
Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

Decent Essays

Cannabis has many slang terms such as weed, pot, dope, Mary Jane, reefer, however it is most commonly referred to as marijuana. Marijuana and its many forms can be taken in multiple fashions. The most common of them is smoking them as a joint or a blunt, but it can also be vaporized, eaten, applied as a cream, and even consumed as a tea. With elections coming up, marijuana use has recently been making headlines for its popularity in propositions and proposed bills, which would legalize recreational use of marijuana in many states if passed. These bills however, do not take into consideration the many negative effects of marijuana use on the body, the wide availability to underage children, and potential harm to others. All of these …show more content…

Like cigarettes, inhaling the smoke is obviously not good for your lungs, but the method in which “weed” is smoked is different. “Marijuana smokers tend to inhale more deeply and hold their breath longer than cigarette smokers, which leads to a greater exposure per breath to tar.”(Marijuana & Lung Health). This form of smoking will lead to more tar in the lungs and it also could cause a higher chance of cancer and other lung diseases.With all of these negative aspects, imagine a world where marijuana is just as common as tobacco. While the harmful effects of marijuana use on adults is well known, the effects are certainly worse on the developing mind of a child under the age of 18. With the legalization of recreational marijuana use, anyone of legal age can walk into a “pot-store” and buy rolling paper, bongs, and most important, marijuana. This freedom makes it easy for a person of legal age to distribute marijuana to minors. This wide availability would also cut down cost, making a high quality “joint” cheaper for minors to purchase. On Colorado’s state website it is stated, “ Since Amendment 64 went into effect in late 2012, adults 21 and older have been allowed to possess up to 1 ounce of retail marijuana.”(Residents & Visitors). In an article written by, Justice Sonia Sotomayor says, “We

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