
Should Olympians Be Taxed On Their Earnings?

Satisfactory Essays

Many people believe the U.S government should change its policy on taxing Olympians who win gold, silver, and bronze metals. Athletes who play and score in the Olympics win $25,000 for gold, $15,000 for silver and $10,000 for bronze. Olympians in the highest tax brackets of 39.6% pay $9,000 for gold, $5,940 for silver and $3,960 for bronze. Do you as a citizen of the U.S. think Olympians should be taxed on their earnings? Many individuals feel as if Olympians shouldn’t be taxed on their earnings. Citizen speaks and says that Olympians already don’t make enough money to be given out the hardworking talents. According to Nicholas Ballasmy he also feels as if the Olympians shouldn’t be taxed on their hard earned earnings. Throughout interviewing

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