Because of many advances that have been made, technology has been enhanced in the past decade. New innovations have allowed human beings to explore the world around us and many other worlds that were once beyond our reach. These new technological advances has made space exploration possible. However, there are many factors that need to be considered for space explorations. Those factors consist of money and ethical issues that have been raised because of this new advancements. A factor that should be taken into deliberation is money because there is a limited source. Richard Greenberg states, “When the crews returned, they were quarantined to prevent “back contamination,” the hazard that some infectious extraterrestrial gem might be riding with them” (source F). …show more content…
Likewise, having astronauts explore this unknown territory can lead to unknown diseases that doctors have yet to find a cure for that can be fatal in some cases. The disease can eventually grow and spread to other human beings if it’s contagious and it has a chance of negatively affect the balance entire ecosystem. Additionally, conducting research and finding cures for these unknown diseases can costs up to billions of dollars that our country might not be able to afford. This demonstrates that money should be considered when conducting space explorations since there’s an insufficient amount. Money should also be considered because the National Institutes of Health (NIH) doesn’t have extra money to spend on new diseases that could be brought back from space by astronauts. For instance, “Helping to lead the way toward important medical discoveries that improve people’s health and save lives, NIH scientists investigate ways to prevent diseases as well as the causes, treatments, and even cures for common and rare diseases” (source D). The NIH has to find the cures to millions of diseases that are here on Earth. If an astronaut brings back more diseases and bacteria, the money utilized towards
The world today revolves around technology and is in an ever upward spiraling path of new advancements. This path is now at what some people call the “final frontier”, or the space age. The discoveries being made on this front are overwhelming in comparison to the technology that the world had only twenty years ago. Space exploration was once left up to the governments, as they battled to be the first country in space, but with national debts raising and the cuts made in response, space exploration is beginning to become new grounds for private business owners. Private companies are already beginning to send off rockets at a fraction of the cost that government does, but if more money was put into the government space program, then they
For the social science lens, we will be looking at the shift in the economics for space exploration in the recent years.
For centuries, people have been gazing at the night sky, and asking the same question; what is out there? While we may never get a concise answer, we are learning more and more information everyday thanks to public organizations like the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). NASA is the go to organization when talking about space research, however there are numerous other groups who focus on the same thing that NASA does. There are also private entities that are consistently making breakthrough discoveries as well, with the most widely known one being SpaceX. Since there are so many organizations doing exactly what NASA does, is NASA worth our tax dollars? In order to set up a solid foundation to answer this question, we
The impossible was reached on July 20th 1969 when we sent the first man on the moon. The Apollo missions are the largest and most well known explorations that NASA has conducted. Ever since we reached this new high, our curiosity of space has grown even bigger. Funding NASA’s space program even further will continue to help us amplify our available resources and discover new information to benefit humanity. Not only that, but it could provide many ways for us to find a new home and expand our species farther into our solar system, potentially saving future generations. The expansion of this space program would be able to answer more of our questions than from what we can find here on Earth. Although there
America’s funding for NASA during the space race in 1966 was 4.41% of the federal budget yet in modern times this expenditure has fallen to only 0.5% of the federal budget. One might ask why, but the greater question is why isn’t anything being done about this dearth of funding for NASA. America should once again fund the exploration of space with a renewed ferocity because of the various educational, economical, and technological benefits of having well-funded space agencies.
How would you like to explore a never-ending frontier filled with endless potential and possible benefits for humankind? When put this way, space exploration sounds like an enticing adventure. However, is it all that it’s chalked up to be? We’re here to answer that question. There’s a specific issue that we need to consider when referring to space exploration; should we continue to fund NASA? We acknowledge that some people may already have strong opinions on this, and we ask you to keep an open mind and try to avoid bias. After all, we’re discussing our future.
On February 1,2003, the Columbia was set to return to the Earth from its 16 day mission conducting medical experiments. The return was televised, but instead of our nation watching the 7 crew members safely land, the nation watched the shuttle explode, killing all 7 crew members. In a televised address from the White House, George W. Bush stated, “The cause in which they died will continue. Mankind was led into the darkness beyond our world by the inspiration of discovery and a longing to understand. Our journey into space will go on” (Gatehouse, “A Nation Mourns”). George W. Bush explains that even though the nation will mourn those 7 crewmen, the need for those medical experiments is still crucial. He believes that the curiosity of not knowing what is in space is more important than the safety of our people. An article in Maclean’s, written by Jonathon Gatehouse,
Space travel, the thing of the past or a thing of the future? Space exploration is something of both. Space exploration is a waste of money and an endangerment to people. The money used for space exploration is a waste of money and should be used for something more helpful than exploring the space.
Three main clusters that are developed under this idea of space exploration is the benefits that are gained, ethical code and what it means with regard to the future of the human race. In this paper I will talk about what major projects are being worked on and who will benefit from these. This will also include what laws of space are and ethical code. This will also identify the differing viewpoints on space exploration and whether the big picture is worth the small steps being taken as to advancements in space technology and sciences.
Public money should be spent wisely and with regard to the interests of taxpayers. If the developed technologies will be used in the futrue to earn money for private companies and not citizens, then its research should be financed with private funds. A private investor uses financial resources much more efficiently and achieve better results. Proof of this is the activity of Space X, belonging to billionaire Elon Musk. This company is very active in the field of space flight and space exploration. Even though some people think that this is extremely important for humanity, governments should cut down expenses for space exploration because its root cause is behind the curve, there are many other problems that need to be solved first, and large-scale community development is impossible on any planet but Earth.
For many years humans have been exploring space to discover the unknown and fuel their curious and adventurous nature, but the decision of whether space exploration is worth the cost is strongly debated. Due to various arguments and evidence space exploration is strongly supported is proven to be worth the cost. Some of these reasons include space exploration being able to expand our knowledge and it being able to generate wealth. With these reasons the argument of whether space exploration is worth the risk can be easily decided.
Humans have always been interested in space and the wonder in which it may hold. In the past, humans worshiped the stars as if they were gods while also studying their position to give them guidance for their lives. Their interested in space has fathered the desire to know more. Today, space has been seen by many as the new frontier or the home beyond earth. Society have even taken a step forward through the creation of stories in books and movies based of the idea of humans living in space and the present of alliances. Yet there is still controversy on the need to continue space exploration when our own planet has so many detrimental problems. There is an ongoing debate on whether not the money used for space travel could be better beneficially use for other causes. It is true that space exploration costs billions of dollars a year alone according to NASA current budget, which is constantly increasing. However, what many refuses to understand is that without space exploration many of the innovations that we have today would not have existed. While there have been, many failed attempts involving space exploration that has caused a tremendous amount of money to go down the drain. However, many people fail to realize the benefits of space exploration and the possible future it may
You hear a lot of people saying that space research is cool but it is typically a waste of money and valuable resources that could be used to benefit our own planet and the many problems that we have all over earth today. But I completely, one hundred percent agree on the further exploration of space for different reasons such as: we are living in a virtual age where everything is done with smart phones and computers and physical exploration is much needed. Second it can actually help the economy in multiple ways not just waste money. Lastly It also guarantees the development of good technology, not only with companies, but among the younger people who need to be inspired through the educational systems we have in America.
Mankind has always been fascinated with exploring the unknown. From sailing to distant lands to someday setting foot on other planets, the spirit of exploration is the same. Bur now with the current economic situation and the high cost of sending people to space, NASA is being looked at as a way to free up some much needed funds. Although, there is many problems here on planet Earth that need addressing, the benefits of space exploration far out weight the disadvantages. Space exploration has given us more advanced technology, advances in the medical field, and a boost to the economy and these facts cannot be disputed.
Studies show that space exploration also positively affects medical health and future technology, as said by Elisabetta Intini. What if we find a way to heal or cure severe health problems such as cancer or increased technology for the better? Many people say using the money for space is impractical and we can use the money for reducing poverty and hunger, but many dangers are roaming around the world and if we don't act now future occurrences will negatively affect our lives. Space is vital to the human mind and body because of its many offerings. Three of those offerings are, another place to live to escape the dangers on Earth, we may find new resources to help mankind, and even be human to explore space our very best to find what's out there.