More middle school kids should have lots of fun. Having fun is better than letting kids sit in classes all day if they have energy they need to let out. The middle school should have a fourth incentive because it will positively influence the behavior and academics, let the kids have more fun, and show kids how to raise money. First of all, having a fourth incentive trip will positively influence the behavior and the academics of students. For example, if someone is doing really bad in school it might be because they haven't gotten enough fun. Say someone was acting really bad it may be because they haven't gotten a lot of fun. If someone did something and it was impulsive (quick) and couldn’t go, they would have another chance to act more
Margaret Heffernan once said, “For good ideas and true innovation, you need a mix of human interaction, conflict, argument, and debate.” In the article it is debated if there is any benefit in monetary rewards for students. Teachers, and parents alike are always trying to find the best way to reward and inspire there students to do well in school. Matthew G Springer is a professor of Public Policy and Education at Vanderbilt University. He is also the director of the National Center on Performance Incentives. He wrote this article to display his research and studies.
In middle school students are finding themselves and can often be judgmental of their other classmates. When students are in a differentiated classroom they learn that academic difference is normal and good. Teachers need to challenge their students to try new things and praise them when they succeed. As teachers challenge their students they need to push the students to try new things and show them that failure is okay as long as you learn from it.
At least seventy-five percent of middle school students are sleep deprived. These same students do slightly worse in school because they are not focused. Later school start times can help a school enroll and improve a student and their grades. The start time for middle schools should be later than it is now because later start times affect students lives positively.
The first reason why schools should provide electives in middle schools, is because they help students outside school areas. Elective teachers help with middle school and high school where they work with student, a students that want to do a different subject in school.
Do middle school students need recess? I think that they do need recess because some kids need a break from learning. Another reason is kids and adults need some fresh air and exercise throughout the day. Somebody might disagree with this idea because the teacher dont want the kids to take up their whole class period. If the teacher don’t want the kids to take up their class period we could possible do it on double or seventh period.
If you had the opportunity to change one school rule, which one would it be? Most kids don’t like school rules. They want to carry their cellphones with them, and be able to have sugary snacks and drinks, etc. However, of all these rules, there is one rule that I think would be most beneficial to students and teachers if it were changed: Having recess. Currently, most middle schools do not provide a recess time at all, and this includes our middle school. Having recess would benefit our students and school environment for many reasons. If middle schoolers were provided just 30 minutes of recess every day, their bodies would be healthier, their mood would be better, and their minds would have a better ability to focus and concentrate on their school work as well.
The passage was written by a New Yorker magazine profiler who provided information regarding billionaire David Mamet and his habitual life as a writer. The purpose for the profiler to write this passage is to glorify and bring to light the character of David Mamet in his life setting of his home. The author goes into great detail regarding David Mamet’s mental connection with writing, and how writing serves as David Mamet’s “thinking stopper.” Writing is David Mamet's way of slowing down his mind from going over a hundred different directions at once. Writing also allows David to express his inner thoughts that he may feel needs to be released to aid him in his distraught, which aids him mentally. Another arguable purpose for writing this passage is to send a positive message at the ending of the passage where the author included, “Each day… acquire something which will help you face poverty or death, and other ills as well.” This message means that every person should learn from books or other writing, in general, to assist ourselves in our personal confrontations with life struggles such as poverty, death, or etc. An audience for
Incentives give better options to companies, and can help motivate or create better environments. In this text from an incentive brochure states “Travel is the most glamorous and promotable of all of the award options, with around 40 percent of incentive users choosing it. However, even more than merchandise, it’s a challenge to plan and manage. There are site inspections to be made, travel logistics to arrange, and meals, and entertainment that will please everyone”(Reward 2). The incentive is
Not only could grades improve, but so would the school's attendance record. Mr. Principal, students are more willing to come to class if there is something to look forward to. Instead of school being boring and torturous, it could be viewed as an opportunity to put the skills learned in their Critical Thinking class to the test. There would also be less problems waking up and therefore making it to class on time. No more napping in class, instead students would be note-taking and teachers would see the increased enthusiasm in their class. The teachers would be motivated to work even harder to teach their students all they can. Why would teachers want to teach if they know that the students couldn't care less? If teachers see students participating and not acting out then they would also be motivated to help the students learn even more than what is specified in the curriculum. Regular and advanced students would surpass any of the other schools. The school would work at least ten times more efficiently and productively. Everyone would be enthusiastic and successful in school. Mr. Principal if adding a class could determine whether your school is average or above average, would you take the chance?
Remember in elementary when everyone would burst through the doors when the recess bell rang, those were the good ole days. Let's bring that back. There are so many benefits to having recess in middle school. Students should have recess in middle school because students spend too much time on the computer, and its is like a big brain break instead of many small ones.
Why Should Middle Schools Have Recess? Are you tired of people complaining because we have recess? Do you want Recess for your grade? Recess is a very important part of the day. It is also valuable in many ways.
Do you remember having recess back in elementary school? Do you ever want recess when you are in middle school? I do. I think students in middle school should have short breaks in between class throughout the day. Students would not sleep in class. Students would get more exercise than just sitting in class. Students would not talk in class.
The time is 12:30. The middle schoolers and high schoolers are watching the elementary students in envy on the playground, wishing they could have recess. They have had no chance to talk with friends, be creative, or just have fun outside. Every student needs a chance to do these things, not just elementary students. Middle and high school students should have recess despite all evidence to the contrary.
Many students worry about how their middle school years will go. Middle school is a very important part of a student’s education. Middle school is their initiation into high school and could really impact their future. Many elementary school students think that they are prepared and can do well in middle school, but many are not ready. Also, students who do not do well in middle school tend to not do well in high school. One lesson I would like to teach elementary school students is how to survive middle school, which is important because it will lead them to a better future by being prepared, managing time, and knowing how to problem solve.
For students, almost everyday begins by attending school. There are some students who excel and some who do not. The problem that is now faced is that the students who do not excel in school, are being rewarded for something they have not earned. These students are being passed to the next grade, but have not learned the necessary material. If students are failing, they should be held back because they are not truly passing, it is unfair to other students, and consequences will be learned.