Military grade weapons should be available to American Citizens. For example, with military grade weapons you can protect yourself and your family. This shows that if someone is coming up to you with a gun and trying to take your wallet, purse, etc. you can pull out your gun and fend them off. This also shows that if someone comes up to you with a gun or is breaking in and you don’t have a gun you can’t protect yourself as much as you could have. If you do not have a weapon than you are as unprotected as a defenseless duckling. In addition, they can stop people from doing dangerous things to themselves and others. This shows that if someone happens to start shooting in a public area, you would be able to draw on them and possibly put them in
I agree that the military should have guns so they can protect themselves. I feel like there are more teens that are involved with guns now and days.
The government is trying to take away our rights as Americans to Bare arms which is our second amendment given us the ability to defend ourselves against others trying to take away our God given rights because in the near future our government plans on turning on us and taking over America as a totalitarian government and by doing so they don't want anyone to be able to defend themselves the first thing hitler and the nazis did was take everyone's guns away to make it that much easier now that's what the government. Open up your eyes America and see the danger around you and start to think who we put into the White House to lead our country. The banning of our guns represents that the government fears us and doesn't want us to be able to defend
Furthermore, weapons such as the AR-15 and AK-47 were developed for war. Developed to inflict maximum amount of casualties in little amount of time. Something that is overkill for protection or hunting. As Ronald Reagan states “An AK-47 in not a sporting weapon, nor needed for defense of a home (Snopes, Arms Talks)”. Reagan didn’t want to take the 2nd Amendment away from people, but to make the purchase of a weapon harder. An AR-15 fires 45 rounds a minute, which is way too excessive for hunting and protection. As well the AR-15 hold 30 rounds of ammunition, which is way too much for hunting or protection. A trained marksman only needs one bullet..
In my opinion assult weapons aren't really that different from the weapons that they were using when they made up the Second Amendment. They are just improve by technology and to help us protect ourselves from the improve threats. The 2nd Amendment should give citizens the right to own assault weapons because they have already given us the right to own most weapons. The 2nd Amendment should give us the right for citizens to have assault rifles because it is there to protect us and our family if needed.
Based on my research and my personal beliefs to answer this question I must look back in time. The 2nd Amendment was created in case of invasion the civilians could provide their own weapons to protect the country. We come a long way and now a day, there is no need to bear arms for a case of invasion. People carry weapons to protect their personal property, their family and as a hobby. Now back to the original question, do I believe that the government has the right to take guns away from civilians? No, I do not believe in that and perhaps, the Constitution of the United States would have to be changes. What I believe should be done, is prevention. If we would look at the cost of all the massive shooting in schools, theaters, churches we must observe and evaluate the whole story behind all the horrific incidents.
According to James Madison in his Federalist Papers, “Americans have the right and advantage of being armed – unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms,” (Raymond). Madison may be correct about Americans having more rights than many other countries, but sometimes the government has too much trust in the American people. Taking away all privately owned guns is not the answer, because doing so would consequentially create a communist state. Instead, the best solution is to control who buys guns and for what purpose. There are over 283 million licensed guns in the U.S. (Herbert p1), which does not include the unregistered and illegal guns people own, buy, and sell from the underground
In an article written by Charles Blow he states, “[in my youth,] a rifle wasn 't a weapon as much as a tool. People hunted…And they were a guard against intruders -though those intruders were more an idea than a reality in those parts - who might threaten life of property” (Blow). According to Blow, when he was a child, guns weren 't such a big threat to kill humans as they are today, although many citizens owned them back then. Throughout the last few decades the only thing that has changed are the weapons that are available and the society in which all kinds of people who, for some reason, decide to hurt others. The gun industry has produced more powerful weapons and not all are specifically for hunting. Many of those guns end up in the hands of children, mentally unstable people and others who just want to cause harm. Blow states, “And there wasn 't the fetish for military-style weapons and armor-piercing bullets” (Blow). In today 's world, one can go out and purchase a .50 caliber Barrett rifle. It 's one of the most powerful weapon a civilian can purchase. It 's not legal to hunt with these rifles, so why are they made available to the public? It does not make sense that such a powerful weapon is available to the public. These military style weapons should be banned because they often turn murder into mass murder. The only
Every citizen should be able to protect themselves, their families, and their property. If it takes a gun to do this, then by all means, we should be able to have them in our possession. If guns were taken away from the honest people, the dishonest people would find ways to get them, and without a means of protection how could we protect what is ours. What I am trying to say is if having a gun in your possession may keep someone from trying to harm us, what we have, and own, then guns do not need to be taken from us. Maybe more restrictions should be placed on purchasing guns; for example, fines put on people having guns in their possession that are not registered to them, and also fine the person the gun is registered too. Law enforcement agencies should be notified if a gun is no longer in the possession of the person it was
I’m sure that you have heard all the ramble about “assault weapons” (these weapons are actually called AR-15s) and how they should be banned from use of the public. Well I disagree; there’s much for politicians to learn about these weapons, which is one of the biggest problems. These weapons are actually not dangerous tools for murderers and psychopaths, as they are made out to be. They are sporting and hunting rifles that can be outfitted for a variety of jobs for the public. AR-15s should absolutely remain legal in the United States as the are more than just weapons of mass destruction: they can be used for safety and defence, they actually aren’t assault weapons at all, they are surprisingly good for hunting applications, most of the people
It would be next to impossible for our citizens to decide what arms should be allowed for non military ownership. So we group arms in to categories and sub categories. The United States of America is the freest country in the world and yet we don’t have the widest selections of arms available in the world. With good reason, because we are clearly the most violent society in the world and we know this. Certain types of arms have been banned for good reasons. Weapons of mass destruction are obviously not a good thing for citizens to own. They present to many oppurtiunies to infringe on other people rights in turn
From other countries and in the eyes of foreigners and refugees, America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. With rights that are given to us, we are free to say anything we please; to not be searched or have things seized from us unreasonably; and the most important right, the one that defends all of the others, the right to keep and bear arms. Understanding the rights given by the 2nd amendment of our constitution has been a major issue in America, since the day it was written. This right lets us own our own weapons, and it should not be controlled by the government how many and what guns we can own. With modern technology, guns have become so much cheaper and accessible that some regulations must be put into place, and
If you have ever been in a life threatening situation with no way to defend yourself, being denied access to a firearm makes the situation worse. Many law abiding citizens that feel threatened are not able to obtain a firearm for protection. Innocent people are dying while criminals are getting away with gun related crimes. There can be many regulations and laws against guns, but if a person wants a gun they will find a way to get one. The thought of criminals having guns in their possession is a scary thought, but would you want to be the one who is unarmed? Research shows there is no direct correlation between gun control and lower crime rates; therefore, denying law abiding citizens access to weapons for protection is unfair
Ownership of certain weapons should be prohibited. Assault rifles and submachine guns are firearms that are never necessary. The United States should set a goal to having fewer high-power weapons available. However,the only situation to these firearms being more acceptable to use than others, are the warlike scenarios.
The Amendments are the rights to bear arms, Quartering troops in homes, and search and seizures. The Right to bear arms is something that there is mixed emotions about the subject. Some people believe some people should have the right to bear arms for protection reasons and for hunting. Then there are the people who think people should have guns unless they have history with guns, or have a mental disorder. Last but certainly not least the people who despise guns. They believe nobody should own any type of guns or weapon. The Bill of Rights protects people's right to own a gun. But there are something that they had to add that the Bill of Rights does not include such as have a conceal and carry license, or an open carry license and you cannot
However, not all guns should be aloud and open to the public. In most cases assault weapons are used in mass shootings. In California it is illegal to own any gun with with an AK/AK15. Assault weapons are unnecessary to defend yourself. Sometimes all it takes to defend yourself is just revealing your fire arm. For example Appalachian School was being targeted by a shooter when a few brave students showed enough courage to run out to their cars and grab their fire arms. These students were lucky to prevent any deaths from happening.