Due to the elevated desire of marijuana in the United States, “advocates think legalization reduces crime, raises tax revenue, lowers criminal justice expenditures, improves public health, bolsters traffic safety, and stimulates the economy” (Dills, et al.). Twenty-eight states have now been legalized for medicinal use of marijuana; of those twenty-eight states, six states have also legalized recreational marijuana. Marijuana is described as “The dried leaves and female flowers of the hemp plant, used in cigarette form as a narcotic or hallucinogen” (“Definition of Marijuana”). The overall effects of marijuana on the brain and body, the difference between recreational and medicinal marijuana and how marijuana has stimulated the economy and the role of government in the legalization of marijuana are all reasons why marijuana should be legalized in the United States. Marijuana can be used as both a medicine and recreational drug, classifying these differences is what can be difficult. Medical marijuana is “when THC enters the body it attaches to and stimulates cannabinoid receptors in the brain. The stimulation of these receptors affects the body in various ways. Among its effects are reduced pain and increased appetite” (DePietro). Medical marijuana is used to treat chronic pain, nausea, and muscle spasms, but it also has many other uses. Twenty-eight states have legalized marijuana for medical use, where a doctor must dispute the prescription of the drug. Many marijuana
Anyone who smokes marijuana is known to be stoners, hippies, or delinquents. With all the stereotypes, it is becoming harder to accept the facts about the substance. Legalizing weed would change our society in positive ways. Marijuana should be legalized in all states because of its medical, economical, and law enforcement benefits.
The plant is believed to haveoriginated from the mountainous region of India. It is also believed that 80% of cannabis entering the UK comes from Morocco, and the herbal form comes from Jamaica. Cannabis contains more than 400 chemicals. The main psycholoactive ingerdient id delta-9-tetahydrocannabinol, or ‘THC’.
In 2000, the citizens of Colorado voted in an amendment to the Colorado constitution allowing for the legalization of medical marijuana. However, the amount of licensed medical marijuana card holders was small until 2009, when the U.S Attorney General gave the prosecution and legalization of marijuana over to the states. After this, the number of medical marijuana licenses increased greatly in Colorado. Then, in 2012, the sale of recreational marijuana was legalized in Colorado, to all those over the age of 21, and retail stores began selling marijuana in 2014 (Monte). Public opinion on Marijuana is generally divided fifty-fifty across the United States. Some are strictly against its legalization, even for medical use, and want to see it harshly punished, while others would like to see it as readily available to the public as alcohol and cigarettes. However, in Colorado, one is able to see how the public opinion changes after marijuana’s legalization, as well as the changes in public health and usage of marijuana. Due to intergovernmental relations between the state and federal governments, governmental competition, and the cannabis laws passed by Colorado, the actions of the government have a great impact on the public’s approval of marijuana use, and the amount the public uses it.
In recent studies, studies have lead to the discovery that marijuana cures pain better than prescription and other over the counter pills, and it is cheaper than a multitude of the prescription pill counterparts, but marijuana is prescribed less than painkillers and is still illegal in numerous states. Although a numerous amount of marijuana researchers claim that marijuana could end the need for various prescription drugs because marijuana can help with such a diverse amount of illnesses and diseases, marijuana is still considered to be a Schedule 1 narcotic, with no medicinal properties. Considering that oxycontin and Zoloft are schedule 2 narcotics, which means they have medicinal benefits, although they put thousands of people in the hospital yearly unlike marijuana. Although medical marijuana is a safer, more affordable, and has been researched less than a multitude of the FDA-approved drugs on the market, marijuana is still only legal in 25 states and D.C. but needs to be legalized nationwide.
Marijuana charges reflect the still-existing discrimination in society. Although use rates for African-Americans are only around 25% greater than that of whites, marijuana possession arrests are about three times greater for blacks than whites (Gettman, 2009). Legalizing marijuana would eliminate this aspect of racial disparity in the United States, where any single step could be seen as a move in the right direction. This would also help decrease the population of those in jail or prison for marijuana offenses, instead allowing those individuals to become productive members of society.
Marijuana is a common drug that most people are familiar with. In some states, this drug has been used to ease one’s pain through medicinal forms or recreational use. This drug might be familiar to many people, but in the legal system this drug is considered illicit for recreational use in most of the United States. Jonathan Caulkins and Michael Lee make the claim that more states have legalized the use of
Growing up, everyone is told that, “Drugs are bad for you,” time and time again. Now as a kid you don’t really understand the reasoning behind it, but you listen to your authority figure regardless. I remember being told this my entire life and even to this very day. But as I got older I realized that people would still use drugs even though it’’s illegal. I could never understand why someone would go against the law and jeopardize their life just to use drugs? The drug that I am talking about is marijuana, and surprisingly it is all around us. Marijuana is even referred to in today’s media Mainstream media sources that people enjoy, like music, movies, and TV shows, do not even bother to leave the drug out of their system. Now being a young adult and having my own personal experience with the drug and knowing its effects on others, I wonder why it’s not legal. Why is it that this drug has become illegal all over the world? The debate to legalize marijuana in the United States of America has been fought over nonstop since the existence of the drug and its effects. Marijuana has been tested and proven to provide a very positive impact on the American society for many reasons. Some of these reasons are for America’s economy, health and even crime. These reasons could very well help America thrive in the future and that is why Marijuana should be legalized in the United States of America.
Do you believe marijuana can be beneficial if it was legalized? I do. Marijuana is a very controversial and prominent issue in the society and government today. Even though many claims say marijuana is bad which that has come up in recent and previous history, but the facts are being shown more and more each day. Some states have legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes only, but I wonder why it’s not legal in all states. The debate has been going on for years and, now nonstop since the existence, marijuana and its effect on the people of America. Marijuana has been tested and proven to provide a beneficial impact on American society for many reasons. The reasons could tremendously help America succeed in the future and should be legalized in the United States. Unfortunately, the truth is under heavy criticism because of stereotypical views on how people view the drug as the typical “dope head” and “pot smoker” drug for a quick high. The study shows for many years’ people with the lack of sleep and systemic lupus who drinks the juice of raw marijuana leaves and buds, increases their condition significantly because of the rich protein and fatty acids with helping with health problems. The first six months in Colorado in 2014 more than $25 million dollars pot-related tax revenue, and the state expects the value to triple in the middle of 2015. The entire nation could benefit with better education, healthcare improvements, develop the justice system, help the poor, pay off
Should recreational Marijuana be legalized? Yes, it should be legalized. There has been many cases where marijuana was talked down on, but by the amount of research I have done, almost everything I have looked at has said that marijuana should be legal for beneficial reasons. So far marijuana has been so beneficial to those who have legalized it already.
Marijuana, which started as a simple, harmless drug has seen a drastic increase in popularity throughout the past half century. With its newfound home among the popular hallucinogens, this once harmless drug has now evolved into a gateway drug, opening the door to many more harmful and more deadly drugs.Although marijuana has proven to be beneficial towards certain medical conditions such as Glaucoma, the drug’s harmful effects on the human body and its addictive nature serve as good motive for it to be outlawed.
Cannabis commonly known as “weed” or “marijuana” has been around since the early 2700 B.C. for medicinal purposes. Now and days cannabis has more uses than medicinal reasonings, people use it as a drug and as a product to sell. Studies states that weed has no negative impact to the human body, unlike alcohol which causes brain damage, and serious mental health problems within short and long term useage but, yet it is legal. That brings up the question “why not legalize cannabis?” With the legalization of cannabis there are no death with over using the plant. It can help the government generate addition revenue, and it has nutritional values along with its medicinal purposes.
Should marijuana be legalized? Marijuana is the most commonly used drugs in all of the United States. Some reasons why marijuana should be legalized is because it will help increase the country’s economy , help people to function better , to help generate taxes , help out with all the medical purposes. Legalizing marijuana could benefit all levels of the government, which may include the federal and local. Marijuana is a commonly used illegal drug made from dried leaves of the hemp plant. Some of the ways marijuana is used is by smoking, eating, beverages, capsules or sprays.
According to archeologists, the cannabis plant was among the first crops purposely cultivated by human beings at least 6,000 years ago and perhaps even more than 12,000 years ago. It is considered by many to be one of the most resourceful crops on earth. It can be used for industrial, medical, and recreational purposes. Rather than waging war on marijuana users, this resourceful crop should be legalized and utilized.
Cannabis, better known as marijuana, is an illicit drug that is commonly used in America today. There are a few different ways to use marijuana, but most people choose to smoke the “dried leaves, flowers, stems, or seeds of the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant.” (NIDA) Whichever way the user decides to consume marijuana is their choice, but the harmful effects of marijuana are the same. The question “Should marijuana be legal” is controversial in society today and surprisingly twenty-nine states have made it legal for doctors to recommend marijuana for conditions like AIDS, cancer, seizures, hepatitis C, and even just pain in general.
The use of marijuana for medical purposes and personal use can be recorded as far as 12,000 years ago. Marijuana is classified as a schedule 1 drug. Schedule 1 drugs are drugs are drugs that have the potential for abuse (Drug Scheduling,2016). The government contains the high-level drugs, this is the reason we have pharmacies. Pharmacies are regulated so that people can not get medicine that can be easily abused. Pharmacies require a medical prescription from a certified doctor for any drug that could be used improperly. Marijuana should be in the same category as prescription drugs because, like any medicine/drug it can be easily abused. Decriminalizing marijuana is not helping millions of people that could benefit from its medical benefits from legalizing it. Even though legalized marijuana may result in an increase in black-market drug trade, marijuana should be legalized because its sale could benefit the economy and can also be used for medical purposes.