Middle school students should be drug tested in order to play a sport. If High School students have to be drug tested to be eligible to play a sport or to participate in extracurricular activities, middle school students should have to get tested also. They are just as guilty as their peers. In this generation children can’t be controlled of what they do because they aren’t raised correctly and sometimes they make wrong decisions because they are young. Schools are just trying to prevent athletes from going down the wrong route.
Steve Klotz is an assistant superintendent in Missouri at the Maryville School District. He believes that children should get drug tested at the age of thirteen or fourteen to be able to play a sport. Many agree to have drug tests in Middle school not only to scare them but to see how they would change for a sport they love. Steve said “We wanted to do it to create a general awareness of drug prevention.” His idea is to prevent students from doing drugs at a very young age. Doing drugs or dealing with drugs at this age could ruin their future. Parents should agree with implementing drug tests for
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They actually think by giving drug tests to students that want participate in extracurricular activities and sports are beneficial to the student. They figured that if someone was taking drugs they could help them stop taking them. There is also two Supreme Court Cases that say its legal for athletes to be randomly tested. Later on they added that if you were in a club you will have to be tested along with the athletes. In this source it says “Once drug testing for student athletes was ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court, then U.S. President George H.W. Bush established federal funding for its use and it grew in popularity.” This shows that even the president is for drug testing throughout the school systems. He provided them financially to give drug tests out to the
Mandatory Drug testing within schools reverses the legal principle of innocent until proven guilty and also violates the Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution. Without suspicion of drug use, there is no probable cause to test student-athletes for drugs, thus violating the Fourth Amendment right to be free from unlawful searches. Drug testing student-athletes without acquiring sufficient evidence to base accusations on, is essentially asking them to provide the evidence of their own guilt which violates the Fifth Amendment right to protect
In 1995 the Supreme Court stated that schools could randomly drug test their athletic students. By 2008, 16 percent of school districts had started to take on some kind of drug testing program (John 2). Even though the Supreme Court has a certain amount of ruling on who is tested at the schools, some schools have expanded their range of students, a few going all the way to the whole student body (John 2/3). One of the main reasons the supreme court ruled towards testing the student athletes is because they are supposed to be seen as the role models and influencers of the school, and outside the school. Seeing athletes doing drugs might increase the drug use of the school. (John 3). Student
For decades, one of the most controversial debate topics has been whether random drug testing in high schools is justified. I St. Andrews Collage is one of the schools that participates in unannounced drug testing to monitor that the boys do not stray off track. In order to be accepted into the school, you must sign a form that says at any point in your years at the school, the school may be able to drug test you if they feel required. If any of the students test positive during their drug tests, that student will be expelled from the school. Personally, I find drug testing within high school an extreme invasion of privacy and I believe
Drugs are prohibited for use to athletes. Playing sports is a privilege and using drugs is a violation of the athletic program. Student athletes should be drug tested in order to keep performance enhancing drugs out of sports and to set the standard for what it will be like in college. It is an unfair advantage to other athletes when some are using performance enhancing drugs and it also gives the team and school a bad image. Drug use also becomes a health issue and the school will more than likely be held responsible to an extent because they should be more aware of what is going on with their
In many high schools around the country, student athletes are using drugs. “The percent of students that have drunk alcohol is 72.5% while the number of students who have used marijuana is 36.8%” (Report: Nearly Half of High School Students Using Drugs, Alcohol). The students believe that since they are athletes that they do not need to abide by the rules because they feel more superior and that the narcotic will not hurt or affect them. Implementing random drug tests for athletes will create a positive image and not hurt others or themselves. Schools need to have drug tests for student athletes because drugs effect relationships, using drugs have consequences, and lastly they have a major effect on the body.
Drug test on student athletes use to be very common in many schools but now there is not any drug test for the students which is very pathetic because there are so many other great athletes that could take their spot and actually get a scholarship for college. Besides ruining their own future, student athletes should be required to take a drug test because they could be ruining someone else’s future. Ruining someone else’s future because of their bad habits is really just a horrible thing to do. If a student athlete is not required to take a drug test but they are on drugs anyway then that student could be ruining someone else’s future, and what that means is that there could be another student who is a great athlete with good grades, and attendance but can not get a scholarship because the student on drugs did, then that student will feel so horrible about themselves and always questioning themselves on why they just could not receive a scholarship, and it is all because of the student on drugs. If student athletes need their pain medication they should go down to the main office they have, many of the student use the pain medication as drugs rather than doing actual drugs. In the article on the website www.tandfonline.com the author states, “Fewer athletes
Mandatory drug testing for high school athletes should be required because it decreases drug use in schools. By having mandatory drug testing in schools the risk for youth becoming “addicted” to drugs is lowered. The risk for drugs within a school is lowered when there is mandatory drug testing for athletes because most drug problems within a school start with steroid use within certain sports in a high school. Steroids are used to help
Do you know someone who is a student athlete? What would you think if he/she consumed illegal drugs? What would you do if you found out he/she died from drugs? Student athletes are not aware of the long-term consequences of consuming drugs in their life. Adults need to step up and approach student athletes about the danger of the impact it can have on their life. Many student athletes will consume drugs in their teenage years to improve their performance in the sports they play. Athletes are not educated well enough in high school about the harm that a drug can do to their body. While drug testing invades the athlete's personal life, every high school should drug test their student athletes before
Slowly pushing students to become addicts, drug testing high school student athletes may or may not be to blame. In Facts & Statistics on Random Drug Testing of High School Students, Dr. M.H. Davis stated, “In the early 1990s, many school districts began to look into drug testing as a way to curb student drug use, which led to two U.S. Supreme Court cases involving student privacy. The court upheld the constitutionality of drug testing student athletes in 1995, and in 2002, the court expanded high school drug testing policies to include all students who participate in a competitive extracurricular activity. In those rulings, the court stated deterring student drug use was more important than privacy” (Davis). Drug testing high school athletes
Patricia Neal once said, “A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug” (Neal). However, many teenagers of this era, large part athletes, seem to think differently and they constantly use illegal drugs. To help fight this problem, many colleges have taken strong actions in trying to stop drug abuse by athletes. High schools throughout the country have considered taking these same actions for various reasons as well. Some people believe that high school athletes ought to be given a routine drug test because it will help prevent them from abusing illegal substances. Such actions will also help detect cheaters who use performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) to get an edge over their opponents. On the other hand,
As a kid you want everything to be even and fair, the same hope that everything is fair continues into sports and goes through the highest levels. Drug testing in high school sports should be mandatory from all sports and athletes across the country. At the highest college and professional sports levels there are mandatory drugs test taken by every individual player before the season is started. High school athletes are able to get away with using drugs during their sports season because there is no mandatory drug test that is taken. The drug test is a necessity to keep everything even and fair throughout the season of high school sports. Students may take PED’s because they see athletes at the highest level of competitions using them and succeeding to a high extent. High school sports should be fair all across the board and students that use drug make it not fair, mandatory drug test would help with the amount of drug used in high school sports.
In high schools across the country there are students that are using drugs. Some of them play a sport and are using drugs. Some people say that they started because of peer pressure, and sometimes that might be the case. But other times they might have started by themselves. Some students might also be using the drugs to cheat in the sport too.Therefore student athletes should be drug tested because positive drug tests could eliminate teams from competing, student athletes could be physically harmed by using drugs, drug testing keeps schools and parents aware of what is happening with their students.
Student Athletes are commonly held to a higher standard than normal students are. But are they als slipping through the cracks of drug abuse? No parent thinks that their child is doping or smoking, let alone a parent of a student athlete. I am proposing that all Idaho schools put in place drug testing for their athletes. They will be tested on performance enhancing drugs as well as recreational drugs.
Many high schools across the country have brought much attention to the idea of giving random drug tests to students in high school. The newfound interest in student drug testing may be as a result of recent polls, which have shown an increase in drug use among high school students. Many teachers, parents, and members of school comities are for the drug testing, while most students and some parents feel that this would be a violation of students rights as Americans, which is true.
It seems that drugs have become a major epidemic within teenagers in the last few years. There is only so much that can be done to try and eliminate drug use, while not dramatically changing anything in the community. Drug testing the district’s student athletes provides many reasons that it is a worthwhile expense. Lawyers, Mark Vetter and Daniel Chanen, stated in the Sports Law Institute Newsletter “First, student-athletes were the leaders of the drug culture” (Vetter and Chanen ¶3). This simple statement proves that athletes need to be drug tested; it will improve multiple circumstances within the district and the lives of athletes. Drug testing student athletes at the high school level is a step every school district needs to take in order to improve their schools, and the students’ lifestyles despite the high price tag on these tests.