Not only Chinese but it’s also used
By 500 A.D. its use had spread westward, to the Middle East, where it was reportedly used as an analgesic and antiseptic. It slowly spread to Africa and Eastern Europe. Several years after Napolean?s army returned from Egypt, marijuana became widely accepted by western medical practitioners. It wasn?t until the mid 1800s that the United States embraced its therapeutic qualities as evidenced by the 1860 convening of the Committee on Cannabis Indica of the Ohio State Medical Society, which reported on its therapeutic applications. In the years from 1840-1890, the medical community in the U.S. had written 100 papers recommending its use for various illnesses. By the early 20th century nearly 200 papers had been written demonstrating the medicinal qualities of marijuana. In the period from 1890-1937, the development of newer medicines led to the decline of using medical pot, although many organizations still endorsed medical pot, including the American Medical Association (Nat?l Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse).
In the report, author Barney Warf describes how cannabis use originated thousands of years ago in Asia, and has later found its way to several regions of the world, and in time spreading to the Americas and the United States. (3) It was mainly used for spiritual purposes and medicine. Primitive Germans used it during child birth and toothaches for pain relief.
The oldest known written record on cannabis use comes from the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung in 2727 B.C. Ancient Greeks and Romans were also familiar with cannabis, while in the Middle East, use spread throughout the Islamic empire to North Africa. In 1545 cannabis spread to the western hemisphere where Spaniards imported it to Chile for its use as fiber. In North America cannabis, in the form of hemp, was grown on many plantations for use in rope, clothing and paper.