Rick Querido
Monay Cummings
Keith Tatum
Should We Legalize Marijuana
Should Marijuana be legalize is one of the top debated issues in the United States. This issue has many people concerned why it should and why it should not be legalize. Marijuana is an herb mostly grown in South American countries and illegally smuggled in to United States. Pot is the most commonly used drug in America. The attempt to federally legalize marijuana has been going on for years. Today, the debate to legalize cannabis has become stronger. There is a campaign created known as the “420 Campaign,” it is a campaign that conveys the top ten reasons for legalizing cannabis ("High Times", 2012). The 420 Campaign, presents very good
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According to the article many have been arrested, some had their property taken from them. Some are facing charges and or criminal investigations for the cultivation or distribution of medical marijuana.
The DEA are not so much concerned about the medical marijuana patients and caregivers they will leave them alone. The major concern is the federal law does not recognize medical marijuana. However, they (DEA) are allowed to use the Controlled Substance Act to arrest people for the use and or operation of medical marijuana (safeaccessnow.org).
There is an easy access to providers of this drug because if the user is traveling from one state to another they can use an application on their iPhone by the name of weedMaps to locate a distributor be it medical or recreational. This plan allows the users to contact doctors and pharmaceuticals from other states for the distribution of this drug for personal use. That is why legalizing this drug can become addictive to the general public. Without written documentation from a person 's doctor affirming that the person suffers from a debilitating condition and might benefit from the medical use of marijuana the drug should not be distributed in another state.
Marijuana should be legalized because according to "High Times" (2012), “Marijuana use has positive attributes,
State and federal law are in direct conflict in this situation and although the state will not take action against those that they have given the ability to sale and distribute marijuana for medical purposes but the problem that exists with this is that the federal law does not allow the sale of marijuana and they will take action against those that have state permission to establish one of these medical marijuana stores. At the federal level, marijuana remains classified as a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act, where Schedule I substances are considered to have a high potential for dependency and no accepted medical use, making distribution of marijuana a federal offense (NCSL, 2014).
Doctors are not allowed to prescribe marijuana for medical reasons, but rather suggest. The Federal Government treats Marijuana as it does all other dangerous drugs like, heroin, methamphetamines, cocaine, and so on. A person can face anywhere from one year to life if they are arrested for possession, cultivation (growing marijuana), trafficking, or even having paraphernalia.
“According to the United Nations, 158.8 million people around the world use marijuana—more than 3.8% of the planet’s population” (Drugfreeworld.org, 2014). Marijuana is one of the most widely used illicit drugs in the world (Sewell). It has received a plethora of criticism in the past and its negative reputation has carried on throughout history, making the legalization of marijuana one of the most controversial topics today. Marijuana does not deserve the reputation it receives, and in actuality it serves many medicinal purposes for the human body. Marijuana should be legalized in all 50 states for medical use.
Marijuana is amongst one of the most disputable subjects in political issues. It is the most exploited drug in the United States and can even be around the globe. Marijuana is the main source of substance reliance other than alcohol in the United States. Numerous groups in recent years have come forward and claim that marijuana use has been beneficial with numerous medical conditions. In fact, it has helped numerous people with diseases, for example, Glaucoma, Cancer, and any other physical or mental pain. Medicinal cannabis should be legalized in Florida, but should be regulated accordingly. The clear majority trust that marijuana use would be more beneficial if it was not criminalized but most still believe that the government should keep it as a controlled substance. In 2008, 4 million out of the 7 million individuals, ages 12 and older, characterized as having a reliance or abusing marijuana. This implies that two out of every three Americans experiencing any substance abuse have developed marijuana reliance. The legalization of marijuana in the United States such an issue for so many individuals today. Some believe that marijuana should not be legalized in Florida because of physical health, mental health, effects of driving under the influence of marijuana, and increase in use. Others believe that is it marijuana should be legal because of its harmless if used in moderation, limits of personal freedoms, and potential FDA regulations.
The American Society of Addiction Medicine’s (ASAM) public policy statement on “Medical Marijuana,” clearly rejects smoking as a means of drug delivery. ASAM further recommends that “all cannabis, cannabis-based products and cannabis delivery devices should be subject to the same standards applicable to all other prescription medication and medical devices, and should not be distributed or otherwise provided to patients …” without FDA approval. ASAM also “discourages state interference in the federal medication approval process.” (“Who’s With
How could a federally illegal drug be given to the citizens by physicians of the United States to potentially be grown in their homes? Medical marijuana is a common phenomenon that is acceptable in more than half of the 50 states. Individuals of all ages are affected by the new regulations of the once illegal substance and exposed more than one might think. Marijuana is introduced through schools by peers as a parent struggles to ensure their child will maintain an effective future. This particular drug is dangerous and can have intense effects to the body. To reduce the exposure of the harmful effects of marijuana, physicians should not be given the power to distribute the substance. Medical marijuana should not be given as a form of medicine in the United States because of the drugs negative effects to the body, the central nervous system, and one’s physical health. Also research has proven that the drug is known to be abused by individuals around the country who have been given access.
According to National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), marijuana may be only used for medicinal purposes, access to marijuana through home cultivation is to be implemented, and smoking or vaporizing marijuana products may be sending several other harmful chemicals throughout your body. A recent report issued by the Institute of Medicine claims that marijuana is used for therapeutic purposes with minimal THC, and aid health issues such as pain relief, nausea, vomiting, etc. then it is legal and acceptable. Albeit, if is it smoked marijuana, it consists of high levels of THC delivering harmful substances to the human body. States believe that since marijuana has been proven to reduce anxiety levels, sedation, symptoms of HIV/AIDS, cancer and multiple other illnesses, it should be used as a medication for several treatments. They believe it will save lives and lower the chance of individuals dying. Many states have several programs (US National Library of Medicine- National Institutes of Health 2015). The states which consider marijuana as be legal, they have to be used are prescriptions, referrals, etc. Also, many states have a patient registry to provide protection and limit the amount of marijuana that can be used even for medical
First of all, When you go to the doctor for a cough or runny nose don't they look annoyed while treating you. Every time you go for those symptoms you always get the exact same medicine? Well, what if people started going to the doctor with the same symptoms that would require medical Cannabis. The doctors would get annoyed and not worry about the patient's background and just start writing prescriptions.“Let's start with the issue of privacy at a doctor's office or clinic, where you'll get your recommendation. "Technically, a doctor's recommendation for medical marijuana is very private, since HIPAA [the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act] makes it nearly impossible for even law enforcement to obtain
Tourists have been found attempting to take marijuana out of the country where it is not legal. “Tourists as they come and go through Amsterdam they are not legally allowed to take marijuana out of the Country” (Hawkins). And although it is illegal, many still do it since there are many large quantities being sold and distributed. The problems that The Netherlands are facing with marijuana should also be taken into consideration before it is legalized in the United States. Some may argue why bother bringing Amsterdam into the picture? Well there are multiple reasons, take into mind that Colorado has legalized marijuana in their state. Colorado although having the benefits of medical marijuana throughout the state, their drug crime rate has skyrocketed and their crimes have increased. This has to do with medical marijuana. Since it is able to be purchased freely, the distribution of the drug has increased tremendously. Tying medical marijuana into Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, when Jekyll had first discovered Hyde he was ecstatic and felt younger and lighter, but as time wore on Jekyll realized how pure evil Hyde was (Stevenson 69). Medical marijuana can also be put with it being evil. Although it may work, the herb is addictive and can leave a patient with strong cravings and a constant need of marijuana. Taking
Some states feel that marijuana has no medical value and that it will increase the health risk of citizens.
They have to qualify for the use of it and have to get medical consent. Anyone can get a license or the changing social designations attached to marijuana, as it is both criminal and medical topics in a late modern era of crime control (O'Brien, 2013). This information helps because it statement is talking about my view of the control of the drug. The law of Marijuana and medicine legalization on who can scribe its practice and who can get the marijuana. It is a crime to have or carry if it is not the person prescription like any other medical drug. This drug can be used for a lot of thing reduces pain, for example: Chronic pain, hiv/aids, glaucoma and
Over 100 million Americans have used marijuana illegally. However, the debate between whether the herb should be legalized has caused an uproar throughout the US. The plant has a plethora of health benefits, many ways to use it and it's safer to use than opioids. Holding the drug on prohibition is also become expensive for the government. Medical marijuana should be legal in all states because it has many ways of use, it’s natural and expensive when on prohibition
Marijuana is an illegal drug in some states It is used to calm you, some people abuse the uses and that is why it is illegal in some states. It is legal in 29 states as of today. Every state has it’s own set of rules and crimes if abused.Some types of marijuana are approved by FDA for example dronabinol and nabilone which are both man-made. There are several ways to consume marijuana but the main way people consume marijuana is by smoking. Smoking marijuana can help relieve neurotic pain and improve food intake. In 2015 California approved medical marijuana, but it still remains a schedule 1 substance. A schedule 1 substance is a substance that has high abuse potential,severe safety concerns, and no medical uses. By Law doctors can not prescribe,
There is no safe system in the state and federal law to supply legitimate people who need medical marijuana as what was mentioned to Michele M. Leonhart, the administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration.
The FDA has not approved medical marijuana in plant or pill form. The government will have access to all marijuana users’ homes or just the cultivation. If someone said they needed medical marijuana, then the government would test them to see if they actually needed it. Some states are passing laws for a variety of different medical conditions, while others are experiencing vigorous debates. The government won’t prosecute people who sell marijuana, if it’s for medical purposes. People who sell marijuana or purchase the medical marijuana, is a big harm to the public. The government won’t take any nonsense from people who abuse medical marijuana. They will automatically be arrested and thrown in jail. Federal medical marijuana laws are very serious and punishment for people found guilty is frequently very low. Federal law still considers marijuana a dangerous illegal drug with no acceptable medicinal value. In several federal cases, judges have ruled that medical marijuana cannot be used as a defense, though defense attorneys should attempt to raise the issue whenever possible during trial. Federal law applies throughout California and the United States, not just on federal property. The key to federal property is that they are more likely than non-federal property to