
Should Middle School Students Get Drug Tested Essay

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Middle school students should be drug tested in order to play a sport. If High School students have to be drug tested to be eligible to play a sport or to participate in extracurricular activities, middle school students should have to get tested also. They are just as guilty as their peers. In this generation children can’t be controlled of what they do because they aren’t raised correctly and sometimes they make wrong decisions because they are young. Schools are just trying to prevent athletes from going down the wrong route.
Steve Klotz is an assistant superintendent in Missouri at the Maryville School District. He believes that children should get drug tested at the age of thirteen or fourteen to be able to play a sport. Many agree to have drug tests in Middle school not only to scare them but to see how they would change for a sport they love. Steve said “We wanted to do it to create a general awareness of drug prevention.” His idea is to prevent students from doing drugs at a very young age. Doing drugs or dealing with drugs at this age could ruin their future. Parents should agree with implementing drug tests for …show more content…

They actually think by giving drug tests to students that want participate in extracurricular activities and sports are beneficial to the student. They figured that if someone was taking drugs they could help them stop taking them. There is also two Supreme Court Cases that say its legal for athletes to be randomly tested. Later on they added that if you were in a club you will have to be tested along with the athletes. In this source it says “Once drug testing for student athletes was ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court, then U.S. President George H.W. Bush established federal funding for its use and it grew in popularity.” This shows that even the president is for drug testing throughout the school systems. He provided them financially to give drug tests out to the

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