
Should Medical Marijuana Be Legalized?

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Legalization of Medical Marijuana Marijuana is not like other helpful drugs that have amazing medical benefits. It is not made available to thousands of patients that could gain quality of live from it. Many Americans are forced to use second rate drugs to help them deal with conditions such as nausea, glaucoma, chronic pain, and multiple sclerosis. Why does the “world’s best health care system” use drugs that are not as effective as marijuana, but have more side effects?
The United States Federal Government is going on a personal crusade to ban legalized marijuana. Before the government makes a decision about the legality of the medical use of marijuana, they should weigh the influences that marijuana has on society in …show more content…

It has recently legislated to provide cannabis on medical prescription to registered patients, but this method has not been implemented so far. Some advocates argue that legalizing cannabis is the only way to ensure that patients can use it legally medical purposes. However, this would be contrary to international drug control treaties and is electorally unpopular. The best prospects for the medical use of cannabinoids lies in finding ways to deliver THC that do not involve smoking and in developing synthetic cannabinoids that produce therapeutic effects with a minimum of psychoactive effects. While awaiting these developments, patients with specified medical conditions suffer. While the issue is in debate, the government could give patients exemptions from criminal prosecution to grow cannabis for their own use, at their own risk.
While the government of Great Britain seems to support a public health approach by lowering cannabis to a class C drug (lowest priority for law enforcement); the United State’s war on drugs heavily supports a criminal/moral approach to the drug problem and marijuana users are the biggest target. Slogans such as ‘Just Say No’ and ‘Zero Tolerance’ blatantly send the message that any use of illegal drugs is wrong and drug users will be punished.
The clinician needs to assess each patient’s perception of his/her use. For some patients, cannabis provides much relief for chronic symptoms;

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