Have you ever had a dilemma and there was a solution to it but it was out of reach? Many people in United States suffer from sicknesses that can be help treated with marijuana. The “drug” marijuana has many benefits from minor day-to-day to life-changing benefits. Cancer, strokes, arthritis, stress, anxiety, and depression are just some instances. Marijuana has been a stigma of bias beliefs for many years. People fear that marijuana can have a negative impact on their health. Such as, breathe in smoke, brain damage, gateway to other drugs but marijuana is a safe substance that should be legalized in the United State. One of marijuana’s biggest advantage is the medical benefits you will receive from it. Medical marijuana can help many …show more content…
Medicinal marijuana has made Multiple Sclerosis easy to deal with in his day-to-day activates. Another example of medical marijuana working is on a kid name Charlotte Figi. A little girl who started getting seizures at only three months old. As she was getting older the seizures kept getting worse, “the medication also was taking a toll” on her. At the age of two she was diagnosed with Dravet syndrome. “Dravet syndrome (SMEI) is an extremely rare disease that causes intractable epilepsy that begins at infantry” (Young). Her parents Matt and Paige Figi, brought their daughter to a dravet specialist in Chicago. The specialist put Charlotte on a ketogenic diet that was helping the seizures but it had many side effects. Such as, bone loss and depleting immune system for example. After two years of the diet the seizures returned. Charlotte “father came across an online video of a young boy in California suffering from dravet syndrome, and he was being successfully treated with cannabis. The strain of cannabis the boy was using had minimal tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound in marijuana. Cannabidiol (CBD) was high in this strain, it possesses all the medical properties and no
This paper will look at the benefits and drawbacks to legalizing marijuana by looking in at Colorado.The state made forty million dollars by taxed marijuana in 2014 alone, also Colorado saved countless millions because of the extremely lower amounts of marijuana arrest and court cases. It is not clear how having new recreational marijuana stores opening will affect the cannabis market, or businesses expanding around them. Gov. John Hickenlooper says that the economy is thriving with record setting numbers of tourists (73.1 million). 49 percent of those tourist said that legal marijuana influenced their decisions to vacation in Colorado. The ER’s in Colorado have also seen a rise in numbers of marijuana related cases and those cases in non-residents have almost doubled. An unexpected situation that arose from legal cannabis was the amount of electricity that is being use to grow the drug. Some cannabusinesses have to go green with solar or wind power. There are many varying views on the effects of legal marijuana have developed in Colorado since marijuana became legal in 2014.
Marijuana is amongst one of the most disputable subjects in political issues. It is the most exploited drug in the United States and can even be around the globe. Marijuana is the main source of substance reliance other than alcohol in the United States. Numerous groups in recent years have come forward and claim that marijuana use has been beneficial with numerous medical conditions. In fact, it has helped numerous people with diseases, for example, Glaucoma, Cancer, and any other physical or mental pain. Medicinal cannabis should be legalized in Florida, but should be regulated accordingly. The clear majority trust that marijuana use would be more beneficial if it was not criminalized but most still believe that the government should keep it as a controlled substance. In 2008, 4 million out of the 7 million individuals, ages 12 and older, characterized as having a reliance or abusing marijuana. This implies that two out of every three Americans experiencing any substance abuse have developed marijuana reliance. The legalization of marijuana in the United States such an issue for so many individuals today. Some believe that marijuana should not be legalized in Florida because of physical health, mental health, effects of driving under the influence of marijuana, and increase in use. Others believe that is it marijuana should be legal because of its harmless if used in moderation, limits of personal freedoms, and potential FDA regulations.
Since the first efforts to legalize marijuana in the 1960s, Americans have become progressively more accepting of requests to liberalize laws restricting possession and use of marijuana, but the shift has not been a straight line. After 11 states decriminalized marijuana possession in the 1970s, recoil led by suburban parents led too much harsher implementation of drug laws. But since California legalized medical marijuana in 1996, outlooks toward the drug have relaxed significantly.("A Brief History of Public Opinion on Marijuana Legalization.")
Ferrets are a part of the weasel family. They are closely related to animals like otters, minks, wolverines, and badgers.
To legalize or to not legalize drugs, that is the popular question lately. The current repeat visitor to each states legislative sessions is making marijuana legal. Currently in the United States there are twenty states with legal medical marijuana and the District of Columbia. Out of those twenty only Colorado and Washington have also legalized marijuana for recreational use. When it comes to legalizing drugs marijuana appears to be the most popular one being advocated for. However, does that leave the door open for other drugs to be advocated for as well? Should they all be legalized or just a select few?
Medical Marijuana has a lot of medicinal benefits or uses, which are overcome the controversy, which is created by the risks and effects of medical Marijuana. Legalisation of medical Marijuana helps a lot of patients to improve their medical conditions as well as to treat different kind of diseases and relieve
Imagine having a son or daughter who has six or more seizures a day. If you could could decrease the number of seizures they had a day by half, wouldn’t you consider medical marijuana? It is well known that medical cannabis has been used to cure many medical conditions for a long period of time already. Among the diseases marijuana can help treat, nausea, glaucoma, anorexia, epilepsy and more. Medical marijuana also helps with the side effects of many treatments, such as cancer chemotherapy. There are many health benefits of marijuana; it may have some negative effects, but the pain and symptom relief of many diseases and disorders makes it well worth it.
Next, let’s examine groups that support marijuana becoming officially authorized. These groups dispute that it has medical benefits for patients that have cancer or AIDS. It helps relieve pain, relaxes, and may help the patients get their appetites back. Marijuana is also known to help slow down the progression of the disease in Glaucoma patients. People suffering from epilepsy use marijuana to prevent the epileptic seizures. It’s also known that marijuana helps with the treatment of people who maybe clinically depressed.
Marijuana has been used for medicinal purposes for more that 4,000 years, but for many it has no place in the medical world. People fear that the use of marijuana will be abused, and while that fear is true, it doesn’t change the fact that medical marijuana has benefits for those who need it. Medical marijuana is used for many things such as chronic pain, anxiety, cancer and HIV.
Scientist have been studying the benefits of marijuana that could help treat many illness. Even universities are studying the health factors of marijuana; such as, the University of Mississippi (“Marijuana”). Marijuana is believed to help treat health problems, such as, inflammation, inhibiting cancer cell growth, relieves pain, fungal infection, suppresses muscle spasm, seizures, convulsions, blood sugar levels, anxiety, vomiting, nausea, psoriasis, promotes bone growth, slows bacterial growth, stimulates appetite, the risk of artery blockage, and the possibility of many
Marijuana has always been a major topic on War on Drugs, either to let it stay illegal or to decide whether to legalize it. Marijuana can give off deadly or fatal actions that could to harm toward the user or those around the user. While also marijuana can be a help to the economic problems that America faces today. The Hawaii State Government should legalize marijuana because it is a non-addictive substance, it has the potential to increase tax revenue, and there are medical benefits to its use.
Consequently, the argument between government and health care providers allowing physicians to prescribe marijuana as a valid treatment is a topic surrounded by countless controversies. There is a large number of health care representatives that signify a patient’s right to all beneficial treatments and that to withhold the treatment violates their basic human entitlements. With that being said, many believe that people should receive the most efficient and effective treatment necessary to maintain one’s well-being.
Many states have started the process of decriminalizing marijuana and taking away the criminal offense associated with marijuana usage. The idea of making marijuana a legal drug is a cause for concern for many people. Especially, those who believe that using marijuana will cause more reckless and criminal behavior. Looking at research, there are other sides to the argument that recognize methods in which marijuana could be decriminalized with lower repercussions. Regarding the argument of decriminalizing marijuana, this paper will focus on the reasons for decriminalization and setting adequate and safe restrictions.
Making marijuana legal in all fifty states is one of the biggest debates going on right now. Well, that is, if it isn 't already legal in your hometown. There are twenty-five states that has it legalized. Alaska, New York, Oregon, and Maryland are just a few. There are possession limits that each state has issued, though. For example, Alaska is only allowed to have one ounce usable, which is six plants and Oregon is allowed to have up to twenty-four ounces useable, which equals to twenty-four plants. So, of course, other states are now hoping for their chance, but these states have legalized marijuana because it has improved conditions such as cancer, HIV, AIDS, epilepsy, and other disorders characterized by seizures. For decades and generations Americans only knew of marijuana as a powerful and dangerous drug. One that could rise the number of deaths and criminal behavior if it was allowed in their community. This fear came about in the United States in the early 1900’s just after the Mexican Revolution, As stated on www.drugpolicy.org. At this particular time there was an influx of immigration from Mexico into states such as Texas and Louisiana. These new Americans brought their native language, culture, and customs. Of course, one of those customs were the use of cannabis as a medicine and relaxant. The Mexican immigrants referred to the plant as “marihuana.” Which is a foreign term. This issue is so important for the present because everyone needs to understand
There are health benefits for the use of the drug. Medicinal marijuana can help alleviate symptoms of cancer such as nausea and pain. There are animal studies that show that marijuana extracts may help kill cancer cells and slow growth of malignant cancer (NIH, 2017). It can help stimulate the appetite for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) patient, which may help improve food intake. It can help with anxiety and can reduce the intraocular pressure for people with glaucoma. It can help veterans who have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).