
Should Parents Keep The Child?

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When a child is brought into the world by two people his or her path of life is unknown as well as their sense of self worth. The biological parents of the child make a decision before birth, of whether or not to keep the baby. The decision may include either placing the child up for adoption or keeping the child. The reasons for either keeping the child or placing him or her up for adoption are endless but for this paper I will be referring to one reason, believing one cannot simply provide adequate care. If a parent fails to recognize that they cannot provide proper care, then the child will be the one directly effected by that decision. In the case where a set of unfit parents keep the child; I would like to argue that in the absence of …show more content…

Most people go to school and receive attention and appraisal from teachers that become almost like a parental figure to students. If this appraisal is not given from schools it may come from other older figures in life such as an older relative like a grandparent, a neighbor, a pastor, a club president, and the list goes on. Due to the numerous amount of resources that our world offers no matter where you are from, I hold the view that parental love is not the basis to developing a sense of self worth but rather having a role model or authority figure in your life that appraises one and treats one with respect is the basis for establishing a true sense of self worth. Not all children are born with moral good luck and may be placed into this world in an unsafe and neglecting home. For example, take the situation that Collin Grover, a student at the University of Miami, grew up in. Grover’s parents were addicted to drugs and neglected him. Hours and hours passed by before they came home to even recognize that their child was not just in their imagination. Grover went almost two entire days being neglected in his crib while his parents were too busy getting high and fulfilling their needs before considering their child’s. As Grover grew older his parent’s addiction became more intense and the neglect continued. This is clearly an example of a child not receiving the magic of parental love. According to Laurence

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