Competitive Sports?
Have you ever wondered about this question, "should middle school aged students play competitive sports?" Students in middle school should do competitive sports. There are many reasons why these students should play sports. More social life, keeps you fit, and teaches you to share team success/work.
To begin with, doing competitive sports gives you more social life. When you do a sport at this young of an age you meet many new friends. Students that play sports with a good coach learn their manners. If you have manners with your coach, then you will go home and have manners with your parents.
Along with that, doing sports keeps you fit. Although sports might help you stay fit limit your time it is ok you will have
The title of the movie “signs” is significant because before you even watch the movie it implies there is some sort of foreshadowing. “What are the signs?” and “Where do they come from?” are question you can immediately ponder. Just from viewing the movie poster alone you can see what appears to be “Signs” from Extraterrestrials.
This proves that playing competitive sports is good for the youth and it can also benefit them by playing on a team. It also gives them a lot of life skills such as confidence that they will use later on in their life when they have a job. Lucy Calkins is an expert in writing and in her article “Get Off That Couch and Play!” she also says that, “Students learn important life skills such as how to accept criticism, how to handle oneself under the pressure of competition, how to work hard toward a goal, how to win and lose graciously” (2014). In addition, to Lucy Calkins article “Get Off That Couch and Play!” that later in life if an adult is at a job interview they will need confidence while they are being interviewed, otherwise they probably won’t get the job. Adults and Children also need to work hard to get towards a goal. Like if someone is at their job and their boss needs something right away, they must get it done and not day dream. In the article “Pros and Cons of Sports Competition at High School Level,” education researcher and writer Grace Chen says, “When children and teens participate in group competitions and activities, they learn skills that
Playing sports or even having the knowledge of them can result into happier and more social students. In the video Notebook: Kids and Sports, Katie Couric states, “Playing sports cannot only give kids more confidence, it can also give them more rewarding friendships” (Notebook). This implies that our school can be more successful if we have greater variety of sports kids can join. Although being happier and more social isn't the only benefit of being in sports.
First, youth sports help develop character and confidence in children. In the article “Are High School Sports Good For Kids?” it states “... develop good citizens through interscholastic activities which provide equitable opportunities, positive recognition and learning experiences.” Another reason is that it creates more rewarding friendships. As it states in the News article “Kids and Sports” by CBS News “... Having athletic confidence helps a child greaty and it doesn't have to be a team sport or a high pressure one either.” This tells us that if your children are in sports it will benefit them as they get older and when they are adults they will be prepared more than people who didn’t participate in sports.
High school sports keep kids healthy so they stay in school and keep students from missing class. According to ''Are high school sports good for kids?'' ''Students that win seventy percent of their games sometimes stress the win but they never put the win between their personal and educational development."
Have you ever thought about it, even a little bit what i'm talking about is if middle school kids should play competitive sports or kids shouldn’t play competitive sports well if you haven’t this will inform you.
Sports is a great way to get a child into socializing with other students. A lot of schools believe that school are more into academics than socializing. When you think about it tho as we get older and get jobs we have to learn how to socialize with other people. It's how life works socializing is a major key for living in the world that we live in today.
One reason that children should play competitive sports at a young age, because then they are less likely to do drugs and alcohol. For example, Top 10 Health Benefits of Youth Sports says “It is well-known that children who participate in sports are less likely to drop out of school, and become involved in drugs and alcohol activity.” Michelle Obama, the former First Lady, had a very big speech on it, and she had a very powerful point. Her point was how athletes are less likely to become involved in drugs when they play competitive sports. This is important because drugs and alcohol is a very big problem that our world is facing today. People are trying to help kids not get into drugs and alcohol and this is a good way to prevent it. According
The purpose for a middle school athletic competition provides many advantages which are learning sportsmanship, teamwork, communication skills, problem solving skills, self-control, weight control, builds self-esteem and looks good on the students academic record. In addition, many studies have shown that engaging students in extracurricular activities reduces student dropout rates, teen pregnancies, and juvenile arrests. (The Foundation for Global Sports Development, 2013)
One reason that the competitive sports are beneficial for youth is that it helps to create determination to succeed in life. According to the article
Argumentative Paragraph Intro: Are competitive sports really just about having fun and exercising? Stay tuned to NNC news to find out more about the secrets of youth sports. Kids playing competitive sports is a topic that is highly debated on. Some think competitive sports may benefit kids, but other may disagree. In this essay, NNC news will be discussing about why kids should not play competitive sports.
Students are people who study at school or college. At school students, lives are divided into two sections such as academic and athletic. During high school, sports become a good portion of students’ lives. Some parents send their children to study at school and considers sports a distraction to studies. A true sport requires energy, time, and determination..There are a few disadvantages to playing sports in High School but there are even more benefits to playing sports in High School. Playing sports in high school helps improve academic performance, has physical and psychological benefits for women, and helps build social skills.
Shouldn’t there be other sports in middle school? Well I think that you should be able to play any sport you want in middle school don’t you think so!
She merely wants all people to be on the same level when it comes to the protection and rights that the law provide.
I chose to write my research paper about a certain type of gender discrimination in the workplace: Gender Inequality in Politics, specifically in the US. Women were given the right to vote in 1920, more then 130 years after our fathers signed the declaration of independence and men were given the right to vote. Even after 1920, women still faced barriers in a political setting, both in getting to the polls and running for office itself. Currently women hold less then 20% of congressional seats, despite making up 51% of the population. At this rate, some have projected that the United States won’t reach equality in government positions for